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Mount Skin Ideas


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I've thought long and hard about this & hope to draw up an illustration soon. I deeply want Cultural skins for mounts.


the raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal, griffin, roller beetle, skyscale, warclaw, and anything else to come would all be planty like the fern hound. All leaves. Maybe some flowers like Kudzu.Norn:they'd all be long-haired and densely poofy to bear the cold harsh weather. However, the graphic approach must be different. Just not impressed with the scrappy digital texture of the added fur on the Issnur rabbit skin nor the mane/tail of the original & other Springers. I want it to look realistic and make sure we define fluffiness in the same way quantity-wise so that it’s not just a fat mount that looks “fuzzy,” but that it’s the extremely long dry crimped weightless protruding fur it has that is what’s making them appear so big and makes you feel like you’re cuddling with a Huacaya alpaca plushy. Or I’d be fine with them taking the approach of the Dolyak which is more like a Suri alpaca. I think the difference is clumping the fur to create its depths instead of making it stringy & fried like in Black Desert. Idk how to describe sadly...Asura:they'd all be robotic, like golems or in the skimmer’s case be like speeders from Star Wars.Charr:all of them could be like some sort of steam engine they’d build. Raptor=charr car, Springer=rocket boots, Skimmer=swamp boat, Jackal=a handheld teleportation device, Griffin=charr ornithopter, Roller Beetle=motorcycle, Skyscale=a dirigible, Warclaw=roller bladesHuman:left vanilla? There’s already plenty enough non-cultural skins out there that humans could technically utilize and they could even borrow the charr skins if a player doesn’t have any charr)

This time, cultural skins should be useable for anyone, because although for me personally “the planty should stay planty and not leave the circle of the planty” lol, I no longer have any charr sadly, because of all the frustratingly weird armor clippings, so I would love to use their skins for two of my humans who are very steam punk.

I also had hopes for other creatures to become new mounts in the future...though this seems way less likely. But if these ever did, they'd need to come with a cultural package set. Meaning to have all the race variations covered for each animal... I know... that'd be a lot of work for the devs :/

Dolyaks: for hauling more than we can carry in our inventory, plus giving other players rides with us

(carriage/caravan for charr)Sea Turtles: for underwater(submarine for charr)Moa: helps plow farms when we get jobs(tractor for charr)

OR could have the Moa be all the cultural mounts for Humans instead of creating it as a new separate mount for everyone (gold for raptor, red for springer, blue for skimmer, white for jackal, black for griffin, pink for roller beetle, green for skyscale, brown for warclaw)Boats & Airships: for traversing the waters and leading a Pact of Zerg into battle

I’d also like to change the physique of the springer when I draw my illustrations for all the cultural mount skins... it’s face and body and everything is just not at all cute to me and looks like it’s uncomfortable in its own body and is suffocating in its way too tight of a harness... But as always, I just have to pretend that the things I want different in the game just are in my world.

Anet has indeed done amazing things with the game. But just as there is with anything, there’s a fair share that, in my opinion, can be done better. I’m not perfect either (and our tastes fluctuate over time too), but this is the best I can imagine at the moment until I can think of something more creative and beautiful in my eyes, while doing my best to keep in mind the technicalities that go into it and what can be functional.

Anyway, something to ponder...

All the best,Nala

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I guess they won't do any other models ( too complicated and not worth the cost ).Also with future expansions ( and maybe some new mounts ) skins could be a problem ( cause all beasts could be already have been put into the game as skins ).

At last, but for me of major importance, it would be nice to understand what a player is riding and what skills could perform.I wouldn't like to think the way "well, a ostrich... it should be a raptor skin, so it leaps... or was it a jackal?"

About dying the whole mount i do agree ( though they should ban some flashy dyes. Or at least give the players the option to visualize all mounts with the standard models and skins )..

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  • 6 months later...

I'd Suggest a few Ideas.


  1. Chicken./Other Birds
  2. Motorcycle.
  3. Horse


  1. Kangaroo.
  2. Chinchilla
  3. Jump Boots (where the character wears those weird booties)
  4. Lemur/Red Panda inspired

Skimmer:1 Dragonfly2 Carpet3 Holoboard4 Floating Dolphin5 Parrot


  1. Fox
  2. Wolf
  3. Hyena
  4. Panther/Big Cats


  1. Wyvern
  2. Dragon
  3. Chopper
  4. Hawk/Eagle
  5. Hippogriff
  6. Pegasus

Also a brand new idea... Underwater mounts..!!!

  1. Seaturtle
  2. Seahorse
  3. Shark
  4. Octopus
  5. Jellyfish
  6. Dolphin
  7. Koi Fish
  8. Dragon Fish
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One thing I'd like to see (and I think we will, considering what they've released so far) is that each mount has a skin for every element. We have a fire, ice and lightning raptor, a water skimmer, a fire, ice and lightning springer, ice and fire jackals and a fire griffon. I'd like to see all elements on all mounts eventually. My elementalists would love that.

Cultural mount skins sound great. I'd love to see what set they could create for the Sylvari. I think they made a great start for Norn, namely the spirit skins for the jackal and springer. Charr mount skins could be based on the Iron Legion, with metal plating and armor. Humans tend to like making things more beautiful, so there could be adornments on their mounts. I'd draw a comparison to Grail Knights (or for those familiar with Warhammer Fantasy, the Bretonnians). For my taste, the exo suit mount skins could already be considered the Asura cultural mount skins. It's what I would've chosen, to be fair. I much prefer it over the Istani Isles skimmer skin with mechanical markings on its body. Nature doesn't create such perfectly mathematical markings. It would suggest it has been tampered with by an Asura. And I'd say, please, let's not turn Asura experimentation on living creatures into something cool.

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If we can't have horses, a bison mount would be awesome - they're in the Hoelbrak loading screen.I would love a simple red fox (or cross fox!) themed jackal skin.A Angler fish skimmer skin would be interesting, teeth and all.

And if we ever get underwater mounts...Narwhal. Please? If not, another skimmer idea!

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  • 1 year later...

@"Sammej.6452" said:I'd Suggest a few Ideas.


  1. Jump Boots (where the character wears those weird booties)

I love your idea for springer!! I hope you don’t mind that I edited my post to add that! I didn’t really have a good idea for the charr and that sounded perfect! ? But I wanted to make sure to give props to you on that one! :+1: ❤️

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