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WvWvW is broken and became dull "thanks" changes + ideas to improve it

Deniara Devious.3948

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Biggest gripe: Repairing no longer gives any participation, not even after a successful event. I know this was removed as some players abused it. But now even completing a keep defend event with gold level gives zero participation, unless you kill enemies. Why or is it a bug?

What Arenanet is supposed us to do when you are heavily outnumbered and your keeps and towers are attacked? Just let enemy zergs pvd everything? Wasting supplies and using a disable traps and supply trap or two used to be a standard tactic to slow down enemy zerg and trying to desperately summon some allies from other maps. Trying to kill enemies alone isn't very realistic if the enemy zerg is in a heal ball. Even if you manage to down one, they will most likely be resurrected.

Using siege weapons on walls etc. no longer gives any participation.  This is especially bad when you are alone trying to recapture lost keeps and towers. It takes time to take down walls, especially if objective is tier 2 or higher. The lord + NPCs can be soloed, but while taking down the walls, your participation drops even though you are actually actively contributing to the game.

For those advising to play on such time slot when your server has a lot of players, please keep in mind that some of us have a large family with small kids + job. I can generally mostly only play on such hours that there are few players on our side. It is very demotivating to play as now the only easy way to get reliable participation is to flip camps.

As a sort of proof that my server Desolation has less players is that it has much both less kills and deaths than any other server combination in EU, yet it has positive KDR. See stats at:

Despite being so called "full" status server, on off-peak hours it really means that I can be literally alone on home borderland seeing no other Desolation player for a long while (yet seeing enemy players especially in the South half of the map).

I ask Arenanet developers: What is the purpose of making the game mode empty? A full server should mean there are other players to play with, not just against. I remember a time (in 2012-2014) when all borderlands had a queue. Those times had epic fights and epic lag, but it was more fun. Every year the game mode just becomes more dead. I guess Arenanet just lowers the treshold of full status to keep the status indicators artificially high. The reality is that there are far less players than let's say 5 years ago or even 2 years ago.

WvWvW was supposed to be about large scale open map pvp. Fighting alone doesn't feel epic at all, more like solo pve on a empty map. Is the purpose of Arenanet to change WvWvW is to drive away core players? What is the purpose to turn WvWvW into a solo pve experience?

Removal of outnumbered buff for pips was a bad decision. +5 extra pips was probably too much, but there should more motivation to play on off-peak hours, so maybe +3 could be a good compromise. Now having constantly outnumbered and getting zero extra pips, playing this game more like a chore. PS. I always try to seek map with most players, not seeking outnumbered on purpose, but due family/work reasons I am most often playing on such hours that server just doesn't have much any players on any map.

Sentries no longer cripple the dolyaks. They just damage them. Why this change? Sentries are even more useless now.

Removal of different ways of obtaining participation, the outnumbered pip buff and basically forcing players "just play on prime time and relocate to a server, who can fill a map or two" is just dumb.

Here are ideas to make WvWvW better:

  1. Give participation for using a trap successfully. E.g. if a disable trap disables anything or supply trap triggers, give +5 minutes participation
  2. Reintroduce participation from damaging a wall/gate. Used to be 2 mins per hit.
  3. Reintroduce participation from defending a tower/keep/castle by repairing a wall/gate. Used to be 5/10 minutes.
  4. Increase participation from killing a dolyak from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.
  5. Reintroduce WvWvW outnumbered extra pips, but keep it to +3 pips this time.
  6. Give more points for attacking enemies and objectives owned by them, for those servers who are currently dominating the match up. Instead of the dominating ones usually ganging up against the weakest one.
  7. Give us a siege wallet. Now siege blueprints take a significant portion of backbag space.
  8. Give better rewards. Reward tracks are littered with a lot of useless "fluff", reduce the clutter and give more useful stuff to be sold.
  9. Give us more useful stuff we can buy with WvWvW related currencies. I mean badges of honor, testimonies of heroics, WvWvW claim tickets. I got crazy amount of each of them (158k+ badges, 85k+ proofs of heroics... not much to buy after a lot of legendaries).

