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How do you beat d/p daredevil?


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3 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:


I dont talk about wvw, I have no idea about wvw. All what I said was about conquest. 


If u lost a 1v1 IN CONQUEST against thief (not being a mes) you are just bad, that's all. 


Ps.: dont get me wrong, you just need practice and get better. 

Oh, warriors shouldn't lose to thief?  Someone get this guy out of here. 

Edited by lightDestroyer.1265
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Facts about teef:

- endless resets

- can not die 1v1 since feb2020, unless messing up harder than any minion master would have to

- lacks constant pressure cause it has to disengage and re-engage all the time

These 3 facts are the answer to any questions about thief encounters. If you are a bunker that can re-sustain during the disengage phases a thief will never kill you. If you are not then he will kill you eventually - the question is just how long it takes, which is determined by your and the thieves skill level.

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1 hour ago, lightDestroyer.1265 said:

Oh, warriors shouldn't lose to thief?  Someone get this guy out of here. 


No you shouldn't. You have to learn how to kite, disengage and choose the right duelist build.

And a thief that have same skill than you and go for a 1v1 he is throwing. (unless he sees your tag and knows that you are bad and will not kite and will get killed in a proper time). 


Survive until thief disengage. If he doesnt your roamer will get kills faster on 2x1, if he does, you didnt lose the 1v1.

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1 hour ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Facts about teef:

- endless resets

- can not die 1v1 since feb2020, unless messing up harder than any minion master would have to

- lacks constant pressure cause it has to disengage and re-engage all the time

These 3 facts are the answer to any questions about thief encounters. If you are a bunker that can re-sustain during the disengage phases a thief will never kill you. If you are not then he will kill you eventually - the question is just how long it takes, which is determined by your and the thieves skill level.


If he takes too long on 1v1 = he is a bad thief. 

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3 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:


No you shouldn't. You have to learn how to kite, disengage and choose the right duelist build.

And a thief that have same skill than you and go for a 1v1 he is throwing. (unless he sees your tag and knows that you are bad and will not kite and will get killed in a proper time). 


Survive until thief disengage. If he doesnt your roamer will get kills faster on 2x1, if he does, you didnt lose the 1v1.

Just writr that in warrior forum and see the responses, that's all i have to say. 

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8 minutes ago, lightDestroyer.1265 said:

Just writr that in warrior forum and see the responses, that's all i have to say. 


Tell me who are the main warriors that are are dying to thieves on 1x1 and their rating.


Again, kite, troll, make the 1x1 last forever, if thief stays, your team wins the map. If he disengages, you win. 


You wont see Boyce losing 1x1 to Sindrener nor Sindrener doing 1x1 against Boyces war. 

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I see some people mentioning to kite the thieves.. something I've had 0 luck doing. It feels like running from a thief means you've already lost - you won't beat them in mobility and it's hard to apply enough pressure to get them to back off while playing defensively. It seems like you have to play significantly better than them to outmaneuver them on the back foot and is just as likely to end in your death as trying to hold the node.


Again, this is from my mid-gold perspective. I'd be happy to be taught why it's wrong.

Edited by Arklite.4013
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4 hours ago, Arklite.4013 said:

I see some people mentioning to kite the thieves.. something I've had 0 luck doing. It feels like running from a thief means you've already lost - you won't beat them in mobility and it's hard to apply enough pressure to get them to back off while playing defensively. It seems like you have to play significantly better than them to outmaneuver them on the back foot and is just as likely to end in your death as trying to hold the node.


Again, this is from my mid-gold perspective. I'd be happy to be taught why it's wrong.

Go on yt and look for videos about some sneaky kiting spots on map, which will reduce Teefs chase potential via port by a lot and will be forced to either chase you on foot or leave since they'll become vulnerable to bonks. Also you should look a bit more into the possible future, instead of waiting for teef to harass you forever and deciding to kite them at around 30% of ur hp, you should already be planning and thinking about possible kiting dependant on results of very few seconds of encounter.

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6 hours ago, Arklite.4013 said:

I see some people mentioning to kite the thieves.. something I've had 0 luck doing. It feels like running from a thief means you've already lost - you won't beat them in mobility and it's hard to apply enough pressure to get them to back off while playing defensively. It seems like you have to play significantly better than them to outmaneuver them on the back foot and is just as likely to end in your death as trying to hold the node.


Again, this is from my mid-gold perspective. I'd be happy to be taught why it's wrong.

As far as gold tier is concerned: you have no way to kill a thief on warrior. Nor you have any way to do it on any other class, but warrior is particularly easy for them.

Best you can do is learn how to stall with proper kiting.
If you just want to have fun with offmeta builds maybe some super tanky condi berserker can get something done; in any other case warrior has no special tools to offer.

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Keep in mind, that when you're kiting a Thief, he has to use his initiative pool to keep up, over bullying you.

It's not like he won't be able to chase you down, but if he will decide to, not only his damage potential will be much lower with dried initiavie pool, but he will have less dodge, dazes, stealth coming from weapon skills as they all require initiative except auto attack.

