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I want scrapper But which race!

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I love scrapper, but can't figure out which race to play with.

 I was hoping you guys would help me to figure out that, by sharing me your personal opinion.


Here are my preferences:

I like the motion in character, to feel alive, not clunky. 

I don't want human female meta, kinda sick of them.

Would like aesthetic in a way, but need to feel like he is above all, scrapper.


Thank you in advance, also if you have personal scrapper outfits would love to see them.


Love all 


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3 hours ago, Onlyflameone.2136 said:

Here are my preferences:

I like the motion in character, to feel alive, not clunky. 

I don't want human female meta, kinda sick of them.

Would like aesthetic in a way, but need to feel like he is above all, scrapper.


Charr ! (no i'm not biaised 😋 )

After it really depends on your taste ^^
I advise you to look at https://gw2style.com/search.php (with medium armor...) ans see if you find something cool for you 🙂

For example : 
Iron Legion Scrapper (by Flinteheart) 

Edited by Carcharoth Lucian.1378
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I was thorn between charr male and sylvari male.


Charr seem awesome and powerful, physical wise, but he is way too big and armor often goes wrong. Love the hammer's big swings, but some animations aren't quite as good as sylvari's.


Sylvari is more human like, but with much better agressive still posture. The runing and combat animations are quite good. Hammer 4 ability is way better style than the charr's one.


I think I am going with the sylvari, but want to thank to all the people, that took time to answer me 🙂 😘

Edited by Onlyflameone.2136
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I want some rarity as well, and most people are humans. Also male human seems a bit dummy, and female is more of a caster for me. I like asura, really just, doesn't fit well in my strenght oriented character. And norn, I feel are far from my personal preferences.

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I feel the “strength” so to speak, in Asura animations more than any others, in spite of their small size. They are animated as if they put all their effort into every move, holding nothing back for control, so it really looks like “hulk smash”. Someone did a brilliant job conveying momentum in Asura animation.

The game slows down animations for large characters so they cover the same space, which always leaves me feeling like Charr and Norn are moving through mud, which really dulls their impact.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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