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Remove Boons or WvW WILL die..


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Roaming dead ✔️

Thief/Ranger mains on kitten watch due to never being chosen✔️

Lack of new players and low player participation ✔️

Stale & Boring Boon Ball Zerg Meta ✔️


Let's face it, WvW is not in a good state. 

Alliances looking rough, powerful guilds finding ways to take advantage of systems to remain powerful which everyone saw coming.


EoD also hasn't announced anything major changing for PvP in the game, just a lot of PvE as always and the one thing that remains consistent over the past couple years that led to WvW deteriorating to where it's at is Boons.


The concept of Boons needs to be reworked because it is inevitable that large zergs will naturally take advantage of it, but Boons need some sort of drawbacks or nerfs or even just straight removal in WvW situations in order to switch up the meta and make people actually think of strategies instead of mindlessly Boon Balling 24/7.


Here are things I think ANet should do:


  1. Shorten Boon Durations in WvW gameplay
  2. Remove problematic Boons that are being abused
  3. Nerf Boon-Strip builds to compensate for Boon nerfs to freshen Necro meta


Too many WvW players are accustomed to mindless, boring, Boon Ball gameplay and it's clearly not fun despite what the white knights say because GW2 has no PvP scene. Being #1 in GW2 WvW is equivalent to being a dead Streamer/YouTuber because literally no one is looking out for GW2 content in 2022.


If people want to be taken seriously as a community and not have PvP be some mini-game, stop defending boring mind numbing gameplay.






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We need a follow up to the february patch, now nerfs some boons, stuff like Protection/Resolution get's reduced to 20% or 25% damage reduction, take a look at stability, etc.

Another things that could happen is another pass at CC skills, yeah they should not deal a lot of damage, but doing 10 damage is way to low lol.
Something like 1000 or 1500 damage on a crit is enough to make them more usefull damage wise, without making them way to powerfull.

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Personal take. I think there are strategies to counter boon ball. It could require quickly splitting up into more efficient groups and efficiently picking the blob's alternate maps apart by flagging keeps, slowing supply, papering tier camps, using well timed supply traps on blob. Efficiency should, in my thinking, allow for the ppt to go in favor of the non blob in that case. If it's your t3 garri they are blobbing then any small teams should either cloud and or bunker down in keep with defense and let anyone not needing to be there start papering them while they waste there blob on your defenses. I think that whether the blob is unbreakable is hard to see at my level. We fight Maguuma and all of our main commanders leave for the week. It's not that Mag has a unbreakable blob. If a few of our cmdrs come on they are able to stop the blob but it's unrelenting pressure of opponents help their strength. Our Cmdrs will take breaks and lose too much either overnight or during other down time. Am happy to be wrong but as I see the situation. Also there is less of a carrot on a stick now in wvw. Where I am people don't want to try and face the endless blob pressure because there is not enough reason to sacrifice the time. There should be a reward for the efforts and then those endless blobs might get countered better. 

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Honestly I find the massive amount of superspeed and things that are  outright unsplit from PVE (i.e. quickness on gyros that already have powerful effects, some damage skills that have full PVE damage) to be more an "issue" than boons. Boons are hard shut down by Winds of Disenchantment and the vast majority don't affect incoming damage.

  • Might: most might is 6s base duration for WVW
  • Fury: herald since HOT has permafury, so I don't think this is the issue
  • Stability: unless you want pirate ship meta you wouldn't touch this
  • Aegis: Mantra of Solace is not great outside group play which is why it isn't run in PVP; mace+shield has been more or less the same for years ; aegis only blocks one hit which may be autoattacks
  • Swiftness: has never been an issue. Symbol of Swiftness since core guard , windborne speed if you run staff eles / herald has been a thing since HOT/POF
  • Protection: unless you run heal tempest prot uptime isn't great
  • Resistance: it is usually a few seconds at best , cleansing is more powerful than resistance
  • Resolution: worthless in largescale because conditions aren't the main damage source
  • Regeneration: would never save you from a coordinated bomb
  • Alacrity: if someone is running renegade in WVW just for this more power to them , realistically you run renegade because shortbow damage hasn't been split properly to WVW and because of Citadel Bombardment ; 33% crit chance lost on dodge is a hefty drawback along with the health compared to herald
  • Quickness: arguably only the unsplit quickness from gyro superspeed is a problem as it amplifies disparity between med kit heals and other heals, firebrand quickness comes at the cost of boons/tome pages
Edited by Infusion.7149
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There's only one counter to a boon blob, bring your own equal boon blob, this is the safe gameplay the guilds want.

