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[NA][PvX] [Crow] Chill Guild for the Hardcore Casual Peeps is Recruiting!

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We are Chosen by the Mists [Crow] and we are recruiting for some new peeps to join in the fun of EoD and the rest of the game thereafter! We are a general PvX guild in that we do primarily PvE events such as metas, open world events, fractals, occasional raids, guild missions, strikes, dungeons, and WvW!

We're a pretty small group with only about 30-40 members. We're a pretty close group of people, and we're looking to add some friends to our group and continue to enjoy this awesome game. Generally, we're a pretty casual group that just looks to enjoy content with each other. Sometimes that just means hanging out in voice in discord while we do map completion, sometimes it means getting a raid squad together and tackling some intimidating content.

EoD is just a week away, and we're planning on jumping right in on day 1 and going all out on it! We plan on doing all the new events, new strikes, strike CMs, and anything else that comes with following updates. We're also going to claim the new guild hall on the first day, so join us to see that beautiful guild hall all decked out!

My hands are tired from typing, so I'm going to finish by saying if you'd like to join or just find out a little more about the guild, feel free to comment here, or message me in game (tilted off mobas.2657) for a discord invite!

Thanks and I hope to see you all soon!

Edited by tilted off mobas.2657
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Hi I'm looking for all you have said on the message. Iv been playing the game on and off since the beginning but never done raids. 

Raid is one thing iv like to do but I'm only free after 7 every weekday and weekend after 4 or 5 please let me no if it is possible. 

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Hello!  Awesome, well I will let you know raiding isn't super high on our priority list as it does depend a lot on the number of people and people's interest (raids are known to be a bit stressful, so not everyone enjoys them), but we can certainly throw some in if we have those things!  

I'll be on this evening for our guild events, and I will send you a message in game to talk more, and get you a discord invite! 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! What a wonderful little post and guild. This is basically everything I've been looking for and I'm surprised. Honestly thought it would take a while to find a group who was looking to play more casually. I'm a returning player but overall noob-ish. I want to get better but I also want to enjoy the game at my own pace and play with people that aren't going to expect me to know everything straight away haha.

Would love to talk more about possibly joining either in-game or discord. 

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