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"New Build" Rising in popularity that could possibly ruin wvw....


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i heard a few people in guildchat ranting about a supposedly very overpowered ranger build. They call it the no-pet-karate-ranger. I wanted to know what its all about and i tried it... OH MY..

I am playing it for over half a year now and i have to say it really is too strong. if you look at the damage you would think that it lacks survivability, but that is actually not the case.


Skirmishing/beastmastery/Soulbeast.  Full berserker+scholar rune   hydromancy/cleansing  Celerity/Cleansing

Figure the traits out for yourself 😛




Edited by Sahne.6950
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thats why i wrote "new".

you would think it melts to condis but that is not true!

you can overlap you protection with dolyakstance to gain near immunity to condis to cover to damage spikes.

other than the your healingskill covers another large timeframe of condiimmunity and what ever is left after your mitigation gets cleansed with your sigils.

i won numerous 1vX against condiclowns... kiting with the gazelle and gs3 and then turing and onebanging one after another!

If you are smart with mitigationframes, dodging, and proper spacing/burstwindows it is more then enough cleanse.


okey maybe i have to do it to prove my point... 


please watch this video! all of it was filmed in one session without a death inbetween!

WARNING! Quality will lead to severe braindamage... im sorry xD

there is 3 options:

1) i am a god in wvw

2) ALL of the enemys are dumb

3) im getting carried by the build


i bet all my money its 3) 😛 





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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

there is 3 options:

1) i am a god in wvw

2) ALL of the enemys are dumb

3) im getting carried by the build


i bet all my money its 3) 😛 





Option 4: you are getting the jump on pve players downing most of them in 1 burst. No skill in that.

There is literally no fight in which you don't down the enemy in your first set of cooldowns which means the enemy is not paying attention, is highly unskilled or has 0 defensive skills geared, aka class canon, or all of the above.


You are getting the jump in literally every single fight. The fact you can't read your enemy's skill level tells the rest.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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no-pet-karate-ranger HAHAHAHA thanks for making me laugh.  I needed that. 

I think someone shared their build here once, but it wasn't called a karate ranger,  I think it's sic' em, but this one uses greatswords and longbow, if you search the forum. it's a couple of months back.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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49 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Option 4: you are getting the jump on pve players downing most of them in 1 burst. No skill in that.

There is literally no fight in which you don't down the enemy in your first set of cooldowns which means the enemy is not paying attention, is highly unskilled or has 0 defensive skills geared, aka class canon, or all of the above.


You are getting the jump in literally every single fight. The fact you can't read your enemy's skill level tells the rest.


i Agree 100%!  besides the part where you call ma a noob:P cuz i have eyes i see what happend /how good they were, no need to get offensive.

the videos are a poor representation of the point im trying to make. there is just a few fights where they jump on me for example this one fireweaver (and even there i totally kitten on him) .Im sorry but it was the only footage i had laying around on my phone.

Videos aside.

The build can put out WAY over 50k damage in one second. this is extremely unhealthy for the wvw itself.

i have shot Necros from mount to finish (from the mount - shround - HPbar - downstate - death) with one kitten rapidfire! you can put out over 70k damage with rapidfire and wolfpack!  That should not happen. The meele burst is even more insane. With this build you get the jump on so many people cuz they dont expect to die in half a second. I am actually not overexagerating with these numbers!

I duell alot and as a result i have tested this build against alot of builds.

Believe me... This build is REALLY good.


the Damage - Survivability balance is just out of hand.


Please flippin test it before arguing against it... I myself thought that it cant be that good.. but it is. I use it to duell for money and im making a good chunk with it 😛



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32 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

the build can put out WAY over 50k damage in one second. this is


You know what this means right? Countered by 1 dodge...


I duell alot and as a result i have tested this build against alot of builds.

Believe me... the kitten videos aside.... This build is REALLY good.

Great, yet all the footage you had was versus oponents who were running away, not reacting or eating every single big ticket attack you have.



the Damage - Survivability balance is just out of hand.

It's not. It's sustain is slightly higher than some other glass canon builds but not unbreakable.



Please flippin test it before arguing against it... I myself thought that it cant be that good.. but it is. I use it to duell for money and im making a good chunk with it 😛



 Why do you assume I haven't? I literally have a character devote to only this build, and variations of it like double longbow for ws bonuses while pewpewing from towers and high ground.


It's a monkey build. It takes advantage of 2 things:

1. It's very easy to execute

2. Most players are unattentive 


That doesn't make it overpowered. It makes it a gimmick build. Similar to greatsword burst mesmer and other similar builds.

