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[Petition] make home instance chests free to open


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For the heart of thorns chests, I have an aurillium node which pays for the keys to the exalted chest. I also have a ley-energy matter converter which gives a either a crowbar, exalted key, chak acid or machete each day. So I can get one of the other two keys with that for nothing. Which only leaves one chest where I need to go do the map itself.  Personally, I can generally do one run of chak gerent and get enough acid vials for a fair while, so I pick the crowbar. Silverwastes spews out bandit crests I've got enough currency for something like 18 months of daily chest opening and I have barely played the map.





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9 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Low-hanging fruit?  Fifty Gold and a lot of Karma or Magic doesn't seem so low-hanging to me.  Some of the Achievements weren't exactly a walk in the park, either. 

I was referring to the actual looting of the nodes. It's very easy to loot a full home in under 10 minutes and get items worth several gold even if you don't open the chests. The chests are the only nodes that require you to go out and play the events and I still cannot get anyone to give me a solid reason why this is good for the player, while I've given several reasons why it's not.

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9 hours ago, Bingus.4236 said:

For the heart of thorns chests, I have an aurillium node which pays for the keys to the exalted chest. I also have a ley-energy matter converter which gives a either a crowbar, exalted key, chak acid or machete each day. So I can get one of the other two keys with that for nothing. Which only leaves one chest where I need to go do the map itself.  Personally, I can generally do one run of chak gerent and get enough acid vials for a fair while, so I pick the crowbar. Silverwastes spews out bandit crests I've got enough currency for something like 18 months of daily chest opening and I have barely played the map.





How do you get a surplus of chak acid from gerent? The time between killing the gerent and the laser firing is so long, I end up using all acid earned from the event on the chests in the lanes. Afterwards I get the reward for the meta event, which doesn't even give enough acid to open all chests behind the wall. I always leave chak gerent with less keys than I started with. Unless I started with 0 keys, then I leave with 0 keys and leave some unopened chests behind.


Tarir meta is the same. Even if I don't just do the meta and do several event chains from start to finish before going into the meta, I end up using all keys.


Combine this with the fact that the loot in the home instance chests is worse than the loot from the map chests, and I really have to wonder why these chests exist in the first place. Decoration?

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30 minutes ago, BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

How do you get a surplus of chak acid from gerent? The time between killing the gerent and the laser firing is so long, I end up using all acid earned from the event on the chests in the lanes. Afterwards I get the reward for the meta event, which doesn't even give enough acid to open all chests behind the wall. I always leave chak gerent with less keys than I started with. Unless I started with 0 keys, then I leave with 0 keys and leave some unopened chests behind.


Tarir meta is the same. Even if I don't just do the meta and do several event chains from start to finish before going into the meta, I end up using all keys.


Combine this with the fact that the loot in the home instance chests is worse than the loot from the map chests, and I really have to wonder why these chests exist in the first place. Decoration?

Maybe he chooses the Chak Gullet as a reward from the End chest(12 chak acids). I always do because I always need more keys for more currency, and do not need the Eggs or Amalgamated Gemstone.  

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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20 hours ago, StevenL.3761 said:


This is a petition to make personal chests in your home instance free to open without a key.

  • Personal Bandit Chest
  • Personal Airship Cargo
  • Personal Crystallized Supply Cache
  • Personal Exalted Chest

Not being able to open these chests because you don't have the key is not a Feel Good moment. It's also not a good incentive to revisit the relevant maps. It's just an annoyance that makes my day a little bit worse.

Feel free to sign by leaving a comment.

According by me this request doesn't fit with the content's purpose.
All the contents that you unlock in the home istance are a "plus" that you can use by you own or even share with other people (so they must have the key aswell).
Why you need those free to open? If you have them in your home istance it means you already farmed them in their relative map content, so it means you already got the keys. One or two key less in your wallet is irrilevant.
Moreover this system prevent people (without the chests and key) leeching your home everyday.

Edited by Vendicatore.4370
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The rewards in each of these chests is rubbish inventory spam. Meanwhile their respective keys are cheap and easy to obtain.

Who's it gonna cost more than one second of mild inconvenience to miss out on some airship oil, emp fragments, a green and a thorn? 3 of the 4 are more inconvenient to have to manually delete. Arguably, all 4 are...

