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The 300s CD skills are not going to be fixed


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6 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

Then make them more powerful, and Unholy Sanctuary should be 300 seconds if you ask me.
Any trait that cancels a death should have a big CD.


Even as it is, Unholy Sanctuary isn't used often, it's used sometimes for bunker builds, although often dropped in favour of either Death Nova for extra DPS or Corrupter's Fervor for more consistent tankiness, making it 300s would make it useless.


The reality is, it's impossible to balance an ability around having such a huge cooldown. The only thing that could be worth having a cooldown so long that you can only proc it once, maybe twice in an entire match, is if the effect was guaranteed to win a fight no matter what, at which point it'd become toxic design because you just have an "I win" button, which isn't fun for anybody. Small effects on short cooldowns allow for counterplay while still being useful and valuable.

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7 minutes ago, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:


Even as it is, Unholy Sanctuary isn't used often, it's used sometimes for bunker builds, although often dropped in favour of either Death Nova for extra DPS or Corrupter's Fervor for more consistent tankiness, making it 300s would make it useless.


The reality is, it's impossible to balance an ability around having such a huge cooldown. The only thing that could be worth having a cooldown so long that you can only proc it once, maybe twice in an entire match, is if the effect was guaranteed to win a fight no matter what, at which point it'd become toxic design because you just have an "I win" button, which isn't fun for anybody. Small effects on short cooldowns allow for counterplay while still being useful and valuable.

Sounds like there is no place for these kinds of traits in the game then.

They can't give a trait like Unholy Sanctuary a short CD because it would be too cheap, and they can't give it a long CD because nobody would take it.

If there's no viable way to make a trait like this a one time per battle safety net then the trait is effectively useless and they should just replace it with something else.

I use Necro a lot myself and tbh I've never used that trait either.

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8 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

Sounds like there is no place for these kinds of traits in the game then.

They can't give a trait like Unholy Sanctuary a short CD because it would be too cheap, and they can't give it a long CD because nobody would take it.

If there's no viable way to make a trait like this a one time per battle safety net then the trait is effectively useless and they should just replace it with something else.

I use Necro a lot myself and tbh I've never used that trait either.


And there you go. The entire reason people are pissed here is because they had supposedly upped the cooldown on those traits to set them as placeholders until they reworked them into more balanceable traits, but not only they haven't changed them at all, they're making brand new traits on new especs already on 300 cooldown, and so effectively useless.


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1 hour ago, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:


And there you go. The entire reason people are pissed here is because they had supposedly upped the cooldown on those traits to set them as placeholders until they reworked them into more balanceable traits, but not only they haven't changed them at all, they're making brand new traits on new especs already on 300 cooldown, and so effectively useless.


The uselessness only seems to come from their lack of power, not so much the cooldown.
That and the fact that each trait is constantly in competition with another 2.

I still don't have a problem with the idea of a one time trait on a huge cooldown, but if that's going to be an option then the trait has to be seriously powerful to warrant it over the other options.

Off the top of my head i'd say something like Unholy Sanctuary should refill the shroud bar completely on top of the death avoidance but! should gain a mechanical drawback like the Warriors Vengeance down skill.
You instantly go down the next time you leave shroud unless you manage to kill something while in shroud.
I expect something like that could be implemented quite easily with a unique buff that gets removed on a kill, and downs you when shroud expires or is cancelled.

I wouldn't say this would be an instant "I win" thing, more like a last stand extra life thing.
The bigger problem would be how to make it work with Scourge.. it would probably need to go on a timer or something like Vengeance.

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14 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

The uselessness only seems to come from their lack of power, not so much the cooldown.
That and the fact that each trait is constantly in competition with another 2.

I still don't have a problem with the idea of a one time trait on a huge cooldown, but if that's going to be an option then the trait has to be seriously powerful to warrant it over the other options.

Off the top of my head i'd say something like Unholy Sanctuary should refill the shroud bar completely on top of the death avoidance but! should gain a mechanical drawback like the Warriors Vengeance down skill.
You instantly go down the next time you leave shroud unless you manage to kill something while in shroud.
I expect something like that could be implemented quite easily with a unique buff that gets removed on a kill, and downs you when shroud expires or is cancelled.

I wouldn't say this would be an instant "I win" thing, more like a last stand extra life thing.
The bigger problem would be how to make it work with Scourge.. it would probably need to go on a timer or something like Vengeance.


Well like I said, for something to warrant such a cooldown it needs to be extremely powerful. A "last stand" trait that activates only once, at most twice per match isn't gonna be worth picking over something that benefits you every fight. Most of the 300 sec cooldown traits give you a get-out-of-jail-free card passively, hence why they were problematic at the typical low cooldown, but at 300 seconds getting a second chance at a single fight isn't worth anything, especially since you can't pick when it happens.

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