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Extremely long loading screens

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I have posted about this before and see many have the same problem. I can't find any soloutions, would you advice asking Anet?


My loading times are getting slower and slower. Before: 10-20 seconds, now at worst it's 95 seconds:

- Installed on SDD, 8 GB RAM, Intel Core i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050Ti.

- It doesn't matter which map, Eye of The North, Auric Basin, Brisban Wildlands, Timberline Falls, all have about the same problem, at least 60 seconds

- It doesn't change it if I close all other apps on my computer

- Internet connections is good and stable, 34 Mbps (loading anything else works just fine)

I can play Horizon Zero Dawn, FFXIV and other games on full graphic settings

What I have already done:

- Installed on new SSD which I have cleaned up (only things on it is Terraria and GW2)

- I don't use -maploading or any other commands

- I have deleted the .dat file

- I play on minimum settings, except shaders (on medium)

- Tried using "-repair"

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You already tried some good things like the new SSD and forcing the game to make a new .dat file.

This will exclude the most obvious storage issues.


Sometimes loading issues can be related to graphics. Try removing any 3rd party add-ons. Try DX9 instead of DX11 and vice versa. Try the latest drivers for your graphics card.

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my brother has a similar problem since a few weeks/months...  he used to load alot faster then me because he has the better system. But now sometimes he loads almost a minute longer then i do... really weird.  He used some addons and deleted all of them but problem is still there. It seems to happen after a few loadings. the first few loadingscreens are normal and then all of a sudden one is slow and it will stay like this for the rest of the day. (restarting game does not fix it)

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my brother (has the same problem) already nuked his Computer and obviously reinstalled GW2 afterwards. problem was still the same. Problem first occured some time before christmas and is very consistent since... it seems to be a clientside problem... maybe they kitten something up with a patch... i dont know im not a techfreak. I have no problems at all but i know some people that do... maybe it is a problem with some... videocard drivers??? i have no clue 😄 i am not updating mine cuz AMD drivers succ and im happy i found one that does not overheat your Graphicscard ❤️

Edited by Sahne.6950
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I have tried eveything suggested here except upgrading to 16 gb RAM. But I don't see how that would solve the issue when every other game runs perfectly fine. 


I have the same story as someone posted here. It starts fine with the first loading screen, then it gets worse and worse. Sometimes it's like 1 minute from the beginning. 


And as I said, I've been playing for years and the issue started like 3 months ago. I don't understand why upgrading my PC would make it better. 


I am using DX9, have tried DX11, nothing changes. 


Thank you all for the input. Will just wait and see if it gets better when EoD comes out. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this exact problem and it's bad enough that I hardly play the game now. Why buy skins when 90% of the time you're just going to see place holder defaults? Sometimes I load in to a map quickly but the assets don't load for a long time: invisible boss, invisible ground, missing buildings, everyone is a silhouette. If I way point on the same map I experience the loading issue all over again. 
I checked what my computer was doing when running gw2. The game uses all of it's resources. Even when I have no program but this game running. 
My stats are similar to OP's as well. Other games run really well. Gw2 is just getting worse for some reason.

Edited by Obfuscate.6430
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I have same specs, except for SSD,i dont have one lol. The only time loading screen takes long for me is, if i login first time for the day, or if the map is full/nearly full (like going to map which has world boss in few mins or any other group events), im guessing its taking time to select a map server.

Idk if its relevant or works, try give a different home world or check connection ping at different intervals.


Also try changing LoD distance to low, and character models/graphics to lowest/low

Edited by Blue D Phoenix.7260
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I already explained this in another thread, but 8 GB isn't  enough anymore. The game itself uses 6 GB, and that's assuming you have 4 GB+ of VRAM and it doesn't ever have to swap textures into system memory, which leaves all of 2 GB for the rest of your system (Firefox or Chrome alone can take this much), and disk cache.


If you have 2 GB or less of VRAM then some of the textures will be swapped to and from RAM, especially if another app is using some VRAM too (again, like web browsers), reducing this even further.


Even on an SSD you need sufficient disk cache as its still infinitely slower than system memory. Think about having only a 2 GB disk cache (at most) on a game with up to 50 GB of data to be loaded from disk. This data is also compressed, so its something like 2-4X larger in reality.


Your best bet is to lower the Textures setting  to "Medium", which will greatly reduce the load both on RAM and VRAM. Other settings are likely to have little effect if your CPU and GPU are fast enough, as they're not affecting memory or disk bandwidth much only the real-time rendering performance of the game.


If this doesn't work, then your system is too bogged down for even a 75% reduction to help. Try running the game from some kind of boot disk (Windows or Linux), so you have a clean environment.


Remember, this is a combined problem of both capacity (reducing disk cache, causing swapping to/from GPU or even worse out to a pagefile on disk), and bandwdith (read/write throughput). Its not something just easily solved although there's workarounds like putting your disk in a 2-disk RAID0/1 array, or just upgrading your RAM so everything can breathe easier, especially the cache which uses up all your unused memory (free memory is never "free").


This happens because its an MMO (which already have millions of textures), and its already had two expansion packs, four Living World seasons and a thousand cosmetic items added since launch. This game also uses higher resolution textures than other MMOs, on newer content especially.


Any modern gaming system should have at least 12-16 GB of RAM, and 4-6 GB of VRAM.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Besides very unstable loading times (sometimes it is 10 sec sometime 90 sec) I also started getting this weird graphical effects after the long loading times occur.


See the screenshot attached here: https://ibb.co/942RRX8


I have tried a lot of things already changing the graphical setting, updating all the drives, cleaning up GW2 cache etc.


Nothing seems to be making a change.


Can you at Anet please address this issue ?


Very frustrating, if you have many characters like I do and you cannot log one after another because loading times get you stuck in a loooong waiting loops and then when the map is finally loaded you get missing textures



Edited by Nordpeak.5423
missing link
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same here .more than enough performance from hardware, but especially since yesterday: extreme long loading screens, and the player model, map, some textures not properly loading in. The camera doesn´t even move when my (invisible) character model moves, so it´s not only the initial loading screen problem, it´s even getting worse right now 

i also just made a short recording (note: by the time i added the video, i still didn´t get loaded into the world properly)

Edited by Custodio.6134
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  • 1 year later...

i would guess, since there is a lot going on with shaders lately, that clearing those could fix the issue. weak internet connection could also couse such issues. as some have pointed out using the debug option could help pinpoint the issue, or simply posting a regular support ticket would probably lead to faster and more accurate diagnosis then searching for help on the forums, since its better to talk to ppl who get paid for helping with technical issues specifically.

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