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Why do you assume I haven't?


Okey if you have tested it... how do you not see that damage splats of over 30k are just dumb?


Survivability is actually REALLY good if you know what your doing... apparently you dont.

But im not arguing with you i will just top replying now.


My point is: 50k Bursts should not happen in player versus player encounters!


Cyninja: JuSt DoDGe :0


bruh xDD


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8 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Why do you assume I haven't?


Okey if you have tested it... how do you not see that damage splats of over 30k are just dumb?

1 dodge, again you seem to not have actually met enemies who know which attacks they need to dodge. It happens.


Survivability is actually REALLY good if you know what your doing... apparently you dont.

But im not arguing with you i will just top replying now.


My point is: 50k Bursts should not happen in player versus player encounters!


Cyninja: JuSt DoDGe :0


bruh xDD



Wait, now you are assuming I was having a hard time on the build?


Nope. I just know which times when I fight it was skill, which times it was my build carrying me and which times I f-ed up. Some times a combination of all of those things.


Sic 'Em Soulbeast is a strong roamer build. It's not new. It's not unknown. It used to carry players in Spvp to platin easily. It exploits inattentive and weak players for easy kills while having some standing power against other glassy builds. It melts to condis from competent condi roaming builds and has a hard time when pressured by not glass canon and control builds.


We are all glad you discovered this "new" build for yourself. Now play it for 4-5 years and tell us all the amazing things we don't know about it.

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Finally someone with a brain. 

The amount of evade frames Paired with dodges, cleanses and dmaage mitigation that you get make a good Ranger extremely Hard to kill even as a full glasscannon. The -33% condidmg on protection ontop make it extremely good if you Rotate your defenses Properly. 


+ the cds on your Bursts are extremely short.


It just feels dumb to Pop doly and protect me and be able to facetank 3 people(condi or Power doesnt matter) while just mashing gazelle skills and maul....  and you kitten got all of em down suddenly...


The Stacking dmg mitigation is just dumb 


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Ok, i lold. I play Sic'em Soulbeast since half year now and its NOT broken.


I could tell you hundreds of examples in WvW where i thought "Man, this class needs a nerf".

For example the holosmith Diamond dude who easily killed 3-4 people at one time of ours and not has gotten any big damage from us. And that was not him just a lucky fight, he did that very often. He just understands and played his class with Keyboard.

Also there are several classes who litteraly oneshot me, also i'm thinking "man, how can that be".

What i've learned from wvw is, there are a lot classes who can oneshot you, because people can play it and aren't mouseclickers, also they can escape from 4-5 people doing damage to him, because they exactly know which button to use.


The Sic'em ranger is good as it is, its fun to play but its not broken and still hated in zergs.

Edited by Worrbinpike.2957
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nice klickbait troll. playing worst class in wvw literally and claiming some big new pepehands build to be OP. i mean, it's a good laugh always again, but u do your groups the biggest favor to not bring ranger. at least on full maps, if ur somehow forced to play ranger, bc no other class is that effortless to play in a 3v1 setting.

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Ok first of all. This Post is not too serious so dont get upset guys 😄

And i find it quite funny that everyone and their mom thinks that this is the sicem build... its is NOT.

and i find it hilarious that alomst noone sees the problem with having 10k hitting CC skills on a 8 sec cd...  bruuhhh if you gazellecharge and then instantly weaponswap (9khydromandyprocs) its 19k damage and almost everyones dead just from that....

dont forget the Autoattack chain hitting over 25k damage in 3 hits... Swoop literally hitting 9k consistantly... yeah...  but ok i guess its balanced 😛 are you guys aware of how these numbers are supposed to look on a normal sic em build?

you literally have a handfull of skills all between 4 and 8 seconds of cd that can hit Easyly over 10k AND are a 1 second daze.... xD GUYS please

im playing like a drunken monkey (i was literally drunk) and am shredding all of these people... BUT OKEY ITS BALANCED:D


Remember! ALL of the clips where Back-to-Back filmed! within 15 minutes or so and no death inbetween... (not saying that there was any skill involved! its just about the numbers being WAY to high)

How is a build balanced if you can just runaround killing everyone and everything in under 2 seconds...   BALANCED!

Either you have not seen the clips or i am just dumb.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Oh my, a variant of one shot sic'em soulbeast! No one has ever tried this before!


