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a reimagined untamed


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keeping the "untamed" idea i propose to you a similar yet different concept for the new ranger spec.


far from a total rework, a redesign of the pet mechanic, some changes for the hammer and some spells tweak.


first of all i would completeley rework the pet system and unleash mechanic.

instead of the classic one pet mechanic you would get 4 different pets each on f1, f2, f3, f4.

using a pet summon put it on a big cooldown while putting other f skill on a low cooldown so you get only on pet at a time.

while summoned the pet would, depending on the type of pet, either appear close the the target, close to you or at a certain range of the target.

the pet would use its special attack (not the beast one but its 3rd attack) upon summon and then proceed to atack the target for a set amount of time before it unsummon itself. (there lies the "untamed part" where the pet do as he pleases.). when a pet unsummon itself it counts as a pet swap for other trait synergy.


the F5 would stay as it is but instead of a swap of state, it would be a special summon skill which would summon all 4 pets at the same time but only for the duration of their beast skill they will automatically use upon being summoned this way. and gets unsummoned right after. (will still deploy near you, target or at a certain distance depending on pet type.)

it would also add the "unleashed buff" from the trait but only for around 9 or so seconds.

the corresponding traits that buff you when you are unleashed would also be buffed and those you get when you are not unleashed would be nerfed.


the hammer would stay as it is BUT would get both skill set. you start with the cc skills and IF you hit a target you unlock for 3s the next damage skill affiliated to the cc skill you used.

hammer 3 would also be a leap and hammer 5 cc variant would grant stability for 2 sec if hitting the target.


i wouldn't change the untamed skills much. tho i would made so the heal works on any number of pet you currently have. so if you pull off a f5 + heal you could potentially heal for x4 more. but its risky because not all pets would stay up for the same amount of time depending on the cast time of their beast skill.


one new passive trait that could be added:

depending on the pet you summon you get one specific buff that you can share with the pet which last a few seconds.


the idea is a bit rough around the edges but  has a strong "untamed" vibe to it. and would not require that much work compared to a total rework as only the pet mechanic and F5 would get an overall.

PS: this is a concept proposition. stats can be tweaked afterwards to properly balance it.


what do you think about it? 🙂

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It looks good, the idea of unlocking the unleash hammer skill by hitting with the normal one it is very interesting.

the 4 pets thing I don’t see it, keep in mind ranger does by baseline less damage, it has smaller multipliers, than other professions because of the pet.

if you bring the pet up temporarily how would you balance that. It seems like a nightmare. 
how would you select 4 different pets it would require a full UI redesign, including the naming part.

how would you control the pet. Big part of the ranger mechanic is to be able to target different targets with the pets, and be able to retarget or disengage. The 4 F pets would work for another profession but not for the ranger.

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1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

It looks good, the idea of unlocking the unleash hammer skill by hitting with the normal one it is very interesting.

the 4 pets thing I don’t see it, keep in mind ranger does by baseline less damage, it has smaller multipliers, than other professions because of the pet.

if you bring the pet up temporarily how would you balance that. It seems like a nightmare. 
how would you select 4 different pets it would require a full UI redesign, including the naming part.

how would you control the pet. Big part of the ranger mechanic is to be able to target different targets with the pets, and be able to retarget or disengage. The 4 F pets would work for another profession but not for the ranger.

the pet would not be controllable. "untamed". you just unleash it while targeting someone/something and let it do its thing until it unsummon itslef and allow you to summon another of the 3 you have.

by the time you summoned all of them the first onethat you have summoned would be available again. so you get a full uptime on pet IF none dies while being summoned.

its like fire and forget kind of pet. like unleashing the savage nature of the wild instead of having good tamed pets. thus "untamed."


don't forget that the F5 would also summon all of them for a very short time just to use their beast ability before going back.

an alternative could be that F5 refresh all pet summon cooldown so that all of them can be summoned. and if one is  still on the field it simply use its beast skill before unsummon itlsef. thus the F5 would be like a sort of ultimate "unleashing the wrath of nature with all pets going out at ones."

