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More gameplay variety and content in WvW: Bring your ideas!


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Restructuing of Worlds and imrpvoing Rewarding Systems is game balance
It's really neccessary that we get the alliances and an improved Reward System, but I have to point out that this is no improvement to the actual gameplay itself. Also this isnt something that I really get hyped for because its basically something i'd see under the point of game balance and the core structure of wvw. Same goes for class balance.


WvW needs improvement in gameplay (variety) as well
t's great when the balance is there and the rewards are good. Tho WvW is also really in need for new and improved existing content to lure old and new players in (and keep those in). The last really an expansion worth content update we had felt like with HoT and the Desert Borderland. Yes there were tactitcs and mounts as well, and a few small minor things. But nothing really huge. It really lacks in variety here and there to keep things not the same day in day out.


I want to bring a few suggestions here that could make things interesting that acutally effect the content/gameplay.

1.)  More Maps and rotations

I am pretty aware that many people didn't like the desert borderlands in the beginning and for some this didn't change. Tho it was fresh and new and great to see something else. You pumped out so many maps in PvE, and there were really great ones.
I'd really like to see more maps and a rotation of the maps that are in the current match up.


A) Example: EBG
I could imagine more maps like Eternal Battlegrounds that are rotated equally random each week. I mean if we have 3 maps here one day this would be great already.

B) Example: Homes
If we would have a few maps here as well. Also 3 would be a nice start here, but leaning more towards like 5 in the end. It would be a cool thing that each guild could select for a "Home Borderland". On a new wvw match the homeborder land would be randomly selected based on the voting of the guilds in the matchup, similar to how the map voting in pvp works.

2.) Indivualize Towers and Keeps even more with a selection of the lord within

I really loved that on the desert Borderland each tower and keep was quite unique in their npc defenders. They were refreshing and not as boring to fight as on the alpine borderlands.
Give us a selection of npc defenders and lords, and the guild who claims the objective can choose who will defend this objective. While this is nothing spectacular, it would change that every fight at alpine borderlands and ebg at a lord room feels the same.

3.) More Events (specially outside of the classic objectives)

Well we have a few of those to get some npc allies and stuff kinda boring tho. Like defending caravans.  There should be more variant and more game effecting then this. Also the map can feel kinda dead between objectives.

A)  Example: Resource Gathering
How about some randomly anywhere occuring resource gathering events. Were each fraction can get new resources to gain access to new tech for their objectives, siege or even mounts.
How about we have to resque some baby turtles that can become accessible for a limited time after and only a limited amount. Also the amount of aquired "resources" this way would be split to all fractions, depending on the amount they got

B) Example: Bandits

Random Bandit events along the Dolyak Routes, that would kill those if no defenders are nearby. Well this is kinda boring imo, cause it could end up basically only evolving one fraction and thus be kinda PvE Content. But it would make the world feel more a life and defending dolyaks could become more important.


C) Example: Raiding Party

An event that spawns additional npcs that help with your attack on camps.

This could only trigger after you failure serval times attacks on camps or are outnumbered there, sth like that. And should help on leveling uneven battlefields.


4.) New siege / mount options

Also a bit of new siege, improving existing ones or mounts are always an option for more interesting gameplay.

A) Example: Siege Turtle

Well the siege turtle is a must have in wvw in my opinion and not only be relevant in pve. Tho the access should be harshly limited. See idea of 3A.


B) Example: Placeable Canon Siege

With 3A there could be also some access to placeable canons gained. Which could be more of a hybrid weapon that works good against groups of players and structures and can be build for 20 supplies. The access to those should be also temporary limited.

C) Example: Siege Barricade
Well an wooden structure that protects from siege attacks like arrow carts and balistas. This could be moved around with people by the idea in 5.DI

5.) Guild Tags and Fight Tactics

Well we have Guilds, we have Commanders and we have Tactics. Bring those together!
The commander can Tag up for a certain guild, and you will see the guild emblem on the minimap. Also the commander has access to additional tactics that he can apply to everyone in the squad or who is representing the commanders guild. Similar to the tactics of an objective those could be resources that could be used and with an cooldown. The amount of tactics available could depend on the amount of people in the squad. So those tactis could resample the fighting style your guild. Some could also apply passive depending on the guild you are representing.
There are different types of tactics and how those could workout. I have on my mind things like passive fight tactics, active group tactics, movement tactics and siege tactics. Maybe those could even be created in a way that they stand in a rock paper scissor mannor to each other. While some could be selected on tagging up some could be also locked for the whole week by an selection within the guild window.

