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GW2 End of Dragons BETA Week General Feedback

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This post is just a general beta suggestion for the future. The last beta week only afforded us three slots to create an elite beta spec. Soon, this became frustrating as I wanted to get a good feel for all of the select specs coming out with End of Dragons. While I did take them all for a spin, it was so tedious rebuilding the beta characters. The following are some suggestions for future 9-Profession betas:

1. Allow for checking the stats for them to copy over to all the pieces (similar to legendary armor, trinkets, weapons) you want for Armor and Weapons and Trinkets. - My lights professions were relatively painless because I have legendary light armor, lots of weapons, and all the Trinkets. I can honestly only imagine how time-consuming it was for others to set up their character builds.

2. For nine professional beta weeks, make sure to add nine extra slots. Only having three makes the above suggestion so much more tedious and unbearable. To put what it is like having only three places with nine open professions into perspective, I would have to delete my one beta toon to try another. Then when I wanted to play that beta toon I deleted, I would have to reconstruct the character completely. I thought of this as a significant oversight on ANETs part. 
The suggestions mentioned above are the only things I can think about right now. 


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That's a great suggestion. I also suggested that ANET make the armor, weapons, and trinkets similar to legendary items. You can check a box while selecting a stat to copy those stats to all the pieces in that category. So if you chose berserker, you could select a box and apply it to all the other equipped armor pieces. Likewise, you check berserk on weapons, and it will be applied to all your equipped weapons, so on and so forth.

The danger with your suggestion is that while it sounds good, it will likely cause issues for those who like to min/max. 

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