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Catalyst feels like trash


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I really wanted to like this spec, my little asura with a big comet hammer is adorable.  However, there's been little to no improvement from the initial beta for the spec, and it still feels absolutely terrible.


  1. You have to play piano again... just like both other specs... to even be moderately effective.  Why are elementalists forced to work so much harder to achieve the same effects that other classes can do with a tenth as many button presses?  I dunno about the rest of y'all, but I'm getting old and my fingers can't handle this crap anymore.
  2. Damage feels subpar.  About the only time I feel like I'm actually holding my own, compared to ANY of the other new specs, is when I have all 4 circular projectiles going, at least two jade spheres down, and glyph of storms cast, and that happens for a few seconds out of every minute or so when the stars align and my hands don't cramp up.
  3. I don't mind melee, I really don't - I understand that everyone wanted a ranged spec, and I wouldn't have had an issue with a bow or rifle elementalist spec, but if it's gonna be melee I'd rather it be all melee than this half and half BS.  Thing is, just like both other elementalist specs, catalyst is TOO SQUISHY to be in melee combat all the time.  Anet, you KNOW this, you know the ele has the lowest hitpoints and armor out of all 9 professions, and you still have catalyst here with literally no reliable defense.  We don't even have a reliable gap creator/closer!
  4. Speaking of that last point... gap closers.  If this is intended to be a melee spec, why is our one and only gap closer also our only heal, and why is it in a spec you'd never initially go into combat with?  Honestly, every atunement for hammer should have one gap closer/charge so that you can stay in combat during mobile encounters.
  5. Hammer 3 is, thematically, a lot of fun.  I love the idea of my character turning into this little 'eye of the storm' with all these elemental furies swirling around her.  However, you've still got the duration pathetically low at 5 seconds, and you still force downtime on this effect by not being able to refresh it once all 4 elemental projectiles are active.  This makes hammer 3 very difficult to use - any stun, knockdown, movement, etc. can cause your rotation to lose the projectiles, and it gives you time to use one, MAYBE two abilities before having to swap atunements.  Ever think that maybe some of us DONT WANT to swap atunements every 5 seconds?  Please bump the duration on this up to 10-15 seconds minimum, and get rid of the stupid 'finale' so we can continue to refresh all 4 stacks with any hammer 3 once they're all going.  Honestly hammer 3 is the high point of the entire spec for me, and it's still absolute trash.
  6. Jade sphere is even worse off than hammer 3, and that's saying a lot.  5 second sphere, very unintuitive to use (why target it?  Make it cast around the character so it's easier to work into a rotation), both cooldown and energy requirements... this is just mechanic on top of mechanic on top of mechanic on top of mechanic, and that's the entire problem with catalyst all around: you're trying to do too much and the spec has absolutely no focus.



Here's what I'd like to see changed at this point:


Jade Sphere

Change this ability entirely.  Make it a player-centered, persistent Area damage + boon that remains active whenever you're in combat.  Maybe actually model a jade sphere that floats around the player.  The benefits of the sphere are based on the atunement you were in when it was cast, and you can re-cast it in a different atunement at any time to change the boons.
Fire Sphere should constantly apply stacking might to the elementalist and nearby allies, and apply burning to nearby enemies.

Water Sphere should constantly apply regeneration to the elementalist and nearby allies, and chilled to nearby enemies.

Lightning Sphere should constantly apply swiftness to the elementalist and nearby allies, and periodically apply blindness to nearby enemies.

Earth Sphere should constantly apply stability to the elementalist and nearby allies, and apply bleeding to nearby enemies.

The gist of this is: You pick the atunement you want, cast jade sphere, and you get that benefit until you cast jade sphere again.  No duration limit, no cooldown, no energy requirements, it just turns the catalyst into a walking boon/condition field.


