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Safest WvW build?


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I want to truly play scout sometimes- running around to towers, tagging keeps, watching the margins of zerg fights for flankers - with no intention of killing anyone. Whats a good build that empasizes escapes, even from multiple pursuers?


Im thinking its some form of stealthy daredevil in minstrels gear or something along those lines, but im curious what others think.

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I run this when I'm scouting, hiding in objectives or avoiding ganks while moving around the map;


I take these traits in acro and SA to balance regen while in stealth and survivability when revealed. The health regen bonus from Merciful Ambush actually applies to you when you stealth as well, so between that, the regen on Upper Hand and from Shadow's Rejuvenation you will heal around 940 health per second while in stealth for the first 3s, so if you camp rifle and use the stealth from evade from Silent Scope you can get a lot of regen just from evading people's attacks. I chose the top traits in Deadeye simply because if you want to use Spotter's Shot to immob things while an ally trains it down it gives you more initiative for more shots, Silent Scope is really the only must-have trait there. 

If you get revealed, dura runes and Flickering Shadows on top of 3.4k armor gives tons of damage reduction, and you get a free stunbreak with Hard to Catch that also handily refills your endurance. Instant reflexes is there because of longbow pew rangers, between these traits and liberal use of Sniper's Cover you really shouldn't have much trouble with them. 

If a group really decides you need to die just place shadow portal, kite out with Shadowstep and Death's Retreat, wait til they engage then port away and mount up. You also have permastealth while out of combat from placing Sniper's Cover then 4x Heartseeker, so once you get out of combat you can just hide and move away that way. 

Condi is usually less of a problem because of the regen and double cleansing sigil, but if you're running into a lot of condi roamers swap durability runes for antitoxin and swap Merciful Ambush to Shadow's Embrace and Instant Reflexes for Pain Response. I usually get more milage out of the traits I listed tho as most zerg & gank builds are going to be power based, so if you're just scouting or watching fights and you're aware of when to dodge you're usually fine.

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
Edit: I really hate how the forums formats replies differently to how it's typed out.
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I've absolutely done variations on chokebow.  I've also tried the support deadeye build on metabattle.  Heck, I've tried runes of mercy on an EMT build <g>.  All of those are fun.  I just was thinking about making a build for those nights when I'm in the mood for something different.

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Tbh there isn't any particular reason you couldn't use a bow over D/P on the build I posted and get the best of both. You'd have less stealth than with D/P but pretty much the only builds that would force me to swap weapons are heavy condi builds, so taking some of the condi options I listed would alleviate that issue too. 

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