Ayna / Desolation (EU)


Edited by Deniara Devious.3948
Added ideas to improve.
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  • Deniara Devious.3948 changed the title to WvWvW is broken and became dull "thanks" changes + ideas to improve it

That's the issue with the boon stack meta. Defensive siege is useless, every relevant cannon can be safely destroyed including the ones inside SM. Same with Mortars and Oil. Arrow Carts are useless against blobs. Unless you bring another blob there is no use fighting against blobs unless you don't mind losing 10 players for every single player you take from them.

23 minutes ago, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

WvWvW was supposed to be about large scale open map pvp. Fighting alone doesn't feel epic at all, more like solo pve on a empty map. Is the purpose of Arenanet to change WvWvW is to drive away core players? What is the purpose to turn WvWvW into a solo pve experience?

The thing is there are many players out there that do not share this mindset, and they are fine with let towers be taken by enemies so they can re-take them back and reset participation. Same with camps, on both Piken and Shiverpeaks servers I've seen more than 10 players grouping around t0 camps, waiting for the lord's buff to run out so they can take it and leave until the next time. I really hope Alliances brings a solution to this, so we the players that enjoy fighting in multiple forms (roam, cloud, zerg) move to certain alliances while PvE and k-train players move to different ones.

Also I don't think Arenanet cares about what you call "core players". Those are the players that moan about every single change added to WvW, be a mount, be tactics, be a new map. I know there is a discord server with one or two devs that also has multiple guild representatives from WvW, so I guess that's their way to go: changes related to zerg and gvg gameplay.

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3 hours ago, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

Here are ideas to make WvWvW better:

  1. Increase participation from killing a dolyak from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.
  2. Reintroduce WvWvW outnumbered extra pips, but keep it to +3 pips this time

Ayna / Desolation (EU)


Need to do more testing more but right now in the borderlands it looks like killing yaks is 0, not even two minutes, sentry and sentry flips are 0, most guards, vets and others 0. Need to test shrine and ruin flips. Right now its seems like its just the final flip of structures and killing players, everything else appears to not be 'participating'.  

As far as the outnumbered pips, what people fail to remember is that when fighting outnumbered you may get nothing so the extra everything else doesn't mean anything. It was meant to encourage people to go big or go home, even if you can't beat the 1 v 8 you might try and trigger fights. And you might, just might get some kills. I appreciate the thought to aid the newer players and also the vets, but that change and this one didn't need to be mutually exclusive since it was to try and keep players on all maps even if you the map you were one was imbalanced at the time you were playing. So agree the +3 would be a good compromise, though it could have stayed as is as well. People are already are discouraged to fight fights they can't win, and this helped with that some. Now seeing more people just vacating maps versus at least going out to slow them down till the numbers might change. But people's mileage might vary.

OP, some of your other ideas are also +1 from me. As a siege carrier for myself and my havoc a siege wallet has been requested many a time, or at least expansion of the shared inventory so that more can be carried at a time. There are times to use guild, superior and walmart siege in different situations. And if you play more than one toon in WvW, it's even a bigger issue. But that is a change outside of these adjustments but still a +1 from me. 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
correction for forum weird double spacing
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4 hours ago, Voltekka.2375 said:

Is a deso player, of all people, complaining? 5 days after relinks? Deso, of all servers?

hello voltekka I take advantage of it for a transparent comparison with other players of different servers

just to understand the state of the game mode

we on deso will be about 10/12 months that we do not see queues on all the maps and we have always been connected with other servers .......only in the resets you can see how a thing that could reach 15/20 people at most usually on ebg......... and sometimes even during the week very rarely.

this is the state of affairs with us but only after 21.00 because before I never connect.

is it the same in your area? are all players hibernation for alliances? 

yet somewhere I read from a developer that the flows are not changed.

let us know what air pulls from your parts. and good game at all.

