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Why is PvP in such a sad state?


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I stopped playing GW2 about three years ago due to the PvP being mostly abandoned and the occasional bot here and there.


Now I recently came back (About two weeks ago) and the PvP situation is.. worse? Like much, much worse.


I recognize the same bots from three years ago (I had a list with their names) and they are still at it. I've had people openly confess to me "Yes, I'm match fixing with the guy on the other team". 


Why doesn't Anet do anything about this? I get that the sPvP population is abysmally low but this is negligence on a whole new level. They borderline encourage you to bot on this game and make thousands of gold doing absolutely nothing. Its been just a couple of weeks and I'm already  pondering if I should quit again, this time for good.


It's just so frustrating, sad and rage inducing. I love the combat on this game but I can't experience it properly because ArenaNet doesn't give a flying rat to me and the other people like me.

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I think one of the purposes of the large Feb. patch was to lend "viability" to different playstyles, different trait line combos across professions ect. It somewhat worked, as you can play something like core warrior and do reasonably well vs. good players (This would have never been the case vs. decent players pre-Feb 2020.) This trend of having a greater amount of things be able to fall into the "viable" category also means that builds that are just absolutely unfun to fight against are now in the mix. Flamethrower scrapper is a good example. Core MM Necro is another. Staff Mirage - The list goes on. These builds aren't just memes because of how little you have to interact with the game for them to be so effective - they can actually carry matches pretty hard simply because of skill *mechanics*, even if skillful *play* is absent. It is.. not a very pleasant experience for a gamer when you're on the other side of that. It makes you not want to play and it makes the combat feel shallow.


I think what we're seeing with the Ranked population is in response to this "everything should be somewhat viable" approach. Personally I'd prefer a scenario where there are fewer viable builds but more skillful gameplay interaction within the combat system. Perhaps with the EoD balance pass coming up we can get a little more closer to player skill having the most impact in engagements rather than passive traits or skill mechanics.

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6 hours ago, Twidom.9481 said:

I stopped playing GW2 about three years ago due to the PvP being mostly abandoned and the occasional bot here and there.


Now I recently came back (About two weeks ago) and the PvP situation is.. worse? Like much, much worse.


I recognize the same bots from three years ago (I had a list with their names) and they are still at it. I've had people openly confess to me "Yes, I'm match fixing with the guy on the other team". 


Why doesn't Anet do anything about this? I get that the sPvP population is abysmally low but this is negligence on a whole new level. They borderline encourage you to bot on this game and make thousands of gold doing absolutely nothing. Its been just a couple of weeks and I'm already  pondering if I should quit again, this time for good.


It's just so frustrating, sad and rage inducing. I love the combat on this game but I can't experience it properly because ArenaNet doesn't give a flying rat to me and the other people like me.


What you are seeing in game is a  mirror. Not played in 3 years? Bro u are gold 1 lvl... and what u are seeing on your team and other is gold and gold players like u play and look like bots. Yes that's how you look when you play to pvp mains

Like a bot.

Sick of all forum wars moaning about bots but at same time being in gold. That's how gold players look!! Yes there are bots in the game but we know who they are we have them on our friends list to que dodge or class match que into.. the rest and that's the other 99.9% of players forum warriors think are bots are just players. The mirror of your self's. 

I watched an old video from when I started pvp and even months into it and today if If I see me play like that u guys would of thought I was a bot. 

99% of time they ain't bots they just gold. Silver till plat 1 just look like bots when they play. That's just all there is to it.


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Simply because Anet suceeded to repel all his playerbase:

  • Lack of profession update repels those that like to experiment new builds
  • Lack of class balance and pvp mechanics balance repels those that like to develop personal skills
  • Lack of new rewards repels those that like to grind for fun

So yeah, playerbase shrinks, and you have the situation where you will be matchmaked with players way lower or higher than your rating. F-U-N.

Edited by aelska.4609
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7 hours ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Because anet continues to nerf around problems instead of fixing problems. 

Example: refusing to update downstate HP for the Feb 2020 patch damage reduction. A glaringly obvious and very serious balance issue that has persisted  for almost 2 years now.



they even improved speed of hand and skill revive by introducing the healing sigil, so when we think about it they made the problem even worse after that lol

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8 hours ago, Gamble.4580 said:


What you are seeing in game is a  mirror. Not played in 3 years? Bro u are gold 1 lvl... and what u are seeing on your team and other is gold and gold players like u play and look like bots. Yes that's how you look when you play to pvp mains

Like a bot.

Sick of all forum wars moaning about bots but at same time being in gold. That's how gold players look!! Yes there are bots in the game but we know who they are we have them on our friends list to que dodge or class match que into.. the rest and that's the other 99.9% of players forum warriors think are bots are just players. The mirror of your self's. 

I watched an old video from when I started pvp and even months into it and today if If I see me play like that u guys would of thought I was a bot. 

99% of time they ain't bots they just gold. Silver till plat 1 just look like bots when they play. That's just all there is to it.



While I don't see nearly as many bots as some people do, I do see them. I think this statement isn't accurate and maybe a bit salty. There is a clear difference between someone even in gold1 and a bot. I could MAYBE see the argument for silver and below, but even then, you can tell they are not bots because they're usually putting in some effort but just lack mechanics/game knowledge. Granted, I'm not some god tier player as I jump between high gold and low plat but I have a lot of experience in sPvP and pretty deep game knowledge. I just cant find the dedication to put into this abysmal pvp system to get any better. 

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