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Still meh. The three HoT chests each cost 250 of the relevant map currency, which is dirt cheap. The bandit chest is awarded for story completion, so it's free, basically. As far as low hanging fruits go, how do the prices of these chests compare to ANY other harvesting node you can unlock in the home instance? I kindly refer you to the link you posted on the first page, it has all the info you need to make that judgement.

Which is hanging lower: the 50 gold with a choice of 10000 volatile/unbound magic or 245000 karma; or the 250 HoT currency and the massive inconvenience of having to buy/farm the kitten keys, as well? (I am not censored, I actually typed that word as it appears.)

If anything, the chests in question should give even worse loot than they do, based on the disproportionately lower effort it takes you to acquire them (keys included) when compared to the rest.

Edited by MikeG.6389
Some wording and final sentence.
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16 hours ago, StevenL.3761 said:

I invite you to take a look at all the home nodes that can be gathered daily without having to play events around the world. Home instance - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

Why should the chests be different? Why are they different? How can you argue that only the chests should require event participation but not every other node?

So you provide a list of items that require the specific tools, to say that another node shouldn't require it's specific tool?

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6 hours ago, StevenL.3761 said:

I was referring to the actual looting of the nodes. It's very easy to loot a full home in under 10 minutes and get items worth several gold even if you don't open the chests. The chests are the only nodes that require you to go out and play the events and I still cannot get anyone to give me a solid reason why this is good for the player, while I've given several reasons why it's not.

The chests still aren't nodes and never were nodes. No matter how many times you'll try to pretend in your posts it's the same thing, it just isn't.

You were given plenty of reasons, you're just dodging them.



Yes, without a change, facts are very confusing to some people 🥱

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I must have the wrong 'nodes'; I don't gather several Gold each day.  :classic_sad:

In all fairness, and depending on what you have in your home instance, you do. Maybe not in an obvious, sell-on-the-TP kind of way, but there is a good amount of wealth to be had there. Should you not be familiar with [fast] Farming Community, here's their relevant page.

Interesting how the very cheap Exalted Chest ranks higher than the Enchanted Treasure Chest, arguably the most effort-intensive addition to the home instance.

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18 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Is it? You get stuff from those chests. Stuff that you can turn into gold by selling/recrafting/exchanging it and then use that gold how you want. Both cases are about increasing your "ingame wealth" and both are asking for "more for free" because you don't want to get more by yourself. The main difference here is that I used "gold" in my analogy (hence it's still an analogy instead of being exactly same thing), while the chests provide "items that can be turned into gold". So clearly not all that different and not all that "false" analogy.

Your take on that in your previous post -for now- doesn't seem to be true at all. If it was supposed to be passive/free, then it would be. But it's not. What you gain here is the fact that you don't need to go to those maps to open those chests. Farm up the keys and then keep opening the chest while gathering the home instance. slowly, daily, over time, but still all at one place, which is what's already convenient about it.

This response is not only directed to @Sobx.1758, but also @StevenL.3761:

Could we just skip all this talk about Gold and keys, look instead to the fact that those are suvenirs from a commander to show of that he/she where once on those maps and worked  a bit to earn those Gold pieces and currencies to buy them before he/she went home to their Home Instance? I mean they are for most part decoration, if nothing else, and that isn't unusual in MMO to have items just to show other player that visit that you have been there.

It is the same with Krait Obelisk Shard which you can use to transform 25 Quartz Crystal into Charged Quartz Crystal. In game there are plenty of Hero Challenge places that after get your Hero Points/Challenge now works as Place of Power.


All in all almost all object there that are possible to get into Home Instance have the same feature out in Game World, so it is more like having suvenirs to show off to other player when visit and farm (but limited farming).

Also I have not expericed to be out of keys, even when I very rarely visit HoT maps, so I don't get why @StevenL.3761 have this problem. Where I really lack keys (Geode) are in Dry Top where I join up in events regulary as I go there to farm my daily Quartz hand hopefully get to a Skritt Queen that I am a nice person and "borrow" some of her mega sized collection of Quartz. 😄
Here it is more a problem with how the cost of buying more chest keys are related to maps activity (lower cost to buy items as more player are on map and do event chains) and how often Buried Chests event happens, so it simply a question about how you want to use your time. Do I Spend my time on old maps to get something (more) or in the new maps. The only main problem is if any Achievement or Collection (Legendary) would be on a map where you need to open random chests to get that.

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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So just to clarify a few things.