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12 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:


Tell me who are the main warriors that are are dying to thieves on 1x1 and their rating.


Again, kite, troll, make the 1x1 last forever, if thief stays, your team wins the map. If he disengages, you win. 


You wont see Boyce losing 1x1 to Sindrener nor Sindrener doing 1x1 against Boyces war. 

I go out of my way to log into a DP Daredevil in ATs to push Vaans' Spellbreaker off side nodes for my team.

I'm a mediocre Thief whereas Vaans is a strong War, and even in that situation, there isn't much he can do when I purposely save all init for Black Powder Shot blind spam, Dagger Storm whirling in blind spam pit for more blind, and spamming the stolen skill you get from War "another spin" that makes even more blind spam in blind pits. And this is just a standard DP Daredevil I'm talking about here, that doesn't even use Smokescreen.

War gets absolutely trashed by DP Daredevil for two reasons my dude:

  1. All of the War's skills are slow single strikes that are incapable of getting through blind spam in the way a Guardian symbol stack or a Necro well could tick through it to land damage. War can rarely even land a strike on the Thief.
  2. War play is almost entirely counter-offensive. They need to preserve their CDs wisely and use them counter-actively as to preserve them and use them only when it counts. This is very very difficult to do vs. a Thief that moves & strikes faster than your human reflexes allow for counter-offensive play. The Thief can steal in, land a strike in .10 seconds and get out of your range before you can react to it. To beat a good Thief, a War has to play almost entirely intuitively and take risks to burn CDs at weird times to try and catch the Thief. 9/10 times this doesn't pan out well, and even when it does, the Thief can just disengage you instantly and come back after a reset for another try, until you mess up and eventually die.

And Sindrener would absolutely kill Boyce's War in time. You can actually do it with just Shortbow auto 1s and Shortbow 2 AoE that gets around & behind LOS. The War could never get close to the Daredevil if the Daredevil didn't want it to.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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4 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Odd because whenever I am sent to close as thief at start and a warrior is pushing far, he doesn't change his mind and go mid.

So...  You think that warrior should go mid if he saw a thief 🤦‍. A warrior bring ZERO value in mid unless he is support. The warrior is not performing the role of a duelist if he goes to mid.  They are doing nothing but wasting time in mid and causing their team to lose. 

Edited by lightDestroyer.1265
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5 hours ago, lightDestroyer.1265 said:

So...  You think that warrior should go mid if he saw a thief 🤦‍. A warrior bring ZERO value in mid unless he is support. The warrior is not performing the role of a duelist if he goes to mid.  They are doing nothing but wasting time in mid and causing their team to lose. 


Reread my post....my dude

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  • 1 month later...

I have a thief and have tried both Specials...  I have even explored the meta builds....  And what I found out was....


What some players are doing on a thief...   IT"S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!


I see thieves staying invisible for as long as they like; only appearing for like 3 seconds at a time in which they drop a high DPS strike.  I've seen thieves teleport/shadow-step way more times than actually possible in the game, even if you're using the short bow's shadow-step ability.


There was a Daredevil in WvW that was so bold, he ran into my sides fort where a lot of players where standing around.  Every single time he got swarmed, he just vanished....  When I say vanished, I mean 20...30 seconds at a time and then he'll appear right in the middle of the group, jump up and down and when blows came his way again, he vanished again.  Sometimes he would appear in the middle of use all and then do like five shadow-step type teleports and vanish.


Here's the worst part about it....  He took basically zero damage!  His health only dropped to like 75 percent one time, because he was able to shield like a Scourge and full heal like a Guardian.  Daredevils do NOT have that kind of healing or long term immunity and I mean this Daredevil went immune to all damage for like 10 seconds at a time.


I have a Daredevil and know that's not possible normally.


So you tell me....  What the crap is going on in PvP/WvW?  Who are we really going up against in PvP game modes?  After seeing all the garbage I've seen, I refuse to believe these are just everyday players doing the impossible.  You can't do what scripted game codes doesn't allow you to do!


That's the reason I saw a thief kill 30+ players solo!  Going invisible with no limit and appearing to deal insane splash damage!  You know when you're going up against an actual normal person playing the game....  And you KNOW when you're going up against something that's completely impossible!


From my experience....  There will be NORMAL thieves you'll have a better chance with but if you come across that questionable thief....who ever they really are....  You're going to lose that one on one battle 10 times out of 10, no matter what class you're playing.


Nobody is so good to the point they can do things that are outside of the game's given ability for each class.  You would have to be running on a developer's account for that.


Normal thieves are beatable, because they don't stay hidden with unlimited duration.  They usually just shadow-step away and run around before coming back.


The garbage I'm seeing in GW2's WvW reminds me of that time when I saw a World of Warcraft Paladin (blood elf) wipe out two full health, high-level players, with one blow...and that's after he stood in place taking damage for about 10 seconds from both players.


IMPOSSIBLE STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Call it what ever you like but I know what it is.........