A) Example of Passive Tactics

Well as those already state simple things, gaining something on a passive basis for the whole squad and not only your guild mates. Something like:

I. The Spear: Your squad moves with superspeed

II. The Shield: Your squad gains damage reduction when not moving (multiplicativ)

III. The Bow: Your squad deals improved damage against moving foes

B) Active Group Tactics

Basically this brings the Action Skill to WvW. The Commander has  access to an action skill when he activates it all his guildmates gain access to another action skill.

I. Smoke Bombs: The commander gives the command that every guildmate should blow up a smoke bomb that leave a blinding smoke field. The smokefield could be always around the commander and increase in size and duration with each end every party member that presses the action skill

II. Firey Flask: The commander gives the command that ever guildmate should shatter a flask that leaves burning oil behind. This could work similar to the Burning Oil, the commander could target a location where everyone throws and the field increases in size and in pulsing damage depending on the amount of players using the skill.


C) Example Movement Tactics

Well tose could be tactics that actually alter your mount.

I: Lance: gaining access to a skill that let you charge through people with an lance and dealing damage

II: Mobility Training: gaining an extra dodge, your endurance regeneration is decreased by 50% while below 50% endurance

D) Example Siege Tactics
My basic idea behind those would be that those could offer really different things effecting siege i could imagine here.
I: Shove! Your Guid Team is coordinated to move siege around. This could allow to slowly move catapults and siege barricades. maybe siege turlte mechanics could be reused, so that one player can control the movement. 2-3 more are locked in while doing so. Movement speed could alter with the amount of people to a maximum of 4.  Maybe you have to select what your guild can actually move and so you will only be speciallied in one.
II: Special Ammunition:

There could be also serval types of specially ammunition you could load your siege weapons with. Basilik Darts on an arrow cart, or sheeps on catapults for example

Final words

What do you think and what are your ideas on game changing content? What are your ideas to bring more variety into WvW aside from new elite specs and thus new team comps?

Edited by NeroBoron.7285
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  • Nero.7369 changed the title to New content for wvw: Restructuring of Worlds and improving Rewarding Systems aren't content. Bring your ideas!

For me, "content" in pvp settings is the players, not the pve setting.

So IMO wvw needs actual profession balancing both in roaming and in zerg settings. And not "well here is the mass change we though might fix problem A" and 2 months later "but it introduced problems B and C".

Give every profession something to be useful in a zerg, kill small scale condi bunker groups, make it so that you see more than just engi, thief and ranger roaming solo. Then I'd be happy with the mode, with no new events, no new maps and no new siege.

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At the end WvW is a pvp gamemode. The content is player driven and you should only change the setting/circumstances a bit.

What WvW needs is balance/meta shifts, same as conquest. This way there is enough change, how you approach the gamemode.

If you change a lord of a tower, 99% wouldn't care after a few days.

"Improving Reward System" is already new content for many. Especially for PvX players. Sometimes you do bvb fights in OS and many would leave, because they don't get much there. I hope they improve outnumbered/attacking t3 and so on to get more incentive to fight. 


Edited by JayKay.5649
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3 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

For me, "content" in pvp settings is the players, not the pve setting.

Well the players should have the main focus yea. But you first have to chose what type of game you play. You have to agree on rules and the goal. But what do you do then after you played those over and over to keep it spicy? You can extend the rule set via an expansion! Just like with some good board games 🙂 While i also think the new elite spec will spice things up once more, I also think it doesnt have to end there

3 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

So IMO wvw needs actual profession balancing both in roaming and in zerg settings. And not "well here is the mass change we though might fix problem A" and 2 months later "but it introduced problems B and C".

Give every profession something to be useful in a zerg, kill small scale condi bunker groups, make it so that you see more than just engi, thief and ranger roaming solo. Then I'd be happy with the mode, with no new events, no new maps and no new siege.

I totally agree on that and its as well necessary. Also I think something like perfect balance will never be achived. I also dont expect every class to gain a build for certain role in certain scale.

For me this is about variation, because even if we would achive perfect balance it still would be always the same day in day out. A bit more different nounces in serval aspects could help there imo. I really liked the idea of Heroes' Ascent in guild wars 1, different maps different objectives and your team had to be good in everything to reach the top. Sometimes it was death match, caputing the flag or just some point earning contest.

2 hours ago, JayKay.5649 said:

If you change a lord of a tower, 99% wouldn't care after a few days.

Well if it would permanently change to one and the same then yes,. If people could always select one of like 16 Lords, it would bring more variation. Maybe only 6 Lords are really good and always picked then. Still you will attack an objective and don't know immediately what waits for you inside. And those different lords could have helping in defending in different ways.
Yes people get used to those lords. Like people get used to play on different pvp or pve maps. PvE would be kinda boring when there is only the auric basin meta map, and no dragon stand, tangled depths bjora marches and so on.