I'm always out of keys because I actually use my keys. Unused keys are worth nothing to me. Given the choice between using a key now or using a key later, the only reasonable choice is using the key now.  I open all chests in sight and I never have enough keys left to loot my home. Your experience may be different but that doesn't take away from mine and other players' who have expressed a similar sentiment in this thread.

The cost of obtaining a chest is also irrelevant to what I'm saying. I'm only requesting a change to the upkeep cost of the chests that are already unlocked. Specifically to align the upkeep cost with every other home instance node. For every other node, you just click interact and you're done for the day. That's all I'm asking for chests.

The notion that the chests are for decoration only is ridiculous, sorry. In the long term you're leaving a lot of loot on the table if you loot your home daily but ignore the chests.

In any case, I don't need any further information on how the chests work today. I'm here to tell you what the problems are with the way they work and why it's a good idea to change the current behavior.

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20 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

So just to clarify a few things.

I'm always out of keys because I actually use my keys.

Which, again, makes this a you problem.  Sorry.  Don't mean to be harsh. 

Why do you not use zone currency to purchase additional keys to use in your home instance?

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15 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

I'm always out of keys because I actually use my keys. Unused keys are worth nothing to me. Given the choice between using a key now or using a key later, the only reasonable choice is using the key now.  I open all chests in sight and I never have enough keys left to loot my home. Your experience may be different but that doesn't take away from mine and other players' who have expressed a similar sentiment in this thread.

You can farm up more keys (and currency for those keys) than there are chests to open. If you don't want to (and as you said previously, you don't even intend to buy keys for the relevant map currency, which is fully and clearly the intended design here), then it's your choice.

15 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

The cost of obtaining a chest is also irrelevant to what I'm saying. I'm only requesting a change to the upkeep cost of the chests that are already unlocked. Specifically to align the upkeep cost with every other home instance node. For every other node, you just click interact and you're done for the day. That's all I'm asking for chests.

Home instance gathering nodes work the same as their open world counterparts.

Home instance chests work the same as their open world counterparts.

Chests aren't gathering nodes, so one is irrelevant to the other.

15 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

The notion that the chests are for decoration only is ridiculous, sorry. In the long term you're leaving a lot of loot on the table if you loot your home daily but ignore the chests.

See, you just want more free stuff. You also tried saying it's not really worth much, but suddenly... leaving it is "leaving a lot of loot on the table". These are two contradictory statemenets and yet you're just using them interchangably depending what you're responding to.

15 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

In any case, I don't need any further information on how the chests work today. I'm here to tell you what the problems are with the way they work and why it's a good idea to change the current behavior.

If you're actively playing, it really isn't a problem.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You also tried saying it's not really worth much, but suddenly... leaving it is "leaving a lot of loot on the table".

I said no such thing. I said that the home chests drop inferior loot compared to their open world counterparts. Sorry, you just need to read what I wrote. That goes for everything you highlight. I already addressed everything.

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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, you didn't. You dodged it just like you're dodging it now. And without a change you're trying to claim chests should suddenly behave like nodes, but they don't, because they're two different things.

Dude, a node is the most generic term for any object that you can interact with. You're giving it special meaning that doesn't exist.

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13 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

Dude, a node is the most generic term for any object that you can interact with. You're giving it special meaning that doesn't exist.

Gathering nodes and chests are two different things. Trying to claim they're the same by whatever generalized term you'll try using for them is incorrect. Dude.

I'm not giving anything any "special meaning". "Chests" and "gathering nodes" are literally what those objects are. You know that, but you intentionally try to play around those terms in order to pretend they are something else than they actually are. That's rather obvious and it doesn't really work.

13 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

I use the map currency if absolutely necessary but I already said it's wasteful. There are better things to spend it on, like obsidian shards / crafting bags.

Ah, so you're making a choice (and I wouldn't say it's the best one, but w/e, you're free to make it) and because of that choice you somehow deserve to "double dip" by having additional keys for free? Riiiiight....

If you think keys aren't worth it, then not opening those chests shouldn't be an issue for you. If you think opening them is worth it, then get your keys. That's all there is to it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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9 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

A personal problem that affects other players. Maybe try not to be a kitten to half the participants in this thread next time.

I use the map currency if absolutely necessary but I already said it's wasteful. There are better things to spend it on, like obsidian shards / crafting bags.

Half?  Really?  Also, insults don't really help your argument, but you do you.  🙄

You are making choices on how you use your keys and map currency.  This makes it a you problem.  Anet doesn't need to change the way that nodes and/or chests work in home instances because of your choices.

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