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If a zerg is attacking your objectives, it's up to your side to counter with a zerg, everything else is meant to be a delay to attackers not outright stop them dead in their tracks, whether that be walls, gates, siege, disablers etc. The only problem with these zergs is when they grow large enough and using the perfect boon ball comp, it gets near impossible to defeat them unless it's an equal zerg of perfect boon ball comp, but this is what anet and those zerg("fight lol") players want, so nothing can be done about it other than leave them to get bored and move on.

If your side cannot muster a zerg to counter then you will lose objectives, it's up to the defenders to try and mitigate the damage by stalling as long as they can until you can get matching numbers, or the enemy gets bored, or distracted by the third side attacking them.

Anet cannot manage the log in times, schedules, length of playtime of players, it's unpredictable when and where players will be in a match that runs 24/7 over multiple time zones over multiple countries, over 4 maps with 3 sides that each can have 60+ players per side, over 51 servers. Even NA prime time can feel off when you have one night only one commander is on, and then the next night five commanders are on.

So stop thinking population has to be perfect every time you're on, this isn't some 5 min 5v5 arena, or 15 min 10v10 battleground. If your server is full but empty zones, you can blame the players for stacking and restacking and bandwagoning so much it's messed up servers over nine years. Even alliances will have it's problems as it's mostly matching by activity time, it will spread some of the base players out and maybe your time zone will pick up more players, but it's still not going to be perfectly even every time. You need to start adapting and dealing for when it's not perfect.

Participation, if you cannot keep it up without repairs and it is somehow your sole source for it, you're doing something wrong, there's 20+ other sources for participation, figure it out.

Outnumbered pips, I never managed my playtime around outnumbered and it's bonuses, I don't think they should have removed it before alliances were permanently in. But let's be real, people playing for outnumbered all the time did it for the faster rewards, instant 5 pips from outnumbered or playing for 4095 ranks to get the same 5 pips?

I mean sure, if it's the extreme situation where you're stuck in the bottom tier and your server can't manage to get numbers to play, which is really the fault of anet and their terrible relinks or player bandwagon cause they can't be bothered to build a community beyond their own guild, I guess you deserve 5 more pips to put up with all that? But in the end we shouldn't want to be outnumbered which is usually a terrible state to play in, so arguing for it's bonuses rather than solutions to prevent that situation seems to be the wrong way to go about it? Although your point 6 is something I've also mentioned about doing, as the double team should always be focused on the strongest in the match not the weakest, and may help ease up being outnumbered.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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10 hours ago, Voltekka.2375 said:

Is a deso player, of all people, complaining? 5 days after relinks? Deso, of all servers?


I mean Deso technically is full, but only because at night our play hours is higher than during the day, which is how it is with how the population  algorithm works atm. With no link the activity should drop alot, although the system seems to adjust very slowly over weeks.

So Deso will probably be full for a long while, the same goes with Gandara and maybe SFR, unless people starts to realise you have to tank your servers activity alot, to not be considered full, by the current population algorithm over weeks.

Alliances should fix alot of the issues we've had on the server (I.e bad links, bandwagons etc) and what happens every relink to alot of servers, since they brought in Server linkings, while they were also working on Alliances in 2017, before development got stalled. 


Edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048
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I don't find that the participation changes affect me much, even playing outnumbered/off-hours from time to time, and that means I also don't mind if they change it back like you're asking.


I am not a fan of the "siege wallet" idea, though. More clicks means more mess, imo. Getting things out of your inventory can be annoying but it's also a space you have a lot of ability to shape and structure to your liking. Which is a huge deal for anyone who actually uses Disablers and Target Painters to their utmost potential.

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13 hours ago, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

Biggest gripe: Repairing no longer gives any participation, not even after a successful event. I know this was removed as some players abused it. But now even completing a keep defend event with gold level gives zero participation, unless you kill enemies. Why or is it a bug?

