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It is only your opinion, but what is: (list)

Crab Fear.1624

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I'll take a stab at it.


1. Teamfighter - A slightly beefy DPS, capable of  doing a lot of damage (often packs AoE), sometimes brings a lot of CC. Often lacking in self-sustain, support, and disengage. Job is to kill people.


2. Sidenoder - Can be oppressive in 1v1s, designed to take/hold nodes by bullying the enemy off the node. Runs tools to survive when getting +1'd and creates an advantage for the team by killing the enemy sidenoder or occupying 2+ players by themselves without dying.


3. Roamer - Good mobility and burst damage, moves around the map picking favorable fights, ideally being a +1 for a friendly sidenoder. Can double as a teamfighter/DPS. Generates advantages for the team by quickly killing targets in advantageous situations without sacrificing too much map presence.


4. Bunker - Almost a deviation of sidenoder, bunkers typically trade kill power for more sustain. Designed to hold nodes and survive under pressure while being less likely to have to sacrifice the node in order to not die.


5. Support - Enables the other team members, typically the teamfighters. Generates an advantage in fights by healing/mitigating damage, providing helpful boons, setting up kills with CC or boonstrip. Often plays similarly to a bunker in 1v1s.

Edited by Arklite.4013
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Outside of the occasional one-off build, are there really any bunkers in the current game? Arguably, pre-nerf scourge was in this category, though it was also a support. The removal of all of the super tanky/sustainy amulets combined with other changes to damage and sustain have more or less eliminated true bunkers.


To be clear by bunker, I'm thinking of things like HoT chrono bunker, various druid builds, and even the old sentinel banner warrior. Core support guard was also way more of a bunker in the past than it is now.

Edited by covahlam.6391
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27 minutes ago, covahlam.6391 said:

Outside of the occasional one-off build, are there really any bunkers in the current game? Arguably, pre-nerf scourge was in this category, though it was also a support. The removal of all of the super tanky/sustainy amulets combined with other changes to damage and sustain have more or less eliminated true bunkers.


To be clear by bunker, I'm thinking of things like HoT chrono bunker, various druid builds, and even the old sentinel banner warrior. Core support guard was also way more of a bunker in the past than it is now.

One could argue if there are any non-bunkers in the game, with how hard it is to kill anything sentient.

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Bunkers are similar to tanks = low damage high survivability. Good at surviving outnumbered, not specially good at killing though. Guardians can make really good bunkers for example.


Roamers are typically thieves or mesmers = high mobility + good burst damage. Best used as a +1 to outnumber fights and cap/decap unguarded points.


Sidenoder is like a duelist build. Similar to bunker in some ways but also different like explained above. Warriors and Rangers have been good at this role pretty often for example.


Teamfighter = Big AOE and crowd control. Wins the big middle fight when paired with a support. Reapers are a good example of this. 


Support = give boons, heal allies and fast resurrect. Pairs well with teamfighters.


Which class is good at what role changes a little with balance patches all the time...

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On 11/5/2021 at 6:53 AM, Crab Fear.1624 said:

1. Teamfighter

2. Side Noder

3. Roamer

4. Bunker

5. Support


These are roles and names I see pop up in game and on the forums, but what do you think they mean?

Are you sure that your beliefs of their meaning align with what the community believes?

I'm curious.

The "roles" invented by the GW2 community are the delusional products of a collective ego which seeks to insulate itself from the reality that this game's PvP effectively boils down into two half-roles:  "the guy who plays solitaire with himself while people take actions against him" and "the guy who looks for the easiest fight to win."  All professions and all possible builds within them are just different shades of the same two colors.  The entirety of GW2 PvP is little more than pressing F4 before the match even starts, quick-swapping onto a class to best hard counter the enemy comp, and then watching  a minimap to know where you should be at any given time.

Support is a bunker; Side-noder is a teamfighter is a roamer.  All you're really looking for is a stack of classes that can teleport, passively mitigate damage while attacking, and ideally have someone on the team who can stand the boredom of rotating through a bunch of passive healing and instant effect negation abilities while standing on a circle.  However, the talking heads within the GW2 PvP community (i.e. those who feel that they have something to lose within this community:  fame, reputation, respect, etc.) want to maintain the façade that they're actually skilled and creative despite the fact that "being skilled" in GW2 means little more than utterly surrendering your agency to a system that is just barely more complex than rock-paper-scissors.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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On 11/5/2021 at 11:00 AM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

One could argue if there are any non-bunkers in the game, with how hard it is to kill anything sentient.

Many sentient players go down more easily than bots, because bots are cold and heartless and die like zealots, while real players tend to get anxious, sometimes even panic, and make mistakes.


Overconfidence can also lead to underestimating an opponent and making mistakes, too.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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2 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

Let's be honest, in most matches 4/5 players end up being "Roamers" who just go around killing other players. Then you have maybe one person actually taking a node, if you're lucky everyone will get greedy and die on mid.

I am proud core condi necro roamer. This kitten carries me pretty high 😄

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On 11/5/2021 at 12:53 PM, Crab Fear.1624 said:

1. Teamfighter

2. Side Noder

3. Roamer

4. Bunker

5. Support


These are roles and names I see pop up in game and on the forums, but what do you think they mean?

Are you sure that your beliefs of their meaning align with what the community believes?

I'm curious.

With the removal of boatload of amulets this list no longer reflects the meta. We don't have this many roles left. 

Bunker is the same as support now, rename teamfighter to necromancer, sidenoder or roamer can literally be a same build if you swap berserker amulet to marauder... man I wish your list still made sense. Those were the better days.

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55 minutes ago, lightDestroyer.1265 said:

Nah,  roamers are very different.  They bring thevmost value to a team,  even more than sidenoders and support.  They are ehat tou carry people with. 

Roamers have the most impact. But matches are still revolving around teamfight. Sometimes I have matches with 1 sidenoder + 4 roamers or 1 sidernoder + 1 support + 3 roamers. Man those matches are purely shitshow from my point of view.

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10 minutes ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

Roamers have the most impact. But matches are still revolving around teamfight. Sometimes I have matches with 1 sidenoder + 4 roamers or 1 sidernoder + 1 support + 3 roamers. Man those matches are purely shitshow from my point of view.

That ia the problem of matchmaking and players not switching.  1 roamer is more than enough and maybe in some matches 2 can be allowed,  but 3-4 is completely wrong. 

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