It's a meme build. Yes. Ranger is broken in very many ways. No, this build is not going to be the death of WvW. Tons of people run things exactly like this, and have been for years.


There are very many ways to counter this build, from dodges to invulns. Nothing in this build is new, it's stuff people have been doing for years. Many classes have their own one shot builds, and they are equally as meme as this one. This one probably does have more survivability than others, but they all share the same weakness. If your one shot fails, you get owned. You need to face bad players for this to be most effective. You can forget about any kind of 1vX against anyone who isn't effectively AFK in the brain. Just like with every other one shot build.


And before you find your next "discovery", yes, Nornbear ranger is a thing everyone knows about too. As well as immob condi druid.

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I know i have not reinvented the wheel buddy. Im aware that it has been around for years. but only since a few weeks i have seen it all over the place. The argument that im dead ofter the burst is just dumb just EVERYTHING is the burst... its not a short sequence... its every skill hitting upwards of 9k or even more. You smartheads act like im a silverpleb that just got their hands on a build like this the first time... its surprisingly viable even in extended fights and can abuse the OOC mechanic with chaining gs3 and gazelle charge to leave almost every unwanted fight instantly. People on Elonareach are abusing the kitten out of this build and soon or later more and more will... but okey i warned you 😛

i mean... a CC SKILL that hits 10k!  come on! how can you not see that there is something wrong...

bUT saHNEE yOu CAn JusT USe INvULn or DoDGe... ;D

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23 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I know i have not reinvented the wheel buddy. Im aware that it has been around for years. but only since a few weeks i have seen it all over the place. The argument that im dead ofter the burst is just dumb just EVERYTHING is the burst... its not a short sequence... its every skill hitting upwards of 9k or even more. You smartheads act like im a silverpleb that just got their hands on a build like this the first time... its surprisingly viable even in extended fights and can abuse the OOC mechanic with chaining gs3 and gazelle charge to leave almost every unwanted fight instantly. People on Elonareach are abusing the kitten out of this build and soon or later more and more will... but okey i warned you 😛

i mean... a CC SKILL that hits 10k!  come on! how can you not see that there is something wrong...

bUT saHNEE yOu CAn JusT USe INvULn or DoDGe... ;D

You say that, but look at dramatic thread title… “New Build" Rising in popularity that could possibly ruin wvw..”…


Old news, since like 5 years ago in 2017. WvW isn’t 1v1 zone mode either. There is stuff on other professions just like it. No need for the dramatic red alerts. And WvW has been ruined since forever and it has nothing to do with this. 


Did you film a YouTube video on your phone and post it after getting pewpewed? 

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1 hour ago, Rakan Buuyon.8576 said:

Oh my, a variant of one shot sic'em soulbeast! No one has ever tried this before!


It's a meme build. Yes. Ranger is broken in very many ways. No, this build is not going to be the death of WvW. Tons of people run things exactly like this, and have been for years.


There are very many ways to counter this build, from dodges to invulns. Nothing in this build is new, it's stuff people have been doing for years. Many classes have their own one shot builds, and they are equally as meme as this one. This one probably does have more survivability than others, but they all share the same weakness. If your one shot fails, you get owned. You need to face bad players for this to be most effective. You can forget about any kind of 1vX against anyone who isn't effectively AFK in the brain. Just like with every other one shot build.


And before you find your next "discovery", yes, Nornbear ranger is a thing everyone knows about too. As well as immob condi druid.

You forgot Charrzooka ranger too.

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You say that, but look at dramatic thread title… “New Build" Rising in popularity that could possibly ruin wvw..”…

I know its not breaking WvW! its called catching the readers attention. I just think that getting Rolled over like this is a very unfun experience for any new player starting WvW. I am totally aware that there will be builds that perform better overall then this so its not a GODBUILD. BUT... being on the receiving end of a 40k gazellcharge-hydromancy-gazellekick-combo is not fun...  The amount of ferocity and Power you can stack on Ranger is just out of hand, or it is the scalings of the Gazelle im not quite sure...

Did you film a YouTube video on your phone and post it after getting pewpewed? 

YUP ^_^its actually me filming with my phone. Back when i was filming it i wanted to show the stupid amout of damage this build does to my brother. Its not highlight clips or anything it is just me recording my screen for 15 minutes or so and cutting to the kills. I just recently saw this build alot and remembered that i actually have footage of me playing it on my phone. The clips itself are quite old,(and bad) roughly from summer last year. So its not someone that pewpewed me, it is actually my pew pewing.

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