Edited by NeroBoron.7285
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  • Nero.7369 changed the title to More gameplay variety and content in WvW: Bring your ideas!
2 hours ago, NeroBoron.7285 said:

Well if it would permanently change to one and the same then yes,. If people could always select one of like 16 Lords, it would bring more variation. Maybe only 6 Lords are really good and always picked then. Still you will attack an objective and don't know immediately what waits for you inside. And those different lords could have helping in defending in different ways.
Yes people get used to those lords. Like people get used to play on different pvp or pve maps. PvE would be kinda boring when there is only the auric basin meta map, and no dragon stand, tangled depths bjora marches and so on.

Sure it would change how you attack/defend an objective. But that is currently a thing in the game and it mostly matters in case you are in a small group. It wouldn't change much outside of that scenario,.

And if you make them too strong/meainingful, nobody would attack t3 objectives anymore. An example is the lord at palace on desert borderlands. Since stability doesn't work against the ring, it can completely destroy a zerg, If you know there is an enemy group, you have to play very passiv.

Edited by JayKay.5649
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That's a nice write up and some of those ideas would probably be a good fit, but I think I disagree with your main point that the issue with WvW is game play. I think what keeps most people in the game and WvW specifically is the game play and more specifically the combat. I still think at least one of if not the main reason this game mode suffers is because it's mostly a larger spvp match that's not lived in under time constraints and it's detached from the rest of the game aside from the need for a few items like Gifts and Warclaws. There's hardly even a need for most of the areas of the maps we have since this mode mostly comes down to a few popular lanes unless you're running from or luring people. If one or more sides wants to knock out dailies that day and don't really want to get down in one of those lanes then the people who want to fight and stalk are going to be let down that night, because where else are they going to go and what else are they going to, except play another game mode?

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Keeping it short this time.

Maps took them a year to make when they had more staff, already discussed a bunch of times what changes I think they should make, we'll be lucky to even get one more map.

Yes to more random mini events that promote more open field fighting, like the orbs were suppose to do.

Meh to more pve stuff, could care less about the difference between abl and dbl npcs.

No to squad tactics, nice idea, but boon balling already carries, this would make it worse.

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Two ideas regarding siege:

1.)  Defensive siege that needs to be refreshed hourly should have more than that hard-to-see timer indicating when it will despawn.  The siege could appear to be at varying stages of falling apart the more it nears despawning.  Bits and pieces gathering at the base and wisps of smoke rising could offer visual cues to players that the item needs refreshing.

2.)  The gem store should sell custom siege skins that work the way mount skins and custom finishers do.  For example, a player could purchase a unique trebuchet skin that would replace the standard treb skin when built so that it appears like an enormous giant standing on a pedestal throwing rocks/cows etc.  Or how about a high tech Asuran ballista that fires laser bolts with a unique sound?  Take my gems please.  😉

Edited by kafka.1657
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Honestly, I think what would be great is a weather system in these maps.  Heavy downpours, snowstorms, sandstorms in the desert map etc. It might seem cosmetic, but there could be some strategy within attacking during a heavy rainstorm or snowstorm.


Revamp the EBG NPC areas. Turn them into small keeps instead each with a Lord of their race. Once captured, they can be used as an extra tool or providing a specific buff while its linked to a territory of your teams colour. 


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I would like the warclaw replaced with siege mounts/vehicles.

Please ANet remove warclaw from wvw and place a horse that can pull charriots and can hold several players.

Those passangers could also fight whilst you hold the reigns.



More maps, and variety of buildings.

They don't have to be huge maps though.



Please include a lot more tomes of knowledge, including instant level 80's in the participation rewards.



Add a parachute option to glider.



Add army speech, such as request back up, enemy sighted, hostile, I've got your back, under seige, on me on me, tango down, etc...




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10 hours ago, NeroBoron.7285 said:

1.)  More Maps and rotations


I am pretty aware that many people didn't like the desert borderlands in the beginning and for some this didn't change. Tho it was fresh and new and great to see something else. You pumped out so many maps in PvE, and there were really great ones.
I'd really like to see more maps and a rotation of the maps that are in the current match up.

Just a quick note on this: There is an old comment on this from Anet's Stephen Clarke-Wilson who reportedly did alot of the original programming for WvW. It said that WvW's entire world map is hardcoded in a way that makes changing the maps very time- and resource consuming, so they have considered it but not deemed it managable.

I do however agree with you in spirit. If WvW is to be a cornerstone game mode it shouldn't be above Anet to rewrite the system from the ground up with map rotations in mind even if that takes months and years so they have something fundamentally more modular to build upon or go forward from. It could help speed up other future changes down the road.

I'm just underlining that they reportedly can not do that with the existing back-end so they need to build new tech, re-use some existing tech and reprogram the fundaments of WvW as whole to achieve it. I still think it is a good idea however daunting. I revisit the potential and value in being able carousel maps every now and then.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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