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New Thief Elite - The Specter


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Wow such a cleaver thought process here.  ANET flipped one letter in the name and weapon (Specter/Scepter) and stolen another skill set from yet another class.  I guess the thief lives up to it's name again.   Looking forward to seeing what this one plays like.  

Edited by Tubalz.9831
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My bet on skill we can see on the trailer :


0:14  ==> new steal teleport (ground target)

0:16 ==> Dual skill Spectre/Pistol ? ( a bit wierd because it's look like a 5 pistol then a sort of AA)

0:20 & 0:34 ==> the 2 frist part

0:22 ==> the 2 second part (skill switch like Sword 2 or dual S/D)

0:28 ==> a shadow shroud offensive skill (maybe a stealth attack ?)

0:30 ==> shadow shourd maybe F2 ?

Edited by Jumpel.3972
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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

But I must admit.. It does look a bit lame. 


Who didn't expect that tho

Most of us felt that way when we found out scepter was our new weapon. I saw so many awesome assassin suggests with offhand sword from players and I can't post enough how disappointed we're not getting it. Shadow mage looks really meh given that necro already covers that theme. I don't care about support, I want to play the spec to have fun not be a buff bot. Hopefully there are fun new mechanics and utilities with specter that really give it a nice feel. 

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I don't know if it's just the teaser that make it look like that, but the scepter AA seem to be melee range which is disappointing.

The thief character itself in the teaser don't appeal to me (probably a matter of personal taste but I just don't like it)

The skills (I suppose it's utilities) looked interesting thoughts.

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I'm watching the trailer in more detail now. 
Skill 1: (600-1200 range?)

Skill 2: (more damage up close, 2 part skill with melee hit and ranged hit)
Scepter Dagger 3: (finishing move that deals massive bleeding, higher damage to lower health targets)

Elite: (Dark Flight)
Steal: (900-1200 range, cast time, evade)

Stealth is now shadowform, and the utilities are tethers. (change when entering shadowform/stealth) Not sure about this one. How shadowform is managed. Can't wait to try it though! 


Edited by Loboling.5293
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1 hour ago, Jumpel.3972 said:

My bet on skill we can see on the trailer :


0:14  ==> new steal teleport (ground target)

0:16 ==> Dual skill Spectre/Pistol ? ( a bit wierd because it's look like a 5 pistol then a sort of AA)

0:20 & 0:34 ==> the 2 frist part

0:22 ==> the 2 second part (skill switch like Sword 2 or dual S/D)

0:28 ==> a shadow shroud offensive skill (maybe a stealth attack ?)

0:30 ==> shadow shourd maybe F2 ?

0:28 looks like a Steal animation that deals damage -- like a finisher?

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8 minutes ago, Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

Someone's salty.


I took the liberty to necro the threads where you said this is "HIGHLY UNLIKELY"


Specter is actually better than I imagined.


How can u say this? Because of this trailer? Wait and see next week. The other Specs did also look cool but then ingame it was meh.

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1 minute ago, Grebcol.5984 said:


How can u say this? Because of this trailer? Wait and see next week. The other Specs did also look cool but then ingame it was meh.

Ah, but other specs looks cool and in game was OP (i.e. Bladesworn and Harbinger). The only weak specs so far are Willbender and Virtuosso. The rest are good.

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3 hours ago, Felices Bladewing.3914 said:

i kinda like a concept, but i don't like the violett glow tbh. put the classic thief colours on it please

But what are the thief basic colours?
Deadeye has a red/orange theme
Daredevil has a grey theme with some blue on physical and staff skills.

Overall Thief has a dark theme and that dark violet fits pretty well on that tbh. Imo its better than making everything black.

Since Daredevil and Deadeye are also not fully using thiefs classic colours, its fine for me that Specter also doesnt. And the theme is dark anyway like thief is overall.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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Looks extremely underwhelming to me, my expectations weren't high but they could have done much better. They said the focus of scepter is supposed to be to "debilitateing your enemies" but none of what they showed actually did that. The whole thing just looks like an answer to all the "plz make thief meta" complaints to which the devs came up with "let's give thief scourge". Also:

1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

I don't know if it's just the teaser that make it look like that, but the scepter AA seem to be melee range which is disappointing.

^ This, the spec as a whole has been shown in close range far to often for my taste.

As of right now it doesn't look that good, I just hope that the traits can make up for it but I wouldn't put my money on it.

Edited by Tails.9372
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