Hammer 3

This should be the damage highlight of the spec: Make each circular projectile deal more damage to enemies within melee range each interval.  Increase the duration of each projectile to 10 seconds base, with a trait for a 15 second duration somewhere in the tree.  Remove the "finale" ability, and make it so that if you re-cast any circular projectile ability while all 4 are active, it just refreshes all 4 again.  The point here is to get some passive aoe damage going around your character that syncs up with the effects of the jade sphere.  A fair portion of catalyst damage should be coming from this ability, with other hammer abilities used for utility more than damage (autoattacks/hammer 1 aside).


Hammer Abilities

Drop the 600/120 range disparity: make everything melee (aside from specific attacks like gap closers).  If we're going to be melee, we need to commit to that.


Fire 2 / Water 2 / Lightning 2 / Earth 2: These should all be (and most already are) your melee AoE ability.  Earth 2 and water 2 are in a good spot right now.  Lightning 2 should be changed from a targeted aoe to simply cast at your location while you spin.  Fire 2 should be changed from the current cone-aoe to a pbaoe.


Fire 4 / Water 4 / Lightning 4 / Earth 4: These should all be defensive in nature.  Earth 4 is in a good spot being a block / Barrier.  Lightning 4 should not propel you backwards away from the targets you're trying to hit, just make it a knockdown and maybe a following blind applied on enemies effected.  Water 4 should not be our 'charge' attack, the heal part is fine but remove the charge and improve the healing output in exchange.  Fire 4 should be changed to our charge, applying burning to all enemies around the target on arrival.


Fire 5 / Water 5 / Lightning 5 / Earth 5:  These, as they currently are, are mostly fine.  Fire 5 is a nice offensive boon and aoe slam, water 5 is a cleanse and works well though I'd like an additional heal or regen applied with it, Lightning and Earth 5 are disables.  These are probably the only abilities that are working well enough to keep as-is.



More defensive boosts need to be inherent in the catalyst traits.

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59 minutes ago, Lynx.9058 said:

I really wanted to like this spec, my little asura with a big comet hammer is adorable.  However, there's been little to no improvement from the initial beta for the spec, and it still feels absolutely terrible.


  1. You have to play piano again... just like both other specs... to even be moderately effective.  Why are elementalists forced to work so much harder to achieve the same effects that other classes can do with a tenth as many button presses?  I dunno about the rest of y'all, but I'm getting old and my fingers can't handle this crap anymore.
  2. Damage feels subpar.  About the only time I feel like I'm actually holding my own, compared to ANY of the other new specs, is when I have all 4 circular projectiles going, at least two jade spheres down, and glyph of storms cast, and that happens for a few seconds out of every minute or so when the stars align and my hands don't cramp up.
  3. I don't mind melee, I really don't - I understand that everyone wanted a ranged spec, and I wouldn't have had an issue with a bow or rifle elementalist spec, but if it's gonna be melee I'd rather it be all melee than this half and half BS.  Thing is, just like both other elementalist specs, catalyst is TOO SQUISHY to be in melee combat all the time.  Anet, you KNOW this, you know the ele has the lowest hitpoints and armor out of all 9 professions, and you still have catalyst here with literally no reliable defense.  We don't even have a reliable gap creator/closer!
  4. Speaking of that last point... gap closers.  If this is intended to be a melee spec, why is our one and only gap closer also our only heal, and why is it in a spec you'd never initially go into combat with?  Honestly, every atunement for hammer should have one gap closer/charge so that you can stay in combat during mobile encounters.
  5. Hammer 3 is, thematically, a lot of fun.  I love the idea of my character turning into this little 'eye of the storm' with all these elemental furies swirling around her.  However, you've still got the duration pathetically low at 5 seconds, and you still force downtime on this effect by not being able to refresh it once all 4 elemental projectiles are active.  This makes hammer 3 very difficult to use - any stun, knockdown, movement, etc. can cause your rotation to lose the projectiles, and it gives you time to use one, MAYBE two abilities before having to swap atunements.  Ever think that maybe some of us DONT WANT to swap atunements every 5 seconds?  Please bump the duration on this up to 10-15 seconds minimum, and get rid of the stupid 'finale' so we can continue to refresh all 4 stacks with any hammer 3 once they're all going.  Honestly hammer 3 is the high point of the entire spec for me, and it's still absolute trash.
  6. Jade sphere is even worse off than hammer 3, and that's saying a lot.  5 second sphere, very unintuitive to use (why target it?  Make it cast around the character so it's easier to work into a rotation), both cooldown and energy requirements... this is just mechanic on top of mechanic on top of mechanic on top of mechanic, and that's the entire problem with catalyst all around: you're trying to do too much and the spec has absolutely no focus.



