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Things that need to be addressed in pvp


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  • Anti-cheat. GM's can only do so much and with the latest controversies I think this one speaks for itself
  • Blind spam, needs ICD
  • Resistance needs buffs in duration across the board as it was gutted
  • Warrior is falling behind in all regards compared to other classes
  • No more swapping out classes and Build Wars 2 before a match starts in competitive
  • Enforcing rules against wintrading, a complex problem but needs a mention
  • Being able to close the freaking que window once you accept after it pops up
  • Your teammates full set of stats as opposed to only who had the most dps healing etc. like in other games
  • Overall class balance changes, mainly nerfs to address the power creep from PoF that will hinder future non-busted specs from being successful in comp


Feel free to list any others that come to mind or that I missed

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  • One of the best players in the world plays berserker warrior who kill shots for 8-13k lost to him in 2 ATs so far in the finals.
  • Blind Spam most certainly doesn't need a ICD alot of classes blind has no effect on due to multiple hits coming fast.
  • Resistance is fine condition damage is weaker then power.
  • Class swapping is fine.
  • Yes we need to enforce against win trading.
  • Yes we need to be able to close queue after it pops but its only 20 seconds not sure how annoying this really is.
  • I agree we definitely need real post game stats.
  • Overall class balance needs work but its mostly fine baring mesmers and FBs, maybe some stuff i'm missing but most classes are viable and has atleast 2-3 viable builds in pvp, just things like gravity well and primelight beam needs there damage back some other various weapons like hammer on warriors and guardians needs some work.
Edited by Genesis.5169
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8 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:
  • One of the best players in the world plays berserker warrior who kill shots for 8-13k lost to him in 2 ATs so far in the finals.

He doesn't actually stay rifle zerker when playing against decent players otherwise his team has to peel for him 24/7. Not trying to knock him as a player, it's just that rifle zerker is not actually viable no matter how good you are. If you lost to his team on zerker then you didn't have a chance to begin with, and this isn't a good case for warrior's viability at all anyway.

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16 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:
  • Anti-cheat. GM's can only do so much and with the latest controversies I think this one speaks for itself
  • Blind spam, needs ICD
  • Resistance needs buffs in duration across the board as it was gutted
  • Warrior is falling behind in all regards compared to other classes
  • No more swapping out classes and Build Wars 2 before a match starts in competitive
  • Enforcing rules against wintrading, a complex problem but needs a mention
  • Being able to close the freaking que window once you accept after it pops up
  • Your teammates full set of stats as opposed to only who had the most dps healing etc. like in other games
  • Overall class balance changes, mainly nerfs to address the power creep from PoF that will hinder future non-busted specs from being successful in comp


Feel free to list any others that come to mind or that I missed

* Definitely need an anti-cheat software that reads movement speeds and other things happening so it knows when players are performing actions that are otherwise impossible without hacks.

* Blind spam doesn't ICD, we just need less blind spam in general. They need to straight up remove some of the blind off of builds that are outputting way too much blind spam.

* Resistance Retaliation change was dumb to begin with and needs to be reverted back to its original form.

* Warrior only falls behind due to blind spam.

* Swapping and organizing your team comp BEFORE a match starts during the prematch timer is fine. But swapping characters mid-game after the match begins, is redundant and stupid and not fun for either team to have to keep up with. Swapping after a match begins needs to just be deactivated in every mode.

* They don't even need to enforce actual rules against wintrading, which would be overly difficult to be constantly investigating. The far far easier route is just to reenable 5man queueing in ranked so wise players can block themselves from the effects of wintrading. That or remove ranked, shuffle all ranked rewards to unranked, and put the badge/rating system to shorter 1 month long AT seasons based around MAT start & end. Real simple fixes here and there isn't any reason besides gross negligence that Anet hasn't done anything about this problem yet.

* Queue window can be dismissed on first pop but then shows back up during map select & spinner. Yeah, the box needs to be able to be turned off completly after hitting accept or decline.

