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Your GW2 day?


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I'm curious how others spent their daily GW2 time. As a (renamed) 'long term commit[ted]' filthy PvE casual my current daily GW2 mainly consists of at least one full Dragon's Stand plus Drizzlewood Coast runs, because I enjoy them and they yield reasonable rewards. If the dailies aren't too bad I'll add those, mainly to chill and help out with tags. And if at this point I'm not too distracted/bored, I'll add (some) daily fractals and/or a bit of alting. My endgame: gold to gem conversion (watch the rate) to buy utilities and looks I expect to enjoy. Add real life money gems to taste and to support the one MMO I still enjoy.


What about you?

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Dear Filthy PvE Casual (from another Filthy PvE Casual), at daily reset I harvest home nodes, do dailies, quickly get some mats from alts I have parked at good gathering spots, charge a quartz crystal, and check my converters to see if there's anything I want.  If I have a toon working on map completion, I'll spend a few minutes running around with her.  Just finished map completion on my fourth toon yesterday!  Lately, with the Living Story chapter returns, been working on cheeves that I missed the first time around.  Maybe a HoT meta.


Oh, and in preparation for the new elite specs I'm gradually working on getting 250 more Hero Points per toon.  There's no end to Tyria!

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I usually log in randomly and first look at what events are starting soon. If Dragon's Stand, Octovines or Dragonstom are starting soon, then I'll go for one of them first.

After that, maybe I join the 3 easy strikes (Shiverpeaks, Fraenir and Voice/Claw), do World Bosses or Drizzlewood.

Other times I just go around maps and gather wood or ore, help other players if they need it, do events or just visit maps to see if there's anything interesting going on at that time (events, people talking random funny stuff, etc.)

Long story short, I don't have a specific goal, I just log in and wanna have fun vising areas and doing the game events/bosses I like.


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I don't have enough time to have a routine. If I tried to do things like specific meta events every day I'd usually have no time to do anything else, which would make it pointless because I'd have no use for the resources I was gathering.


There are some things I do more often than others, but besides gathering the nodes in my home instance and guild hall and checking to see if there's 3 dailies I want to do they change based on my current priorities.


At the moment I'm doing 3 Festival dailies and maybe some other Festival activities (which ranges from attempting Gauntlet bosses to doing an extra blitz for the annual achievements to riding the boat around Labyrinthine Cliffs just because I can). There's been a few weeks where I've been almost exclusively playing WvW because I want to make the legendary backpack so I need as many skirmish tickets as I can get (I usually reach the gold tier chests) but then I get burned out on it and skip a week, or realise I won't be online enough to make it worthwhile.


After the festival I'll probably try to do Dragon's Stand and the Tangled Depths meta events more often because there's rewards I want from both, and I've been thinking about replaying some dungeons I haven't done for ages, but I'm not sure. It will depend on what I feel like doing.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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At the moment, while waiting for EoD and the weekly "Return To..." content, I do my character rotations, do the daily, then log off so I can play something else.

I'm trying to limit my play time to actual enjoyable content rather than exploitative gameplay loops, of which there are many in GW2.

Playing other non-live service games helps me realise just how much GW2 and games like it rely on underhanded tactics to keep me engaged and potentially paying.


There's a lot about GW2 that I love, but equally, there's a lot about it I find incredibly needy, seedy and disrespectful of my time.

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I am limiting my playtime in Gw2 from weekly raiding, daily fractals and daily infusion meta trains to logging in 1-2 times a week to finish the "return to" achievements.

I was/am overly disappointed so far about what EoD is going to bring and reading that Elementalist (my absolute favorite class) is getting the most unused weapon in the game further demotivates me.

Don't get me wrong, it might end up terrific and great, but i started to have low hopes so I don't get too disappointed if its another meh spec for the class.


If it weren't for the "return to" achievements I probably wouldn't log in and take a break completely until maybe EoD or something else rises up on the horizon 🙂


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My brother and daughter joined guild wars a while back, so I pretty much halted advancing through the story, etc and have been playing with them. So we start with dailies (PvE & WvW) including my home instance and the guild hall. Then, depending on day of the week (i.e., if there is time) we'll work on the story, or achievements, or festival if there is one.

Along the way we can be distracted by a WvW zerg, world bosses, metas, or whatever we run into. That is to say, not too much focus there. We're in no hurry, just enjoying the journey.


[edit] I've almost maxed my dailies, but don't see that changing anything for me. I will miss that easy +10AP, though.

Edited by DeanBB.4268
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I'm another who paused on working through the stories because my daughters started playing.  Frankly, my oldest is better at me at the game, so if I wait for her to catch up, I'll likely be able to actuallly start completing the PoF missions the first time through.  😆


Right now, I'm working on the festival dailies and annuals, and cleaning up the festival achievements I missed in previous years for whatever reason, and knocking off random things that have been on my to-do list that don't take a lot of time.  Just finished crafting the Medium and Heavy Lunatic armor today!  Holiday mats are a lot cheaper when it's the wrong holiday.  😁

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- Dailies (PvE or WvW).

