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I hope SPvP development gets shut down permanently for EoD.


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So that development resources can get diverted to WvW and high end PvE content, where most of the players and money are. Eliminating spvp from the equation would make balancing easier, and would free up a ton of dev time. Let's be honest - spvp has never been in a good state. Not even close. They always developed it in a half-hearted manner. Just put it out of its misery and improve the lives of WvW and PvE players. Time for this torture to end, it's what's best for everyone.

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6 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

yea they havent been developing pvp since they gave up on esports. We just have 1 person changing coefficients every 3 months, and maybe one new map per expansion.

This^ how much more shut down could pvp get at this point? Unless op means that its literally removed from the game as a option.

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2 hours ago, nerva.7940 said:

So that development resources can get diverted to WvW and high end PvE content, where most of the players and money are. Eliminating spvp from the equation would make balancing easier, and would free up a ton of dev time. Let's be honest - spvp has never been in a good state. Not even close. They always developed it in a half-hearted manner. Just put it out of its misery and improve the lives of WvW and PvE players. Time for this torture to end, it's what's best for everyone.

Imagine liking WvW. 

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58 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

This^ how much more shut down could pvp get at this point? Unless op means that its literally removed from the game as a option.

It is quite funny actually, the WvW zergling doesn't understand that PvP is quite connected to WvW, and content for PVP is new skills and reworks at this point , which everyone gets. Also I don't know how WvWers will get anything since nothing can please them, there were several attempts but nothing is good enough. The best part the zerglings managed to convince Arenanet to kill roaming and now the kitteners want to delete the small scale mode. You know what, I'm spiteful I want new type of siege that wipes out zerglings, and then they scatter and you get to roam there kitten.   

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17 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Ayy lmao 

All the pvpers should form a guild fueled by spite and run over wvw if this happens.



Nah, pvpers wont subject themselves to playing necro/fb and the boredom of wvw.
Just look at the forums, everyone wants necro nerfed cuz its OP and boring as kitten
Meanwhile every wvw zerg is furiously kitten over running more and more and more aoe brainless spam classes,

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On 9/25/2021 at 9:20 PM, nerva.7940 said:

So that development resources can get diverted to WvW and high end PvE content, where most of the players and money are. Eliminating spvp from the equation would make balancing easier, and would free up a ton of dev time. Let's be honest - spvp has never been in a good state. Not even close. They always developed it in a half-hearted manner. Just put it out of its misery and improve the lives of WvW and PvE players. Time for this torture to end, it's what's best for everyone.

I agree. Clearly we're a kittening burden to ANet and let's be real, the PvP balancing team is a burden to us as well.

GW2 PvP has so much insane kittening potential, especially in the current eSports and Twitch/Youtube streaming scene. Even a 22-year old game like Age of Empires II has tournaments with prizepools of 100,000$. Even with a tiny bit of effort and actual CARE from ANet GW2 PvP could easily flourish when complemented with the effort of someone like TeaPot.

When you compare GW2 PvP to other competitive games out there and when you compare PvP to WvW and PvE within GW2 itself, it's pretty blatant and clear that ANet absolutely doesn't give a kitten about PvP. The entirety of Gold and low Plat is utterly toxic because of kitten balancing and mismatched because matchmaking was not designed to deal with low pops, and top level players also regularly lose their minds on streams because of how frustrating the game is now.

Just kittening put it out of its misery. We're a burden to ANet and ANet is a burden to the PvP scene.

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On 9/25/2021 at 9:20 PM, nerva.7940 said:

So that development resources can get diverted to WvW and high end PvE content, where most of the players and money are. Eliminating spvp from the equation would make balancing easier, and would free up a ton of dev time. Let's be honest - spvp has never been in a good state. Not even close. They always developed it in a half-hearted manner. Just put it out of its misery and improve the lives of WvW and PvE players. Time for this torture to end, it's what's best for everyone.

Honestly yup. I'd actually appreciate Anet openly discontinue sPvP or just remove it.. That way I would not have a reason to come back to the game anymore and I wouldn't have to convince my friends to come back either, which I - honestly completely unironically - see as an absolute win ngl.

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Well I have mixed feelings about this:

sPVP at launch was an asset to the game. It has a low entry level and I probably wouldn't have ever played GW2 without it. I was mostly playing Mobas but wanted something where my progress meant something outside of matches.

The real problem is the MM is just garbage. It sucks when you're the only person decent in your team and you're gold/silver level and you're playing against people that are better with garbage team mates. It's also very prone to manipulation. It seems like some groups are like disc or highly coordinated on levels that shouldn't be allowed in ranked in the original vision, or even coordinated in an automated fashion via botting. That's because they refuse to batch matches. If they let you do more, whiule waiting for a match, like zoning, it wouldn't matter if queues were longer. They should also stop letting people change characters at the beginning of matches (make them pick the character they're playing on before queuing, then they can play what they want in PVP and do what they want in PVE in the mean time), it stops the algorithm from appropriately rating people and allows some people to hard counter others they recognize.

They probably need to do the same thing other PVP games do and insert bots to inflate people's win rates and keep people playing against people of their own skill level.

They also need to add new match types that are fun.

If they did all of the above, they could compete with PVP based games as an MMO, which they were doing before and winning.

But to leave it as-is as they are now, is garbage and if they aren't going to make sane changes to fix the matches, then they need to delete the game mode. it makes the whole game look bad.