the idea is that , instead of having faithfull pet or soulbound pet, you get this time savage pets that you can unleash.


the "retarget" would be you summoning another pet against another target. sure you wont have as much control as with one pet however you can unleash multiple pets (not at the same time tho unless you use the F5). the fun part is that for example a melee pet would get summoned near the target instead of near you, and activating its 3rd ability right away. providing some new way of engaging someone.

the jacaranda would be summoned near you instead and use its heal right away.
the temporary nature of those new pets and the new way they would get summoned make them less prone to problem because of the AI and wouldn't require any management except for the moment you chose to summon one.

also good rangers who don't send their pet to death and made so they survive long enough before the auto unsummon would get the boons their pet got while summoned or any other effect that activate upon pet swap from the trait.

so a good ranger would also be able to time the moment it unsummon.


but ultimately the pet could just auto retarget your new target if it charging mindlessly on the first target si a problem.


as for the nightmare of choosing the right pets for each F skills.. one could simplify the UI by making the player choose only one type of pet (bear, cat, spider, etc) and he would get 4 bears, or 4 cats, etc.. but i personaly prefer the ability to choose which pet i want to summon.

Edited by ledernierrempart.6871
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I'm....not sure how much you play ranger but this wouldn't exactly work for a number of reasons:


Take Jacranda example for instance, if it automatically uses it's F3 and unsummons, that means it does nothing but heal itself (as the F3 is Photosynthesize and does not affect allies).  Even if you summon a bird or something that gives you area swiftness, its often a useless buff because there are way too many ways to get that in the first place.  


With this it looks like we're also losing the F2s? That's going to be a no-go when something like smokescale's smoke field is a staple of both competitive modes.  If you remove smoke field then you practically remove smokescale, as after the damage nerfs it does way less than something like rock gazelle (in terms of power damage).  


This also doesn't fix AI problems or mobility problems in the least.  Maybe in open world PvE you can summon a pet near something and have that work, but in PvP or WvW the target is just going to teleport or stealth, leaving your pet standing around until it unsummons itself.  And if you choose the above mentioned rock gazelle...well when it's done charging the air it'll be about 50ft away from anything when it unsummons....

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4 hours ago, ledernierrempart.6871 said:

keeping the "untamed" idea i propose to you a similar yet different concept for the new ranger spec.


far from a total rework, a redesign of the pet mechanic, some changes for the hammer and some spells tweak.


first of all i would completeley rework the pet system and unleash mechanic.

instead of the classic one pet mechanic you would get 4 different pets each on f1, f2, f3, f4.

using a pet summon put it on a big cooldown while putting other f skill on a low cooldown so you get only on pet at a time.

while summoned the pet would, depending on the type of pet, either appear close the the target, close to you or at a certain range of the target.

the pet would use its special attack (not the beast one but its 3rd attack) upon summon and then proceed to atack the target for a set amount of time before it unsummon itself. (there lies the "untamed part" where the pet do as he pleases.). when a pet unsummon itself it counts as a pet swap for other trait synergy.


the F5 would stay as it is but instead of a swap of state, it would be a special summon skill which would summon all 4 pets at the same time but only for the duration of their beast skill they will automatically use upon being summoned this way. and gets unsummoned right after. (will still deploy near you, target or at a certain distance depending on pet type.)

it would also add the "unleashed buff" from the trait but only for around 9 or so seconds.

the corresponding traits that buff you when you are unleashed would also be buffed and those you get when you are not unleashed would be nerfed.


the hammer would stay as it is BUT would get both skill set. you start with the cc skills and IF you hit a target you unlock for 3s the next damage skill affiliated to the cc skill you used.

hammer 3 would also be a leap and hammer 5 cc variant would grant stability for 2 sec if hitting the target.


i wouldn't change the untamed skills much. tho i would made so the heal works on any number of pet you currently have. so if you pull off a f5 + heal you could potentially heal for x4 more. but its risky because not all pets would stay up for the same amount of time depending on the cast time of their beast skill.


one new passive trait that could be added:

depending on the pet you summon you get one specific buff that you can share with the pet which last a few seconds.


the idea is a bit rough around the edges but  has a strong "untamed" vibe to it. and would not require that much work compared to a total rework as only the pet mechanic and F5 would get an overall.

