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Invulnerability Should lower ~ Damage output!


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I understand Invul is a class design that is needed for specific classes, but I think it is abused far to often and people do so and go all out DPS while invul! I think it only fair that classes using this should lose some Damage, maybe 20-50% while Invincible! 


Classes with this use it when being trained, or to go ham on an opposing player without ramifications, exploiting its intended purpose.


I would like to see this change!



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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

All the actual invulnerabilities are channeled.  There are traits/skills that negate one damage type, but not the other and are still susceptible to control effects. Are you meaning that once a channeled invuln is used that any persisting damage effects including condis go to 0?

Distortion and Infuse Light.

Edited by CutesySylveon.8290
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2 minutes ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

I would like a generic icon for immune spam.

I'd like something to toggle status effect above heads without having person in target. Like, have all condis, buffs and debuffs list and that you could toggle  which you want to see, and which not really. Would make combat much more clear.

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3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Infuse Light like Defiant Stance only benefits the user if their foe forgets where their stow weapon hotkey is. I'll give you distortion though.

This is true when its 1v1 on a point, however, often in PvP you get 1vX on a point and it turns into allies throwing area attacks at the player using these skills, and many similar ones. In fact, on Spellbreaker I intentionally step into Marks, Traps, etc. to trigger Full Counter.


Also, Quickness makes many of the animations and effects complete so fast that its impossible not to trigger (a known problem since many years, but largely unmitigated.)

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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18 minutes ago, Simonoly.4352 said:

This would mostly be a nerf for focus Ele as other invulnerability skills are either channeled or, in the case of Mesmer, tied to clone shatter and therefore already a damage reduction at the point of use.

Distortion isn't entirely tied to clone shatter, though.


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3 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

This is true when its 1v1 on a point, however, often in PvP you get 1vX on a point and it turns into allies throwing area attacks at the player using these skills, and many similar ones. In fact, on Spellbreaker I intentionally step into Marks, Traps, etc. to trigger Full Counter.


Also, Quickness makes many of the animations and effects complete so fast that its impossible not to trigger (a known problem since many years, but largely unmitigated.)

Okay. You see the first green number pop up and stow weapon or about face. Nothing you can do about your teammates or lingering AoEs true, but if they pop those sort of heals then they're usually low on HP anyway and all you have to do is kite for 3s and then nuke them. That or CC them considering that hard CCs don't do damage anymore. Then you get to laugh at them with their wasted heal.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Okay. You see the first green number pop up and stow weapon or about face. Nothing you can do about your teammates or lingering AoEs true, but if they pop those sort of heals then they're usually low on HP anyway and all you have to do is kite for 3s and then nuke them. That or CC them considering that hard CCs don't do damage anymore. Then you get to laugh at them with their wasted heal.

glint lasts 2s now.
oh and even if you dont convert any damage it will still heal close to 4k due to regeneration, its base 1,8k healing, draconic echo and shining aspect.
herald doesnt even need to land IL to have insane healing output.

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1 minute ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

glint lasts 2s now.
oh and even if you dont convert any damage it will still heal close to 4k due to regeneration, its base 1,8k healing, draconic echo and shining aspect.
herald doesnt even need to land IL to have insane healing output.

The main problem with the skill is that Infuse Light doesn't have a cast time. Move the cast time from the Facet to IL and you'll see it reigned in. There are other issues with the sustain that it can have from elsewhere, Harbinger got nerfed even before release because of the sustain it could have. Core Warrior sustain itself was hit hard in the mega balance. Herald? Not so much.

Regardless. Swap the cast time from the Facet to IL first and then see what happens.

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Frankly, the consistent issue with GW2 since launch has always been a meta dominated by builds which take actions while insulated from risk.  The best builds are always either teleporting, blinding, evading, blocking or being "invulnerable" while simultaneously attacking or contesting an objective.  Every build generally has its easy-mode burst rotation and suite of panic buttons when the hand-holding tank runs dry.

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There are so few mesmers left honestly it wouldn't matter but this idea is bad and will remove the remaining population of mesmers out of pvp but thats probably a feature for you not a bug. What this thread is really about is the OP not wanting to have to think before attacking he wants a greenlight to mash every button on his keyboard to kill people.

When you look at the forums nerf threads they always ask to nerf defensive skills and never damage ones because all of them want to face roll L2P these invul skills have been here from core and you need to learn how to play around them, and not come to the forums to get a win because you can't win in game. There are no wins for you here and reducing the usability of other classes so your class is the best only makes people want to play your class or leave the game. Which leads us to the kitten necro/guardian meta we are in with like 50 or so players in queue.

Edited by Genesis.5169
At this point i'm past dissapointment its turned into a mild apathy this community is truly the worst mmo community i have ever encountered
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10 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

The main problem with the skill is that Infuse Light doesn't have a cast time. Move the cast time from the Facet to IL and you'll see it reigned in. There are other issues with the sustain that it can have from elsewhere, Harbinger got nerfed even before release because of the sustain it could have. Core Warrior sustain itself was hit hard in the mega balance. Herald? Not so much.

Regardless. Swap the cast time from the Facet to IL first and then see what happens.

this is what I advocated for too, but here we are, there is a reason why warriors defiant stance is not played despite lasting twice as long, it has 0,25s cast time meaning there is more counterplay to the skill. And it would make even more sense as rev has 2x healing skills so they can afford to have 1 of them be less potent
but the rev is played by the best and the best tend to win I guess

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