What Arenanet is supposed us to do when you are heavily outnumbered and your keeps and towers are attacked? Just let enemy zergs pvd everything? Wasting supplies and using a disable traps and supply trap or two used to be a standard tactic to slow down enemy zerg and trying to desperately summon some allies from other maps. Trying to kill enemies alone isn't very realistic if the enemy zerg is in a heal ball. Even if you manage to down one, they will most likely be resurrected.

Using siege weapons on walls etc. no longer gives any participation.  This is especially bad when you are alone trying to recapture lost keeps and towers. It takes time to take down walls, especially if objective is tier 2 or higher. The lord + NPCs can be soloed, but while taking down the walls, your participation drops even though you are actually actively contributing to the game.

For those advising to play on such time slot when your server has a lot of players, please keep in mind that some of us have a large family with small kids + job. I can generally mostly only play on such hours that there are few players on our side. It is very demotivating to play as now the only easy way to get reliable participation is to flip camps.

As a sort of proof that my server Desolation has less players is that it has much both less kills and deaths than any other server combination in EU, yet it has positive KDR. See stats at:

Despite being so called "full" status server, on off-peak hours it really means that I can be literally alone on home borderland seeing no other Desolation player for a long while (yet seeing enemy players especially in the South half of the map).

I ask Arenanet developers: What is the purpose of making the game mode empty? A full server should mean there are other players to play with, not just against. I remember a time (in 2012-2014) when all borderlands had a queue. Those times had epic fights and epic lag, but it was more fun. Every year the game mode just becomes more dead. I guess Arenanet just lowers the treshold of full status to keep the status indicators artificially high. The reality is that there are far less players than let's say 5 years ago or even 2 years ago.

WvWvW was supposed to be about large scale open map pvp. Fighting alone doesn't feel epic at all, more like solo pve on a empty map. Is the purpose of Arenanet to change WvWvW is to drive away core players? What is the purpose to turn WvWvW into a solo pve experience?

Removal of outnumbered buff for pips was a bad decision. +5 extra pips was probably too much, but there should more motivation to play on off-peak hours, so maybe +3 could be a good compromise. Now having constantly outnumbered and getting zero extra pips, playing this game more like a chore. PS. I always try to seek map with most players, not seeking outnumbered on purpose, but due family/work reasons I am most often playing on such hours that server just doesn't have much any players on any map.

Sentries no longer cripple the dolyaks. They just damage them. Why this change? Sentries are even more useless now.

Removal of different ways of obtaining participation, the outnumbered pip buff and basically forcing players "just play on prime time and relocate to a server, who can fill a map or two" is just dumb.

Here are ideas to make WvWvW better:

  1. Give participation for using a trap successfully. E.g. if a disable trap disables anything or supply trap triggers, give +5 minutes participation
  2. Reintroduce participation from damaging a wall/gate. Used to be 2 mins per hit.
  3. Reintroduce participation from defending a tower/keep/castle by repairing a wall/gate. Used to be 5/10 minutes.
  4. Increase participation from killing a dolyak from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.
  5. Reintroduce WvWvW outnumbered extra pips, but keep it to +3 pips this time.
  6. Give more points for attacking enemies and objectives owned by them, for those servers who are currently dominating the match up. Instead of the dominating ones usually ganging up against the weakest one.
  7. Give us a siege wallet. Now siege blueprints take a significant portion of backbag space.
  8. Give better rewards. Reward tracks are littered with a lot of useless "fluff", reduce the clutter and give more useful stuff to be sold.
  9. Give us more useful stuff we can buy with WvWvW related currencies. I mean badges of honor, testimonies of heroics, WvWvW claim tickets. I got crazy amount of each of them (158k+ badges, 85k+ proofs of heroics... not much to buy after a lot of legendaries).