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@anjo.6143 nah in a warrior v thief 1v1 the warrior used to just win against a thief BUT do one fail dodge or something like that and your death as warr. (Im used to be Warrior/Thief main. Maybe i know too mutch about warrior myself but most of the time im actually winning most 1v1 against warriors and the only reason i do not is cause he is kite the hell out of me xD)

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at gold 2 thieves are really uselles or they're really good, the ones that are uselles are new to the class and they'll prolly reroll to another class that facerolls their oponnents more easily. But the good ones are really good, there are no much of  them left, but yeah, it's frustrating fighting them.


i'd say those thieves you losing to they are mechanically better than you and that's why you losing not because the class is super busted or something. I play at average 170 ping, when a thief interrupt 3 of my skills in the first 5 secs of the fight i know i'm gonna lose if I stay there, because he knows what he's doing and not randomly spamming skills, those 0.3s ish delay will give them a huge advantage, so my advice is, thief is good, run or get better if you play with decent ping.

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1. Deal with steal. Either by predicting it and dodging somehow (unlikely, but sometimes happens), or by keeping track of the cooldown and kiting to a no port spot when it'll be up soon.

1a. Thief stolen skill from warrior is that spinny thing. It'll cause a large amount of quick blinds if used in a smoke field - if they're dumb and just spam it, interrupt/CC accordingly. If they put down black powder first, back off. .

2. Kite. Thief has to spend initiative to catch up to you. Learn the animation and sound of d/p 3 and dodge it. The shot is unblockable

3. Land a burst skill then use the pull into damage or other CC. 

4. Land your AAs. Thief AAs aren't as scary as they once were and AA trades are generally in your favor. At high health levels heartseeker isn't all that scary either, though definitely mitigate it when below 50%.

5. Plan how to use your block and heal. Swipe is unblockable, so either wait until they've used swipe or try to bait out the Swipe. For your heal, just...cross your fingers and prey, I guess.

6. Jump around when they stealth/go to no port spots. Make it as hard as possible to land a flanking backstab. Having an easily accessible about-face button can help sometimes, but really the backstab arc is rather generous so...Eh. You can also try to keep your back to a wall somewhere if there's a nearby object to deny them the bonus dmg.

7. Keep track of Weakness. If they're Daredevil, you'll get some Weakness applied if the first strike after they dodge lands. If they run Deadly Arts it'll also apply alongside poison (steal, AA, etc).


Edit, 8. Forgot shortbow. Shortbow 2 is a bomb that travels very slowly. If they're far enough away, walk away from the arc. If they detonate you'll take less damage. Shortbow 3 is an evade that has vulnerability frames at the end. If you're close enough, try to cc/damage at the end of the dodge. Shortbow 4 just read the tooltip and be careful when trying to reze. Shortbow 5, if they use this they just lost over half their ini. If you can catch up, go for it and try to smash.

Edited by Curennos.9307
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On 10/26/2021 at 11:04 PM, lightDestroyer.1265 said:

Just writr that in warrior forum and see the responses, that's all i have to say. 

He's right though. Warrior is struggling right now, but a good thief isnt going to 1v1 anyone they cannot down immediately, and any pushback on that thief means they're ceding the point / being useless.

There is a difference between struggling as a warrior because your kit is mechanically unsuitable for fighting dp thieves, and being a bad warrior . One will still scare off thieves until they're in a 1vx situation so they can end fight quick.  The other is free and shouldn't be unaccompanied, and a thief deciding to 1v1 you in conquest is a declaration that they think they can remove you from the point fast enough that it will be a benefit to their team. 

I play both of those. It is totally doable to be at a disadvantage but still stall enough that the thief is wasting time dealing with you. 


I have a thief and have tried both Specials...  I have even explored the meta builds....  And what I found out was....

What some players are doing on a thief...   IT"S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

This has "BAKANA" energy and I am here for it

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Understandable, Well The big thing about d/p thief or ... thief in general is.. if they cant stealth they just die ^^So lets go over a few ways you can just meme their face lol


1. The DH route 😄
Gold thiefs instant die every time to [Dragon's Maw][Procession of Blades][Test of Faith] combow.   But against all thiefs as a rule as long as you land your DH f1 [Spear of Justice] and reveal them, you just won that fight nothing they can do about it.


2. Core Necro Route 😛

Less fun.. but honestly if your fighting someone in gold and a thief pops up 90% of the time they just die passively to your condi aoes without you even attacking them >.> just cause your necro shroud 5 [Tainted Shackles] reveals everyone in the area and that skill alone usually kills them tbh.


3. Ranger Enjoyers >.>

[sickem]  Thats all ima say.. ...


4. Just.. kite on the no ports, long as a daredevil d/p meta build cant backstab you, their only option is short bow 2... So if you are on anything ranged that trades with Equal damage, you win the interaction since they have 11-15k hp max and no deffence.



(Overall holo, dh, ranger, war, and core nec absolutely body d/p thief especially if your in an equal skill level)  But Thiefs can be extremely annoying so I hope this helps!!! Sorry if its a bit long >.< 

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