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Chronophantasmata change


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7 hours ago, Stavros.8249 said:

I would like to remove the daze  from this trait. It take so much time, that the class do dmg like condition. 

I don't mind to remove it for pve only, if it's op in pvp. 

On one hand yes, it would make the trait more functional, on the other, kitten chronophantasm and all it did to core mesmer.

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Chronophantasma didn't do anything to core mesmer. What happened was ANet nerfed everything in core mesmer, and everything that wasn't busted in chrono in an attempt to balance HoT release chrono, without ever addressing the reasons it was so busted. And then eventually came back and fixed what made it busted in the first place without ever reverting the nerfs to unrelated core mesmer.


Its the same pattern to mesmer with every major balance patch

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1 hour ago, OriOri.8724 said:

Chronophantasma didn't do anything to core mesmer. What happened was ANet nerfed everything in core mesmer, and everything that wasn't busted in chrono in an attempt to balance HoT release chrono, without ever addressing the reasons it was so busted. And then eventually came back and fixed what made it busted in the first place without ever reverting the nerfs to unrelated core mesmer.


Its the same pattern to mesmer with every major balance patch

Bingo.  Example is nerfing Vigor up time in core (5s to 3s on Critical Infusion) while also nerfing Nomad's Endurance from 3s to 1.5s in Mirage.  The ANet balance team just don't know how to balance Mesmer.

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1 hour ago, phokus.8934 said:

Bingo.  Example is nerfing Vigor up time in core (5s to 3s on Critical Infusion) while also nerfing Nomad's Endurance from 3s to 1.5s in Mirage.  The ANet balance team just don't know how to balance Mesmer.


Their team has no cohesion. It's one abandoned project after another, what one team member does is never followed up on, each new team member just does their own thing and it shows because the old specs just do not get revisited for years.


Just think about it, it took SIX YEARS to fix Scrapper to be relevant in PvE. Reaper is still hot garbage, below 10-20% of the other power DPS specs.


Power revenant is not a thing in PvE, sword/sword and Shiro massively undertuned in PvE, and they somehow introduce an elite spec that manages to perform worse than power renegade, which was already a meme.


The ele Catalyst spec, meant to be a boon support hybrid DPS like quickness Scrapper and Quickness Firebrand actually functions as a high octane DPS spec for ele, while the Weaver with none of the support aspects pitifully sits at 34-36k DPS, making weaver completely obsolete as a spec when it should be the dedicated power DPS elite spec.


Tempest has continued to be a niche spec in PvE and not a competitive support to Healbrand and Druid, just like Herald is a totally mediocre support spec that's effectively a worse support than the condition DPS elite spec, renegade.

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6 hours ago, OriOri.8724 said:

Chronophantasma didn't do anything to core mesmer. What happened was ANet nerfed everything in core mesmer, and everything that wasn't busted in chrono in an attempt to balance HoT release chrono, without ever addressing the reasons it was so busted. And then eventually came back and fixed what made it busted in the first place without ever reverting the nerfs to unrelated core mesmer.


Its the same pattern to mesmer with every major balance patch

ofc it did, chronophantasma is singlehandedly holding every single mesmer phantasm skill hostage.
you cant buff any phantasm skill cuz phantasma waits around the corner to make bad skill into good, good into OP.
Disenchanter by itself -> bad skill, should be buffed, with phantasma? strongest boon rip in the entire game by a miles.
Its not just the damage.

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17 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

ofc it did, chronophantasma is singlehandedly holding every single mesmer phantasm skill hostage.
you cant buff any phantasm skill cuz phantasma waits around the corner to make bad skill into good, good into OP.
Disenchanter by itself -> bad skill, should be buffed, with phantasma? strongest boon rip in the entire game by a miles.
Its not just the damage.

That's kind of exactly what I talked about though. Instead of ever addressing chronophantasma itself (which, although broken on release did actually fix a really big design flaw with core mesmers phantasms), ANet nerfed everything that chronophantasma could affect if it was taken in a build, and they ended up neutering mesmer in the process.


This isn't chronophantasma's doing. This is purely the result of balance changes being done without touching the skills/traits that actually break a build.

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Chronophantasma and Illusionary Reversion are traps!  They look good but, I feel better not taking them.  Even before the daze, Chronophantasma felt slow and clunky (even though yes, it was very strong DPS burst).  Mobs dying before the second phantasm spawned ruled this out for me a long time ago.

Over the past several months I have spent more time with Improved Alacrity and Seize the Moment and enjoyed the gameplay a lot more.  Those traits CP and IR draw the players attention but I think there is more power in other traits now and am happy to explore them.

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On 11/17/2021 at 8:03 PM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

ofc it did, chronophantasma is singlehandedly holding every single mesmer phantasm skill hostage.
you cant buff any phantasm skill cuz phantasma waits around the corner to make bad skill into good, good into OP.
Disenchanter by itself -> bad skill, should be buffed, with phantasma? strongest boon rip in the entire game by a miles.
Its not just the damage.

Exactly. This trait should be removed and mesmer power damage is rebalanced without it.

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The bigger offender is that phantasms delay clone generation, honestly the clone should be generated immediately upon skill cast, considering the phantasm exists essentially as an avatar of a skill action, not as a targetable entity.

Phantasms also need to have better numbers considering their CD's and delay in hit, but unfortunately as usual PvP hamstrings everything mesmer can do for PvE.

Phantasmal Warden needs to be a targetable AoE to be able to control the reflection utility, and Phantasmal Mage needs to have much better condi application considering its humongous base 30 sec cd.

Phantasmal Warlock for staff needs a rework, staff is a condi and support weapon, the warlock should do condition damage and boon support.

It shouldn't be a DPS loss to use phantasmal warlock, which it currently is.

Same for Chaos Storm.

Edited by Zenith.7301
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On 11/20/2021 at 6:13 AM, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

Chronophantasma and Illusionary Reversion are traps!  They look good but, I feel better not taking them.  Even before the daze, Chronophantasma felt slow and clunky (even though yes, it was very strong DPS burst).  Mobs dying before the second phantasm spawned ruled this out for me a long time ago.

Over the past several months I have spent more time with Improved Alacrity and Seize the Moment and enjoyed the gameplay a lot more.  Those traits CP and IR draw the players attention but I think there is more power in other traits now and am happy to explore them.

This, plus Zenith's observation re: clone generation. The nerfs that were made in response to CP were made in response to pre-rework CP. Current CP is strong in the right conditions, but really isn't 'everything needs to be balanced around CP' strong. Maybe make it so that all of the effects from the resummon are reduced to account for condition phantasms and Disenchanter and call it done.


Mesmer has had enough playstyles deleted over the years.

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