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Please review Hidden Arcana

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It might be more useful to specific which fights (and if possible which mechanics) you're finding especially difficult. Otherwise you just have to hope that as and when someone from Anet gets time to play through it themselves they struggle on the same bits you do and so draw the same conclusions.

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38 minutes ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

It is very tedious but I never found it difficult (and I'm really bad at dodging stuff). There must be some mechanics you're not getting.

The only other time I've seen someone mention taking hours was because they fought the last boss without doing the mechanics.

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The mechanics are shown to you along the way. I don't know... This is the nth thread about this story step. I finished it with several characters, even on some that I can't really handle all that well, even back when this was new content. Always solo. This needs you to play the mechanics instead of hitting the enemy with everything you got and expecting it to die in 30 seconds.

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If it's  taking you 4 hours you're missing mechanics, pure and simple.  I'm 60 years old, I have arthritis and bursitis and I can do that mission in about 20 minutes.  The first time took me longer, but learning the mechanics is 3/4s of the battle.

Edit: If you're on a US server I can help you learn the mechanics and get you through it in well under half an hour.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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8 hours ago, Talzed.4153 said:

FYI, I am over four hours into this mission. Simply unnecessary. 

That means that you have not grasped any of the mechanics, which has nothing to do with reflexes by the way. 😉

Hidden Arcana is super easy and quickly done once you understand each of the three existing mechanics -- I am certain, a glimpse at the Wiki entry would have answered this for you, but here you go:

  1. To break the icicle-like crystals that spawn, you need to grab an orb (those light-shield bubbles that also spawn). Once you do, you are reduced to 1 health, so do not let anything hit you while you carry the orb over to a crystal and transfer it to it. Transferring the orb will make the crystal vulnerable and you can now destroy it with one hit.
  2. When a crystal is engulfed in a colored light, you need to kill one of the spawning Summoned Facets which will transfer their color effect ("Crystalline Coating") to you. Then grab an orb, enter the beam of the respective color, transfer the orb to the crystal and destroy it as mentioned before.
  3. If there is a dark, ominous field below the boss, you cannot enter it without taking damage unless you are under the "Protective Bond" effect, which you acquire by using mechanic #2 (kill facet --> grab orb --> enter colored beam --> destroy crystal). The effect is time-limited, so do not stay inside the field for too long.

Be aware that you do not need to fight the final boss much. It will take a huge amount of damage everytime you destroy one of those crystals, like in one of the previous levels where the orb-crystal mechanic was introduced (that boss was killed in the same way). So focus primarily on that and just avoid the final boss entirely or as much as you can.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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8 hours ago, Talzed.4153 said:

Not all of us are 18 with cat reflexes any longer.

It doesn’t require that. 

8 hours ago, Talzed.4153 said:

The mechanics of a number of the fights are overly difficult for a story mission mission that is a number of years old.

The age of an encounter has no bearing as to whether something can or cannot be challenging. 

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On 1/1/2022 at 9:23 PM, MikeG.6389 said:

"This is the nth thread about this story step." This is the point. It means that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. To repeat, this is a STORY MISSION. This is not a raid. This is not a Strike. this is something that shouldn't be an issue. Yet it is, and that is why it needs addressed. 


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31 minutes ago, Talzed.4153 said:

To repeat, this is a STORY MISSION. This is not a raid.

And this is not even the hardest story content. How do you find the Mordremoth fight? Or the PoF end boss fight, if you got that far yet? That one is a dodge-fest. Even Season 2 has more challenging content after Hidden Arcana.

39 minutes ago, Talzed.4153 said:

this is something that shouldn't be an issue

Agreed. Again, pay attention to the mechanics.

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Nah, the achievements aren't too difficult once you know what to do. Some people just suck at mechanics and it really shows (or else there won't be so many "make raids easier" comaplain threads). 
Also I'm quite surprised people are still needing old content achievements. If you're new to the game however it's understandable but not if you play for longer. 
I have to admit that Living story season 2 achievements back in the day were a chore to do and earning those achievements actually meant something (just like old titles from old events that are now refreshed and lost its worth like *ahem* Kingslayer title *ahem*) and even I hated them back then but did them anyways. 
People just need to learn that you just can't faceroll everything. 
If you're new it would be better to focus on other achievements catering more to the casual facerolling playerbase (which sadly amkes up the majority). 
However yu could just buy those achievements as well like raids if you're very lazy. 
Good luck in either way

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3 minutes ago, Obliviscaris.6937 said:

Breaking news: If this keeps coming up, even after so long, from a UX point of view, it's badly designed. Fact.

I don't think it's particularly poorly designed but it's definitely not clearly explained what you're supposed to be doing. Whether you treat that as a challenging "puzzle" to try and solve or an annoyance that should have been tutorialized better is up to you.

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1 minute ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

I don't think it's particularly poorly designed but it's definitely not clearly explained

I see what you're saying, totally. But this is still the very definition of badly designed. There explanation and task don't exist in vacuums independent of one another, and shouldn't be looked at as such like, at least from the PoV of a designer.

If this is still popping up as a point of pain from your consumer base, there's something wrong with it.

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On 1/3/2022 at 6:41 AM, Obliviscaris.6937 said:

Breaking news: If this keeps coming up, even after so long, from a UX point of view, it's badly designed. Fact.

Wow. Challenges equal bad design now?

Newer story missions are boring, because they don't pose much of a challenge, if any. If your expectations of an action-based MMORPG is to cheese your way through all content, then it's an issue with your mindset, not with the game. Content should feel rewarding, like you have achieved something, not downright boring. And yes, that goes for story missions, too.

I will never understand how running against a wall for hours is preferable over reading up how a mechanic works, if you can't figure it out by yourself, and then finishing a mission within a reasonable amount of time. There's also other players you can ask, if you can't find your way around the Wiki for some reason.

Threads like these keep popping up merely because some people want to be spoon-fed, with no challenges in their way, rather than face and beat a challenge in a rational manner.

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On 1/3/2022 at 6:41 AM, Obliviscaris.6937 said:

Breaking news: If this keeps coming up, even after so long, from a UX point of view, it's badly designed. Fact.

Or maybe you should stop misusing words to force unnecessary changes. If singular players can't do something for whatever reason, it doesn't mean it's "bad design". It means some -limited in quantity- players failed to grasp introduced concepts for varying reasons (like just trying to brute force through the story), so maybe instead of pretending it's "bad design", they should take a step back and try to re-learn/understand the relevant mechanics. By your ""definition"" literally everything is "bad design".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I forgot to mention the uniqueness of this mission's mechanics. They are pretty brilliant - you won't find anything similar throughout the whole the game (at least none that I can think of from the top of my head).

These days, most story mission fights are mere dodge-fests - not very innovative and rather annoying. Let's hope they'll come up with fresh mechanics again in upcoming story mission fights (EoD) that feel unique, challenging and therefore interesting/exciting.

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54 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I forgot to mention the uniqueness of this mission's mechanics. They are pretty brilliant - you won't find anything similar throughout the whole the game (at least none that I can think of from the top of my head).

These days, most story mission fights are mere dodge-fests - not very innovative and rather annoying. Let's hope they'll come up with fresh mechanics again in upcoming story mission fights (EoD) that feel unique, challenging and therefore interesting/exciting.

The other story mission I really liked the mechanics on was Crystalline Memories.

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