PS: this is a concept proposition. stats can be tweaked afterwards to properly balance it.


what do you think about it? 🙂

I like this

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I'm....not sure how much you play ranger but this wouldn't exactly work for a number of reasons:


Take Jacranda example for instance, if it automatically uses it's F3 and unsummons, that means it does nothing but heal itself (as the F3 is Photosynthesize and does not affect allies).  Even if you summon a bird or something that gives you area swiftness, its often a useless buff because there are way too many ways to get that in the first place.  


With this it looks like we're also losing the F2s? That's going to be a no-go when something like smokescale's smoke field is a staple of both competitive modes.  If you remove smoke field then you practically remove smokescale, as after the damage nerfs it does way less than something like rock gazelle (in terms of power damage).  


This also doesn't fix AI problems or mobility problems in the least.  Maybe in open world PvE you can summon a pet near something and have that work, but in PvP or WvW the target is just going to teleport or stealth, leaving your pet standing around until it unsummons itself.  And if you choose the above mentioned rock gazelle...well when it's done charging the air it'll be about 50ft away from anything when it unsummons....

no. only the f5 skill would summon the pets to do their F2 skills (beast skills) then unsummon. all the regualr F1<->F4 summon skills will make them use their 3rd skill (which is the heal for the jacaranda) and let them attack their target or do their other skills for like 9 seconds (or a bit less or a bit more.) before unsummoning themsleves and allowing you to summon anopther pet from the 4 you choose which isn't in CD yet.


so if you want a pet doing their beast attack (like smokescale smoke screen) you would use the F5. but it would also summon all the other 3 pets to do their beast skill. and since smokescale is a melee pet, it would summon itself near your target (or near you if no target selected.) so you can either use it for a warhorn blast OR a greatsword/sword leap toward an enemy.

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The pets unleashed skills should preform their non-unleashed ones too and then all the unleashed skill should do is something related to the family. 

An awesome example is the Devourer retreat f3 is now a targeted teleport that provides a portal on a second f3 click. That would provide ranger a real portal and use for that pet which is exactly what they wanted for this spec. 

I could go on, maybe the bird provides alacrity or quickness on is abilities and so on. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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Or, instead of summoning pets which is just... incredibly meh sounding, just give the untamed four actual useful F skills for a bruiser spec and abandon the pet altogether (or keep it as a visual spirit thing that floats around you and casts the F skills, I don't care). The UI would essentially look like the engineer toolbelt bar, which is kinda funny considering what the engie spec got. Could keep the unleashed mechanic to flip over F1-F4 between defensive and offensive skills.

Would guarantee something that can be built upon for large scale WvW viability.

Edited by Lazze.9870
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Tbh they should make the F1 like ventari tablet heal so your pet goes whre youd esignate and deals damage and applies conditions. They could even make it a totem instead and all its skills archetype dependend. F5 would make your pet switch between normal and totem state (so when you are unleashed th pet is a totem and when your pet is unleashed its the normal pet that gets bonus stats.

So when you have it in totem form you can command it and use it to cast damaging area effects but otherwise it deals less damage if not specifically commanded. In the other state its a pet that can be killed but it acts on its own and is now more potent than before.


Thats atleast what i woul do. This would also give the spec some zerg viability.

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I like the idea but it just needs more jack of all trades. Let untaimed provide all boons with weapon/pet family unleashed versions. Make the healing really good on bears and moas. Provide unique abilities to a pet family like Devourer being able to create portals.

Give dragons some invulnerability on there unleashed pet family skill for WvW. 


We could even end up with a chronomancer situation where the pets could be kept alive and tank for raids. 

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