* I could definitely stand to see a more advanced personal stat board at the end of a match, but honestly I don't think this is anywhere even near a priority compared to some of the aforementioned problems in your list here.

* Surprisingly I don't have much to complain about in the way of balance right now. This is strangely the most balanced meta we've had in a very very long time. Yes, there are some light-grade problems but none of them are as glaring and ridiculous of balance issues compared to things we've seen in the past.

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14 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:
  • One of the best players in the world plays berserker warrior who kill shots for 8-13k lost to him in 2 ATs so far in the finals.


He plays zerk one shot meme build. Just works in the AT's against pugs not in the MATs. Have you seen a single warrior in the previous two MATs? Nope, there wasn't even one.


14 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:
  • Blind Spam most certainly doesn't need a ICD alot of classes blind has no effect on due to multiple hits coming fast.

It needs either an ICD or less spam. Atm it's way too prevalent.


14 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:
  • Resistance is fine condition damage is weaker then power.

 Resistance was gutted and needs more love after what happened to it. Condi only needs two stat lines to be effective and dps needs three.


14 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:
  • Class swapping is fine.

No it's not, especially mid game. It devolves the matches into building against your team as opposed to using the group you have to overcome.



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10 hours ago, DomHemingway.8436 said:

Do you guys think WB and Virtuoso and Harbringer are more like true balance? Who will Anet start playing the chain with, any ideas?

I will explain my question more broadly. New 2 elite specializations receive hammers. As I understand it, devs want the hammers to be playable, so we can assume that the feb patch was just the beginning. Why am I talking about WB, Virtuoso and Harbringer, because they seem are slower, than all the current limited meta, with inflated numbers in some weapons, traits and modifiers, which starts from the core guardian (one needs to run so much, the second needs to do that kind of damage, the third needs to do this pew pew, the fourth needs to put on a shroud of this size, the fifth needs to do boon corruption of this size and other meta modifiers, etc) and all this to play with the current core guardian meta (a replacement for the past more complex version of guardian - FB, without macro game and counterplay between other supports). Willbender probably won't even be able to scratch his core version.


P. S. as for the TS list, I like it.

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41 minutes ago, DomHemingway.8436 said:

I will explain my question more broadly. New 2 elite specializations receive hammers. As I understand it, devs want the hammers to be playable, so we can assume that the feb patch was just the beginning. Why am I talking about WB, Virtuoso and Harbringer, because they seem are slower, than all the current limited meta, with inflated numbers in some weapons, traits and modifiers, which starts from the core guardian (one needs to run so much, the second needs to do that kind of damage, the third needs to do this pew pew, the fourth needs to put on a shroud of this size, the fifth needs to do boon corruption of this size and other meta modifiers, etc) and all this to play with the current core guardian meta (a replacement for the past more complex version of guardian - FB, without macro game and counterplay between other supports). Willbender probably won't even be able to scratch his core version.


P. S. as for the TS list, I like it.

If I had to guess I would expect another sweeping nerfs across the board probably around the time of EoD to compensate with the PoF builds, but I'm not sure.

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8 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:


He plays zerk one shot meme build. Just works in the AT's against pugs not in the MATs. Have you seen a single warrior in the previous two MATs? Nope, there wasn't even one.


It needs either an ICD or less spam. Atm it's way too prevalent.


 Resistance was gutted and needs more love after what happened to it. Condi only needs two stat lines to be effective and dps needs three.


No it's not, especially mid game. It devolves the matches into building against your team as opposed to using the group you have to overcome.



ICD would make it pretty bad to almost useless, I am still fairly new and don't find it difficult to deal with, maybe classes with heavier single hit attacks have more trouble?


Condi only needs 2 stats but if someone knows what they are doing and uses their cleanses correctly they can negate most of the damage the condi builds are throwing at them, there is also resolution which is the condi version of protection.


Mid game changes is ridiculous, I didn't even know that was a thing, although changing my character before the match starts mean I don't have to sit on my pvp character waiting for que timers (which get long in my primetime) an option to switch before seeing the enemy team could work?

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