Here's what I'd like to see changed at this point:


Jade Sphere

Change this ability entirely.  Make it a player-centered, persistent Area damage + boon that remains active whenever you're in combat.  Maybe actually model a jade sphere that floats around the player.  The benefits of the sphere are based on the atunement you were in when it was cast, and you can re-cast it in a different atunement at any time to change the boons.
Fire Sphere should constantly apply stacking might to the elementalist and nearby allies, and apply burning to nearby enemies.

Water Sphere should constantly apply regeneration to the elementalist and nearby allies, and chilled to nearby enemies.

Lightning Sphere should constantly apply swiftness to the elementalist and nearby allies, and periodically apply blindness to nearby enemies.

Earth Sphere should constantly apply stability to the elementalist and nearby allies, and apply bleeding to nearby enemies.

The gist of this is: You pick the atunement you want, cast jade sphere, and you get that benefit until you cast jade sphere again.  No duration limit, no cooldown, no energy requirements, it just turns the catalyst into a walking boon/condition field.


Hammer 3

This should be the damage highlight of the spec: Make each circular projectile deal more damage to enemies within melee range each interval.  Increase the duration of each projectile to 10 seconds base, with a trait for a 15 second duration somewhere in the tree.  Remove the "finale" ability, and make it so that if you re-cast any circular projectile ability while all 4 are active, it just refreshes all 4 again.  The point here is to get some passive aoe damage going around your character that syncs up with the effects of the jade sphere.  A fair portion of catalyst damage should be coming from this ability, with other hammer abilities used for utility more than damage (autoattacks/hammer 1 aside).


Hammer Abilities

Drop the 600/120 range disparity: make everything melee (aside from specific attacks like gap closers).  If we're going to be melee, we need to commit to that.


Fire 2 / Water 2 / Lightning 2 / Earth 2: These should all be (and most already are) your melee AoE ability.  Earth 2 and water 2 are in a good spot right now.  Lightning 2 should be changed from a targeted aoe to simply cast at your location while you spin.  Fire 2 should be changed from the current cone-aoe to a pbaoe.


Fire 4 / Water 4 / Lightning 4 / Earth 4: These should all be defensive in nature.  Earth 4 is in a good spot being a block / Barrier.  Lightning 4 should not propel you backwards away from the targets you're trying to hit, just make it a knockdown and maybe a following blind applied on enemies effected.  Water 4 should not be our 'charge' attack, the heal part is fine but remove the charge and improve the healing output in exchange.  Fire 4 should be changed to our charge, applying burning to all enemies around the target on arrival.


Fire 5 / Water 5 / Lightning 5 / Earth 5:  These, as they currently are, are mostly fine.  Fire 5 is a nice offensive boon and aoe slam, water 5 is a cleanse and works well though I'd like an additional heal or regen applied with it, Lightning and Earth 5 are disables.  These are probably the only abilities that are working well enough to keep as-is.



More defensive boosts need to be inherent in the catalyst traits.

Jade Sphere

Making the jade sphere around the caster limits its utility. In my current playthroughs, I often place my sphere where I'm going rather than exactly where I am. In some cases, I'm not even dropping the sphere for myself, but for my subgroup/allies.

Chilled/Blindness are strong conditions and the jade sphere's power budget is in the boons it applies. CMC mentioned this in the OG reveal stream, the goal of the sphere is boon support not damage/offensive conditions.