Ayna / Desolation (EU)


tbh, what you are supposed to do now, what I see people posting in defence of this terribly bad update for some reason, they say "oh just zerg now and cap things, stop defending, scouts don't deserve rewards only zergs should be rewarded" 
You can spend an hour fighting and defending, get no kills, and get no rewards but hey you got that tower tierd up and defended, good work. 
Or you can zerg, be a pointless, useless face in the crowd that matters nothing, and get rewarded for it. You didn't help, your contribution meant nothing, but hey at least you got some shinie's as compared to a person solo defending and scouting keeps and towers. Capping that  T0 camp is so much better then defending that T3 keep or tower hey. 

I really do hope they actually come on and say "hey, we made a mistake, you can have your wall repair and siege grace period back, oh also while we at it, supports can get grace period by supporting other players in combat and damage to other players counts as participation" 

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

You can spend an hour fighting and defending, get no kills, and get no rewards but hey you got that tower tierd up and defended, good work. 


Spending an hour defending and get no kills?... what are you doing when the enemy comes near the objective? run and hide in a corner and not even bother to throw not even one aoe? not even use siege? Oh no wait, did you sit by the wall repairing it and nothing else? 


Tiered up the tower without taking back camps or other objectives on the map? because you know in practically every single map in wvw camps are constantly taken, but I guess not on your watch huh? Oh noes, you defend all 6 camps on the map with stare downs at the enemies when they even get close to them and they run away so they don't give you participation!


Talk about trying to get sympathy for the change, with the most extreme case of never touching the enemy but expecting to be flooded with rewards. I question if you ever do any real scouting and defending. So ridiculous, gonna start putting people on ignore such a waste of time.

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6 hours ago, ASP.8093 said:

I am not a fan of the "siege wallet" idea, though. More clicks means more mess, imo. Getting things out of your inventory can be annoying but it's also a space you have a lot of ability to shape and structure to your liking. Which is a huge deal for anyone who actually uses Disablers and Target Painters to their utmost potential.


I agree the devil may come to the execution but since you are the first I have seen to say no to a siege wallet, how are you picturing it? I am seeing it as something like the inventory screen but is only WvW tools. That way it  doesn't fill all your regular shared inventory spots and you don't have to transfer it toon to toon. Hit a hotkey and get a screen of things you can deploy similar to your inventory today. How do you see them doing this? I agree it shouldn't slow down things like grabbing siege disablers nor should it slow throwing down siege to be built.

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:


Spending an hour defending and get no kills?... what are you doing when the enemy comes near the objective? run and hide in a corner and not even bother to throw not even one aoe? not even use siege? Oh no wait, did you sit by the wall repairing it and nothing else? 



Wait what!? After the siege nerf have you not held a larger group off while neither side could lockdown a kill? Lesser numbers can still drive off larger numbers depending on supply, tactics and will.  But defenders have less chance of locking in the kill since the larger side can power rez. If Gorem and other shad not been not defending, would it have taken the other side an hour to break thru? I can solo a wall in minutes and less with a havoc, which means if it took an hour, there were many more in play. Your logic doesn't make sense. I could make a number of statements here, instead I will say different defenders mileage will vary.  Again, why do you penalize those that defend and hold?

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3 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Wait what!? After the siege nerf have you not held a larger group off while neither side could lockdown a kill? Lesser numbers can still drive off larger numbers depending on supply, tactics and will.  But defenders have less chance of locking in the kill since the larger side can power rez. If Gorem and other shad not been not defending, would it have taken the other side an hour to break thru? I can solo a wall in minutes and less with a havoc, which means if it took an hour, there were many more in play. Your logic doesn't make sense. I could make a number of statements here, instead I will say different defenders mileage will vary.  Again, why do you penalize those that defend and hold?

Defending does not equal being outnumbered. Holding off attackers for an hour without killing anyone likely means the defenders were even numbered or had more and simply weren't good enough to win the fight and resorted to stalling instead, because large forces will always be able to break in if not fought back (or just really really bad at using siege - which is highly unlikely these days). You even confirmed yourself "if it took an hour, there were many more in play".

And just stalling alone shouldn't get rewarded imo.