- Farm my home.

- Old world boss rotation, 5-6 I enjoy doing with a bunch of different alts.

- If new LW story current, I'm spending a lot of time doing that, and don't do the world bosses.

- The 'Return To' have kept me pretty busy lately.

- Doing festivals, if active.

- Revisiting places I need to keep up resources in to loot my home, like crowbars from VB (I like doing the Pact Encampment day time progress), or keys from AB (maybe meta, or just doing Northwatch events.

- Sometimes I'll throw in Teq and a daily mystic coin leyline.

- Dragons! 2g

- Work on one of my new characters. Trying to create a 2nd set of 9. My first set were all human, and one norn. This time I'm making one human (same class as the one norn), and then 2 norns, 3 asura and 3 sylvari. I have the 2nd norn and 1 asura done. Working on my first sylvari.

- Sometimes I decide to take one of my standard builds and try out one of the HoT or PoF builds. I've converted a few. My main always tries to find some way to make the new build work, though I'm pretty staff centric on that elementalist, so doesn't always work out well.

- Find some achievements to nibble on, though other than content I'm just not going to do much of, I've done pretty close to all I can. I made it over 30K. That was my real goal.


Things I'm Not Doing: There are lots of things, but I wanted to give a shout out to Forearm Forewarned Something Something. I am 'never' going to do that again. 🤬


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I've lately been too sore to sit at my desk after work. This means I spend significantly less time playing. Without any new content I have not felt particularly engaged or motivated.
I do love me some easy to do metas though - Tequatl is my all time favorite, Chak Garrent being my second, and Doppleganger the third. I also find chasing the Ley Anomaly interesting (love that Mystic coin and would love more metas that reward it) 

Currently I am very casually working on crafting HOPE in preparation for Harbinger. 

Was UNPLEASANTLY surprised by the cost of Mystic Coins. 

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I go where the wind takes me...

Basically, I do whatever the kitten I feel like doing whenever I hop online.  If I feel doing repeatable stories, I do that.  If I feel like alting my way through map completes, I do that.  If I feel like WvW for a few hours, I do that.  You see what I mean.  Either way, I just let the loots pile up in my bag, because I'm always gathering when I'm doing these things as well.  At the end of all these runs, I hop on the nearest character with max level crafting and do whatever yields me the most money and just sell off for profits or horde until I get the mats for the next sell.

When it comes to my Guild Days (Which is usually Friday's and Saturdays and sometimes mixed days in between) I'll run with them for most of my time and build up the loots again.  Wash, rinse, repeat...

However, lately, because of real life stuff, I've been a little lax in my playtimes, so I've got some catch-up to do...

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I (re)started a little over a year ago and have put in about 1,000 hours gearing up my character, unlocking specs and mounts and of course doing all the story content. I would log in almost every day if possible.

Since a month or so ago, my play time has changed to where I am logging in less and I am playing other games (I love that GW2 doesn't make me feel guilty doing so). I actually just replayed through the GW1: Factions campaign in anticipation for EOD.  

I usually log in for few hours on the weekend to play with guild members doing missions, fractals, or other stuff. When the "Return to Living World" drops I usually spend a few hours that week to do some of the open world content such as bounties and jumping puzzles to experience doing it with the massive zerg of people which is fun (I'm saving the episode replays since I feel like I just played through them).

I don't really like repetitive grinds just for a reward, and have to find the grind itself somewhat varied and enjoyable, so I'm mostly biding my time with a few hours of social gameplay until I can play through the new story and explore new maps.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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Hmm well, what I do depends on what's happening at the moment. Right now, there's Festival of the Four Winds and Return To stuff in Kourna. So my typical day looks like this:

1) Do dailies, including farming guild and home instance nodes, making daily mats, using converters in my inventory, and doing daily achievements for both general dailies and festival dailies.

2) Do achievements. I already finished all things that I want to do in the festival besides repeating the dailies. I still have a couple of Kourna-related achievements, which include the achievement to make the ascended banner and all of the FTT achievements. But I do not need the cooperation of others to do these two achievements. So, I will be logging in for a few minutes every day to run around and gather the inscribed shards and spare parts that i'll need until i finish the achievements.

3) Spend festival tokens. I still haven't bought everything from the festival reward vendors, but i'm also not particularly interested in anything left. So, whenever my favor ticket things and my tokens accumulate enough to buy anything, i buy it. I'll eventually have everything, at which point i'll probably give my favor ticket thingies to drooburt until i've capped the AP for that achievement.