The CD and Energy requirements are another way to gate the power of the sphere. If you choose a certain stat and trait combination, one sphere deployment gives 20s of quickness or 18s of protection.


 Hammer 3

The DPS benchmarks of of catalyst point out that hammer 3 isn't supposed to be your bread/butter. With all 4 orbs, your damage is extremely high. These skills function as a catalyst to high spike damage, but supplemental damage otherwise. People don't like benchmark videos (they aren't the end all be all), but they are indicators of how much damage is achievable. Even in these videos, they are not dependent upon maintaining permanent 4 spheres.

Other Hammer Skills

The melee range split I feel is personal preference. Currently, if I wanted to use a skill in melee, I cast it in melee and fight up close, even if the skill is 600 range. If a mechanic needs to happen, I have the option of continuing dps at range for the mechanic duration. It's not a lot, but it's something that is valued in certain scenarios.

Someone in another thread mentioned Water 4 is one of the highest base healing on any skill in the game, keep this in mind when wanting to increase healing. 


Out of curiosity, what is the current build setup you are running?

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28 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

if this is sub-par dps (and rota is easy, finally), i'd want to know what is good dps for you

Every single buff maxed on a stationary target, where the Hammer 3 kitten orbs can hit a bazillion times.  Yes, that is totally cool and can easily be done in all forms of the game...

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1 hour ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

if this is sub-par dps (and rota is easy, finally), i'd want to know what is good dps for you

have a build template/link for that?  I wasn't getting anywhere near those kinds of results, but I'm still pretty new at the game and probably failed hard on making a good build, lol.


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6 hours ago, Vinteros Asteano.1209 said:

Roul is running full zerker and is using these traits: https://imgur.com/7Gx3dNA

Here is a video in actual PvE by him as well: 


Pre-buffing with a sceptre, not using the cata utility, abusing FGS against the wall, hammer 3 orbs hitting a bazillion times against a huge target, and fighting Lupi, the glorified test dummy...


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Hammer is fine versus stationary targets.


In the actual real game though it sucks hard because of limited range, small AOEs and low dmg coefficients.


Drop the 600/120 range disparity: make everything melee

Hard disagree, we already have sword/dagger. I think majority of skills should be 600 range and 1-2x 900 or 1200 range.


All the #5 skills should be 600 range, water #1/earth #1 should be 600 range, earth #2 should come with superspeed or 50% movement while channelling, all the fire AOEs should be 240 radius, especially fire #4. fire #2 should pierce.


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1 hour ago, Avatara.1042 said:

Pre-buffing with a sceptre, not using the cata utility, abusing FGS against the wall, hammer 3 orbs hitting a bazillion times against a huge target, and fighting Lupi, the glorified test dummy...


man said lupis a glorified golem, id love to see u solo lupi on *any* build lmao lupi would be feasting

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It feels like trash because it *is* trash.


Hammer is a total design failure. I struggle to understand how the hell another melee weapon for Ele made it past the first design iteration meeting as something the community might actually want.

If however the design brief was for a mid-range caster, well 14/20 melee skills 6/20 ranged skills means they totally failed to deliver on that brief.

Either way it's a pretty huge design fail and/or FU to the GW2 community.


Edited by giblets.6401
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Man, you guys are projecting hard. I have proven several times now that the class *is* useable and very strong in PvE content, yet I still keep hearing the same things. Can you just admit that you simply do not LIKE the class whilst acknowledging that it DOES work in PvE? Like it is fine to not like it because it is too hard for you, or you just straight up don't enjoy its mechanics, but acting as if it is garbage because of that is super unreasonable.