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5 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Defending does not equal being outnumbered. Holding off attackers for an hour without killing anyone likely means the defenders were even numbered or had more and simply weren't good enough to win the fight and resorted to stalling instead, because large forces will always be able to break in if not fought back (or just really really bad at using siege - which is highly unlikely these days). You even confirmed yourself "if it took an hour, there were many more in play".

And just stalling alone shouldn't get rewarded imo.

I'm not sure what players are doing when defending either.

Defense lasting hours always involve holding the area around the objectives. Go cap a camp, or defend one - even if events are bugged you either get kills or you fail and have to recap it. Go kill a guard. Go disrupt the enemy behind the lines.

Hell when I am "busy" in a keep I sometimes go and tag a single guard on a camp the enemy just took and I know we are going to retake.

Sometimes my participation drops true but I dont even worry like 95% of the time.

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I really dont get all these complaints about participation, it's such a minor thing if you are actually playing. In the 10 mins when participation only yet starts dropping, you can go twice all around the alpine border borderland. You're bound to find something that will extend your grace timer. Last week we had an event when we did Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle. Even after the JP and some chatting in there my participation still hadn't dropped under tier 3 so I don't know how this is a problem. 

And what kind of defense is it if you are unable to kill one attacker in the 15 mins or so when it actually starts to matter? Completely futile I guess. You're not going to save an objective without kills, that repairing might as well be considered afk. If your server is going to respond and actually defend it will happen in a minute or 2, otherwise you better kill attackers or move somewhere else.

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An hour wtf? At some point you have to take more risks lol, even if it means you'll die. There's not even repair costs.  And I don't care what guild group that is; some pug is going to fall out of line due to boredom lol.

I mean during these prolonged sieges there's no need for everyone to stay in the keep because you're not really doing something in the Keep. You need to cut off supply or the people running back to zergs.

Also even if you fail to kill people, there's always siege destroyed.

Besides we've already established that the defense event is probably bugged.

The only time this ever happens is if we're massively outnumbered in which case you can only stall for time and drain supply. But sounds like people need to recognize what lost causes are and stop fighting the enemy where they're the strongest. At this point you have to wonder if there's really a difference between having 5 or 10 people stay behind.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Just to correct some people might misunderstand me that I am sitting on repairs. I just took a lot of some statistics of my playing using gw2efficiency stats:

I have been capturing more supply camps and killing more dolyaks than 99 % of players, but over the time this gets boring. Almost 20k captured camps and 23.5k killed dolyaks is a lot.

(Interestingly I also found that in gw2efficiency I am rank #7 in number of testimony of heroics, over 85.5k of them. All the other TOP25 players in that list had over 9k play hours = more than I have. It seems is just tells I am mostly playin WvWvW and I have spent considerably little time in other game modes compared to most. WvWvW is pretty much the ONLY reason why I play GW2)

Arenanet  could very easily add more stuff to WvWvW to keep it interesting. It would be easy to add more skins to a WvWvW trader (from pve or traditing post), which are possible obtain via WvWvW e.g. using WvWvW related currencies and reward tracks. I don't mind the grind and I am not even expecting any new skins, but allow WvWvW players to obtain more existing skins by playing their favorite game mode.

There should also be more viable ways to obtain/keep participation. I don't understand why using siege on enemy structures no longer gives any participation, trying to break through walls/gates is active playing and major part of this game mode. Also successfully using traps should give you +5 min participation, but currently traps are underused and you get no participation. Getting no participation from successful defend structure event seems to be a bug, instead of intended design, as sometimes I get participation even if I don't kill any enemy player during the 3 defend cycle.


Edited by Deniara Devious.3948
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2 hours ago, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

Just to correct some people might misunderstand me that I am sitting on repairs. I just took a lot of some statistics of my playing using gw2efficiency stats:

I have been capturing more supply camps and killing more dolyaks than 99 % of players, but over the time this gets boring. Almost 20k captured camps and 23.5k killed dolyaks is a lot.