4) Tag up in the labyrinth cliffs. I tag up for various reasons; to mark the location of the new goldclaw book, to mark the location of sky crystal #49, to mark the location of drooburt, to mark the location of festival vendors, to mark the location of the treasure hunt rewards vendor, to mark the location of kookoochoo, to mark the location of the beach party concert, or to mark the location of the skiff ride. My services are free and i usually only tag up for a few minutes, until all current people in the map that are interested in what's at my tag have been served.

5) Enjoy a peaceful skiff ride in the labyrinth cliffs. There might be ascended food or music or dancing or casual chatting. Even without those things, the ride is nice :3

6) Log off because I've exhausted all of the above things and want to do something more interesting or different.

If there's absolutely nothing happening at the moment, no bonus events or festivals or new shiny things, then I might not log on until there is. I am also very casual :3 I pick 'n choose what I want to do, although as you can see from the list above, sometimes I can have many things to do daily. Even if there's no events happening, I might pick a new achievement to do, log on just to say hi to the world, or mentor newbies in starter zones. And even if I don't want to do any of that, there's still some long-term goals I have... like buying every tier 3 cultural skin, which will have to wait until Wintersday so I can farm a few million karma. I have spent all of my karma and have less than 100k karma now. Can't even buy minis from the kourna heart vendors at the moment ._.

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I am...not terribly organized...so here's a (somewhat exaggerated) glimpse at my typical play time these days:


- Log on. Goal: I'm going to do the story on my main.

- Oh wait I want to see the festival dailies, can I knock a few of those out?

- Yay, mount race! [motors about and comes in dead last]

- Wait, where was the vendor for festival rewards? [runs around in circles] ...what was I looking for? Gosh this place is pretty.

- [half an hour later] The vendor was at the Pavilion, wasn't it? ...wasn't it?

- At the Pavilion. So where was--oh, Boss Blitz!

- [Halbion hatred intensifies as I play yo-yo in the sky with his little teleport trick]

- Okay...what was I even--yay, mount race! [blunders through the race like a sylvari on nectar] WheeEeEEeEeEeee ~

- Okay, okay, focus, I was going to do the story. Right. [logs on to main character]

- Under attack because LWS4 aggro range...Now who shot me COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE--[sound of violent combat ensues]

- Great, so that's d--oooooh new POI, what's over here? Map exploration!

- Squirrel!

- Wait, there was that other thing, on that other character, that I wanted to see how it looked, because fashion wars...


...so yes, I confess: I'm actually a skritt, and I keep getting distracted by all the shinies.

Edited by Batel.9206
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Step 1: Gather form home instance nodes

Step 2: Daily charged quartz

Step 3: Kill five Treasure Mushrooms in all 5 maps that aren't dragon's stand

Step 4: Do the races for the festival tokens

Step 5: WvW until my family comes home.  This part lasts several hours.

Step 6: On certain days, I raid.  


My schedule is fairly simple at the moment.  I'm beelining legendary armor right now, so most of my playtime consists of just that.  I already have the first envoy set, so I'll have the next one in 13 weeks and 4 weeks after that I'll have the WvW set.  After I'm done with that, I might start going for the legendary accessories.  

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Now that we are in the middle of the Four Winds Festival, every day i will play a few rounds of the Boss Blitz events in the Pavillion and do some racings just to earn more tokens. I am a vivid GH decorator but i am already done with decorating my Hall so when this Festival event is over, I will probably do some daily meta events for the infusions and play in Drizzlewoods till i get bored :D

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> Log in.

> Checking who is online, usually nobody I can talk with because I left my biggest guild. Now I play with couple in-game friends, but we mostly talk on Discord.

> Checking daily DRMs. omg, Snowden and Brisban, seems I won't be kicking Destroyers today.

> Looking at other characters in EoTN. This armor is nice... nevermind, it's from WvW.

Trying to create a new outfit for my character. Everything would we nice without that tail clipping through armor...

> Festival. I wonder what are these tokens... they look like cookies.

Running around Bitterfrost for Unbound Magic and Berries. Baby griffons are so cute.

> Random events, random maps. Nobody cares I killed a god and few Elder Dragons. Are these Blood Legion Soldiers trying to kill a bat...? Oh, they died. Pathetic.

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My daily schedule looks somewhat like this:

1. Daily Achievements, Daily Dragon Response Missions and Daily Strike Missions. 

2. Drizzlewood and Bjora Meta Events. 

3. Octovine, Chak Gerent, Dragon Stand and Death-bound Shatterer Meta Events.

4. ''Return to X'' Living Season Achievements.

5. RIBA, Tequatl and Triple Trouble.

6. Festival of the Four Winds Achievements. 

7. Hanging out and chatting with my fellow Guild Wars 2 players. 🙂

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1/ 2h Infusion train (flame key / pinata / chak / ash key / tarir / blood key / New shatterer / iron key / open khan ur chest)

2/ Festival dailies

3/ Pvp or WvW or Story (return or BL Keys) or Fractals (hard to find the motivation) 

Raids on monday morning

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