Since apperently lupi is a test dummy (wtf? It is genuinely the best boss in the game to teach you solo mechanics, and is harder than anything you can encounter in open world), here are two more examples, and I'll make sure to keep pumping out more:

Soloing MAMA: 


Pugging Slothasor: 




Edited by Roul.3205
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34 minutes ago, Roul.3205 said:

Man, you guys are projecting hard. I have proven several times now that the class *is* useable and very strong in PvE content, yet I still keep hearing the same things. Can you just admit that you simply do not LIKE the class whilst acknowledging that it DOES work in PvE? Like it is fine to not like it because it is too hard for you, or you just straight up don't enjoy its mechanics, but acting as if it is garbage because of that is super unreasonable.

Since apperently lupi is a test dummy (wtf? It is genuinely the best boss in the game to teach you solo mechanics, and is harder than anything you can encounter in open world), here are two more examples, and I'll make sure to keep pumping out more:

Soloing MAMA: 


Pugging Slothasor: 




Go to PvP and WvW and then record us how you deal with enemies, show us how you're gonna fight Ranger/Thieves/Necromancers/Mesmers in roaming, show us how well you'll do in Zerg fights.
Catalyst is usable in PvE, but it's still garbage in PvP and WvW because of garbage skills and mechanics, that's 2/3 of the game being simply unusable.

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38 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Go to PvP and WvW and then record us how you deal with enemies, show us how you're gonna fight Ranger/Thieves/Necromancers/Mesmers in roaming, show us how well you'll do in Zerg fights.
Catalyst is usable in PvE, but it's still garbage in PvP and WvW because of garbage skills and mechanics, that's 2/3 of the game being simply unusable.

That's it, close the thread...

Everyone who says Catalyst is trash - and I think it is, it has no concept, no vision, no lore, no theme - means for unpredictable pvp scenarios, where you have to improvise, where a fight against a rev is completely different to a fight against a rev you had last week. Lupi always does the same, the Sloth always does the same. But fighting against a a real player  or real players in zergs is different every time. And Catalyst can't adapt to that, it has no sustain, no distinct features that make it different to weaver damage-wise or tempest aurasupport-wise. That's why we all think it's trash, not because it works against some stupid AI that's always the same each and every day...

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Maybe you should not mix Catalyst and Hammer.

Dagger Catalyst is pretty good in spvp
Staff Catalyst is pretty good in wvw
Hammer Catalyst is pretty good in pve ( atleast until they fix the balls )

Catalyst and the Sphere are pretty good, but hammer is just dogshit in spvp/wvw.


Edited by Sao.7146
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5 minutes ago, Sao.7146 said:

Maybe you should not mix Catalyst and Hammer.

Dagger Catalyst is pretty good in spvp
Staff Catalyst is pretty good in wvw
Hammer Catalyst is pretty good in pve ( atleast until they fix the balls )

Catalyst and the Sphere are pretty good, but hammer is just dogshit in spvp/wvw.


Pretty bold statement, you have to choose your words more precisely please. You mean you CAN play it with D/x in spvp and staff in wvw, it's not good. Fire Weaver or LR Weaver are good-ish, not really meta but viable. Staff Weaver in WvW isn't meta but nice damage-wise and a cute number farm. What you mean is that you can kittening play this kitten in every kittening way you want, which doesn't make it good, only playable for you. D/x Catalyst is too close to core ele to even be considered "good" reagrding spvp and Staff Cata for WvW is a weird mix of core ele and a bit of Weaver and Tempest which are also not good, but at least a bit viable...

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Well I don't pvp/wvw at all, I only pve, but my experience has just been that the effort needed is too high and the class is still too squishy, hence my issues with it here.


Thing is,  a few simple changes could make it perfect for my usage.  Mostly I'm concerned with the super short duration on orbs and sphere, 5 seconds is literally nothing and for the orbs to keep refreshing you can't use more than one or two abilities per atunement, which seems like a huge waste,  and that's not even counting if you get cc'd or have to move/dodge.


10-15 seconds on orbs and jade sphere duration would go a long way to easing up the carpal tunnel here.

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7 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Go to PvP and WvW and then record us how you deal with enemies, show us how you're gonna fight Ranger/Thieves/Necromancers/Mesmers in roaming, show us how well you'll do in Zerg fights.
Catalyst is usable in PvE, but it's still garbage in PvP and WvW because of garbage skills and mechanics, that's 2/3 of the game being simply unusable.