(Interestingly I also found that in gw2efficiency I am rank #7 in number of testimony of heroics, over 85.5k of them. All the other TOP25 players in that list had over 9k play hours = more than I have. It seems is just tells I am mostly playin WvWvW and I have spent considerably little time in other game modes compared to most. WvWvW is pretty much the ONLY reason why I play GW2)

Arenanet  could very easily add more stuff to WvWvW to keep it interesting. It would be easy to add more skins to a WvWvW trader (from pve or traditing post), which are possible obtain via WvWvW e.g. using WvWvW related currencies and reward tracks. I don't mind the grind and I am not even expecting any new skins, but allow WvWvW players to obtain more existing skins by playing their favorite game mode.

There should also be more viable ways to obtain/keep participation. I don't understand why using siege on enemy structures no longer gives any participation, trying to break through walls/gates is active playing and major part of this game mode. Also successfully using traps should give you +5 min participation, but currently traps are underused and you get no participation. Getting no participation from successful defend structure event seems to be a bug, instead of intended design, as sometimes I get participation even if I don't kill any enemy player during the 3 defend cycle.


I don’t think people would be opposed to more ways to generate participation.  I think the biggest complaint is some of the ways that were easy to exploit without even semi active gameplay.  No, kills shouldn’t be the only way to get it.  


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8 hours ago, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

Just to correct some people might misunderstand me that I am sitting on repairs. I just took a lot of some statistics of my playing using gw2efficiency stats:

I have been capturing more supply camps and killing more dolyaks than 99 % of players, but over the time this gets boring. Almost 20k captured camps and 23.5k killed dolyaks is a lot.

(Interestingly I also found that in gw2efficiency I am rank #7 in number of testimony of heroics, over 85.5k of them. All the other TOP25 players in that list had over 9k play hours = more than I have. It seems is just tells I am mostly playin WvWvW and I have spent considerably little time in other game modes compared to most. WvWvW is pretty much the ONLY reason why I play GW2)

Arenanet  could very easily add more stuff to WvWvW to keep it interesting. It would be easy to add more skins to a WvWvW trader (from pve or traditing post), which are possible obtain via WvWvW e.g. using WvWvW related currencies and reward tracks. I don't mind the grind and I am not even expecting any new skins, but allow WvWvW players to obtain more existing skins by playing their favorite game mode.

There should also be more viable ways to obtain/keep participation. I don't understand why using siege on enemy structures no longer gives any participation, trying to break through walls/gates is active playing and major part of this game mode. Also successfully using traps should give you +5 min participation, but currently traps are underused and you get no participation. Getting no participation from successful defend structure event seems to be a bug, instead of intended design, as sometimes I get participation even if I don't kill any enemy player during the 3 defend cycle.


Ironically, the bloated value of Memories of Battle is really the only thing carrying WvW rewards atm. And yea, like I said siege changes probably need to be reverted. Yea AFK trebbing is lame but at least it does contribute.

Testimonies of Heroics are pretty useful in getting hero points for new characters, and especially for new expansions.  It also ensures that Superior Siege is essentially free for WvW players. Not the best currency but I think it's fine.

While on the subject of Gw2efficiency, I recommend those interested in trying out the farming tracker to see how much gold you're making per hour https://gw2efficiency.com/account/farming-tracker

This will be a much more useful metric when finding out what one is really losing/gaining during certain activities.

Another great way to share lifetime WvW stats is gw2mists.



(oh, well this week is a bit worse due to being on beta characters, but w/e) /excuses.

I have 10k hours but I don't always play WvW. Also the ratio of capturing/defending stuff seems pretty consistent, except defending camps which is very all over the place.

Gw2efficiency is a little less interesting since most don't seem to play a lot of WvW; I am 99% for a lot of these things despite having half your numbers. I'm mostly around rank1600 for most of these things, except for like capturing towers ( rank 899), and repairing (rank 5008)

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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