They also need to change the queueing rules for ranked:

you queue as solo queue or in a full 5-man team, the current design usually favors the team with grouped team mates.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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On 9/25/2021 at 5:42 PM, Vancho.8750 said:

It is quite funny actually, the WvW zergling doesn't understand that PvP is quite connected to WvW, and content for PVP is new skills and reworks at this point , which everyone gets. Also I don't know how WvWers will get anything since nothing can please them, there were several attempts but nothing is good enough. The best part the zerglings managed to convince Arenanet to kill roaming and now the kitteners want to delete the small scale mode. You know what, I'm spiteful I want new type of siege that wipes out zerglings, and then they scatter and you get to roam there kitten.   

Unfortunately the zerglings/fight guilds got all the siege nerfed too. That said I'd love some actual anti zerg siege, like say a alpha arrow cart that does 100% extra damage and has no target cap.

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7 hours ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

Honestly yup. I'd actually appreciate Anet openly discontinue sPvP or just remove it.. That way I would not have a reason to come back to the game anymore and I wouldn't have to convince my friends to come back either, which I - honestly completely unironically - see as an absolute win ngl.

That moment when you convinced your friends to play with you, but they notice how dog-kitten the game is and they dont have all that much fun, but they play with you anyways. FeelsBadMan.
There is nothing to play out there 😕

Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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13 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

That moment when you convinced your friends to play with you, but they notice how dog-kitten the game is and they dont have all that much fun, but they play with you anyways. FeelsBadMan.
There is nothing to play out there 😕

Actually I have a couple friends who really like sPvP and would join the game again if for example 3v3 was permanently available in a ranked mode. Some just don't have interest in conquest. Others would also join if we could play together but full team queues are not a thing anymore either. And while parts of the gw2 community immediately downplay the request for a full team queue or additional ranked modes because we have ATs and that's almost the same and offseasons, I can't convince anybody to come back to GW2 for ATs and offseasons - , I've tried.. 

That's also why for the last few years I've tried to push for more pvp modes and just in general more ranked stuff to do in sPvP than just conquest and full team queue, despite the low population and all those other excuses.. Because if I have some people who would happily come back to the game then I'm sure plenty others could bring back some of their friends as well or streamers could get more people to join if they just tune in to check out the game. I obviously don't know how the numbers would turn out but I think it's worth a try, they have all the features already on hand so it shouldn't take too much effort to just try for one or two seasons idk.

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The best part about all of this is how dozen of players warned this community about the fallacies of the MM system, this happened during season 1. There was a healthy veteran middle PvP class , that vital part of every PvP community which keeps the game running , providing a realistic end goal for casual and a reasonable competition for the elites/try hard and then.....then the greed of people not happy with their status quo happened.

1-The lower class in this game rather than going the hard way and learn the game mechanics after weeks/months worth of defeats, they started to complain on how the game was unfair...even though nobody is born champion, people invested time in reaching a certain point. By contrast nowadays your average MMO player is extremely entitled, your average Joe after only 100hrs...expect to be platinum when back in the days with GW1, people would spend months "begging" for a chance at even reaching R3 hero to get the wolf emote, this after proving themselves worthy of being in the pvp arena by winning 25 consecutive matches in Random Arena.

Nowadays typical player will buy the game..and next week he wants to be champion rank...no compromises , no game can realistically sustain that kind of mentality...but that didn't stop Anet from trying to please the loud crowd.

It all started with the arrogant assumption :"if you're good..you can carry 3 people all by yourself" , Anet created a whole system around that absurd notion,the lower class plebs were happy..they didn't have to try nearly as hard, no need to learn the game...just hope to be carried by better players and the end result was you see today....the death of pvp in this game was only a matter of time

No system can permanently support the selfishness of people....



Edited by Arheundel.6451
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SPVP is good clasic competitive mode, sad thats devs don't care much on this mode. You don't need endgame EQ or spend tens of hours to lvl class you want to play. Just create character, small tutorial and you in. When you play many years and you have 9 characters with max lvl and EQ you can don't see that. WvW is great but also chaotic. You don't feel on that mode you have impact on the game like in spvp. Two big zerg fight each other, no difference in fight if we pull out one or two players. This is advantage spvp over wvw, I feel I'm important to team. 

Edited by Alonso.7540
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On 9/25/2021 at 11:42 PM, Vancho.8750 said:

It is quite funny actually, the WvW zergling doesn't understand that PvP is quite connected to WvW, and content for PVP is new skills and reworks at this point , which everyone gets. Also I don't know how WvWers will get anything since nothing can please them, there were several attempts but nothing is good enough. The best part the zerglings managed to convince Arenanet to kill roaming and now the kitteners want to delete the small scale mode. You know what, I'm spiteful I want new type of siege that wipes out zerglings, and then they scatter and you get to roam there kitten.   

Its the same in every mmo forum lmao. Yhe same old zergtrash trying to convince everyone that their game mode and way of playing is the best and how it is supposed to be done. Everyone who manages to kill them outnumbered is cheating or playing some supposedly overpowered build that needs to be nerfed. Disgusting mentality. Just look at ESO and what is has done to the game. It's a mindless, proc infested, dumbed down husk of what it used to be. And all because the zergtrash want easy kills with minimal effort.

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So one of the 3 (arguably 4 if you count open world and raiding/fractals as different modes) gets shutdown because developers "cant maintain it". I wonder which mode follows after that? wvw would be my guess. Or you seriously think they'll stop at removing spvp once the "not enough resources" train departs?

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