Sir, are you telling me to go play Catalyst in sPvP? What have I been doing for the last 3 days?

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Catalyst is a top tier pick in an EoD meta right now, it matches up well with every other sidenoder and wins, while contributing a great amount in teamfights with its Protection, Quickness, and Resolution generation.
Not to mention D/D tends to run Berserker Amulet right now which can lead to insane fire combos where you blow up 1 or multiple targets at a time, and you can do it back to back with the elite, ending a teamfight in just a moments notice.

Hammer actually has a solid sidenode build too, but lacks survivability when it gets outnumbered aggressively due to its poor mobility, bulk, and defensive CDs.

Currently if you swap between builds to best deal with the enemy EoD sidenoder, you have no bad 1v1s. Virtuoso, Mechanist, Bladesworn, and you can even beat Vindicator(especially with a skillgap) if you end up on the right build for it.

Here are the best builds for Catalyst as it stands right now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agkpIQwSODUbvWC-cYnqYMKFf7FH6hbItNkABUr9DGo/edit?usp=sharing

I'm no shill, Catalyst isn't gonna compete with the best specs in the game right now however thats easy to fix with buffs, but in terms of potential its far better than Weaver and has most of the same Pros as Weaver with very little of the Cons. 


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On 12/1/2021 at 9:46 PM, Lynx.9058 said:



  1. You have to play piano again... just like both other specs... to even be moderately effective.  Why are elementalists forced to work so much harder to achieve the same effects that other classes can do with a tenth as many button presses?  I dunno about the rest of y'all, but I'm getting old and my fingers can't handle this crap anymore.


That is how the ele is fundamentally designed since day one.  If you don't like it, maybe the elementalist class isn't your style of gameplay.  Try necro or mesmer?

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2 hours ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

Catalyst is a top tier pick in an EoD meta right now

Dude talks like there are only the lackluster new e-specs in spvp or wvw lel...

Holo, Necro, Ranger and Weaver rip this thing apart but yeah, those ain't eod specs so that doesn't count...

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11 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Go to PvP and WvW and then record us how you deal with enemies, show us how you're gonna fight Ranger/Thieves/Necromancers/Mesmers in roaming, show us how well you'll do in Zerg fights.
Catalyst is usable in PvE, but it's still garbage in PvP and WvW because of garbage skills and mechanics, that's 2/3 of the game being simply unusable.

Roul plays mostly raid content and has shown great results in that. Don't worry, we'll see other good players showing good results in wvw/pvp. No sense expecting all from one guy.

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5 hours ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

Catalyst is a top tier pick in an EoD meta right now, it matches up well with every other sidenoder and wins, while contributing a great amount in teamfights with its Protection, Quickness, and Resolution generation.
Not to mention D/D tends to run Berserker Amulet right now which can lead to insane fire combos where you blow up 1 or multiple targets at a time, and you can do it back to back with the elite, ending a teamfight in just a moments notice.

Hammer actually has a solid sidenode build too, but lacks survivability when it gets outnumbered aggressively due to its poor mobility, bulk, and defensive CDs.

Currently if you swap between builds to best deal with the enemy EoD sidenoder, you have no bad 1v1s. Virtuoso, Mechanist, Bladesworn, and you can even beat Vindicator(especially with a skillgap) if you end up on the right build for it.

Here are the best builds for Catalyst as it stands right now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agkpIQwSODUbvWC-cYnqYMKFf7FH6hbItNkABUr9DGo/edit?usp=sharing

I'm no shill, Catalyst isn't gonna compete with the best specs in the game right now however thats easy to fix with buffs, but in terms of potential its far better than Weaver and has most of the same Pros as Weaver with very little of the Cons. 


'Hammer does not work for pvp/wvw'

'Catalyst does not need nor should get sweeping functional changes'


Nice one, bro.

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