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Does elite spec make non-elite weapons irrelevant?


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Is it me or does elite specs make weapons for which you don't require an elite spec to use irrelevant? I currently play engineer, and it seems like most weapon kits, pistols and rifles are weak compares to the hammer and swords you can unlock with the elite specs.


Am I wrong? Imo for the next expansion arenanet shouldn't release more specs and think about some other content they can release. This way it will be easier for them to balance the game.

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Typically no, Engi is a little bit of a special case because it has so few weapons. The more selection a class has the more niches each weapon fills. For example it would be really hard on warrior to introduce a weapon that makes all others it can wield inferior. 

On the other hand Anet has nerfed base weapons on some classes after an espec came out. Deadeye resulted in strike damage reductions to thief's core weapons some months later. Other weapons might get reworked for better or worse as a result, one of the biggest ones I remember was Guardian Scepter being reduced to 900 range  but attacked faster after the Dragonhunter came out.

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