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Sliders inconsistencies with the new Human Female faces.

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I have noticed that the 6 new Human Female faces have inconsistencies in what the sliders actually move compared to vanilla faces (first part of the video is for comparison purpose, I chose a vanilla face at random) and even within themselves. On 2 faces, the brow thickness slider doesn't even work which is what leads me to believe that none of these are intended.

Here's a video of the observed issues

and here's a list of all the sliders causing issues:

Face 1:

  • Iris Size
  • Brow Thickness
  • Lower Lip
  • Lower Jaw

Face 2:

  • Eye Angle
  • Iris Size
  • Brow Thickness
  • Nose Length
  • Nose Height At Tip
  • Cheeks
  • Lower Jaw

Faces 3 - 4 - 6:

  • Lower Jaw

Face 5:

  • Eye Angle
  • Iris Size
  • Brow Thickness
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