The people who don't agree are sitting in their own boon blob laughing at everyone else.


Now buckle up, because anet is not changing this meta, the new classes obviously show this, one bloody boon strip spec and it's on the ranger and it's pet of all things, and more alacrity out the backpants coming.

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I'd love to see some boon experiment weeks the same way there's occasionally a No Downstate week.

  • 1 week without a certain type of boon (might?, stability lol?)
  • 1 week with all boons getting half duration
  • 1 week with reduced or increased effects of boons
  • would be interesting to see how it actually plays out rather than just speculation on the forums
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Again, warrior mains have been discussing a good means to this at least for our class, which would also serve as an indirect buff. Superior boonstrip potential and application of the disenchantment effect once a boon is stripped (fixed duration regardless of strip number and once per game interval) which doesn't allow for boon reapplication. Buffing scourge is imo a no, so ideally improve Mallyx teamplay potential, but not enough to make it abusable in smallscale, rev mains probs have better ideas here. 


Introduce a sigil like the one in PvP, on hit remove a boon by default. Similarly improve some classes like Core Warrior (with a nerfed version for SpB) and maybe Core Mesmer (or chrono, depends on what Mesmer mains want to see, I'd promote for a more offensive Core Mesmer) to have unique strip potential abilities vs foes with Stability, not unlike Brutality from devastation etc.


Scrapper coeffs need a review sure, but I'd argue that rn, Aurashare is too oppressive and tho I don't want for Ele to get nerfed, introduce ways to shut down auras from enemies. 

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Hate to break it to you,


But WvW has been dead since seasons ended, Why bother putting any effort into the game when you don't have to.

Stacking ontop of one person is not engaging gameplay.



 I miss the days when Holding a keep or killing a zerg mattered.

Edited by Reflex.5286
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Pretty sure like many ganking games out there, where you go 3 vs 1 and claim that is "pvp" . It would already be beyond dead. I do not get why forum people do not understand this simple aspect. There is roaming (solo), there is Ganking (2v1), and there Zerging (Group). Ganking is the one that kills game, because no skill required, and boring to the person being ganked.


I like the boonball, it is a unique aspect of Gw2 that requires genuine real quick and cordinated play, that I have not been able to see in any other game. I think it is sad that more marketing regarding that is not seen. And wvw still seems super active almost literally always 8 years into the game, on a massive 3 way battlefield where players are literally the only content? That is pretty wild

Edited by zengara.8301
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Rangers and Thief are not being used for roaming? That doesn't sound right at all. That is where they excel.

I'm more bothered by the fact that they don't yet seem to have a solid zerging build/option. I can't speak from any experience as I didn't try out Specter or Untamed during the last beta much so I am not sure how effective they are there.

Did anyone try Untamed and/or Specter in WvW?

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I'm not sure that I agree. Rangers and Thiefs are great for roaming and I'm encountering plenty of roamers (especially in the evenings and weekends).

I also don't think that what you are suggesting is going to make any difference. Just look at it from a new players perspective. They decided to join the mode, spent half an hour running around like a headless chicken getting ganked left and right for basically 0 rewards and in this case 0 fun. Do you really think that if a change like this gets implemented this player will think "well, now that the boons are shorter the mode will be fun for me" ? 

However, I do agree that the mode feels icredibly stale and new players avoid it like the plague. To make the mode feel fresh, exciting and lure new blood we need something a lot more gamechanging then tweaking the boons.

The way I see it we need increased incetives for literally everything in the mode. Things like:

  • Weekly WVW quest/achievement type of thing that requires you to get X amount of solo kills to promote roaming.
  • Extra reward for the world that is first, so the blob players will be incentivised to cap more things.
  • EOTM revamp. This is probably the map with the coolest aesthetic in the game and it has been dead for years.
  • Giving new players something: like an option to rent warclaw if they don't have the expansions and/or some beginner-friendly weekly achievements/quests like the ones mentioned above but way simpler.


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recruit some non afking scourge and chronos... boonballing is just a sorry excuse lol


@Gobcrack.9320 there's no way theif and ranger get bigger usage in largescale ever.  whenever u fight rather overnumbers, these classes just don't pull their weight but rather need to get carried, as they live from fast clearing +1 fights. that is within their very mechanics, hence they are useless in largescale.


this will never change, unless anet destroys these classes basic skills and mechanics to reforge them into aoe/supportive specs. then u will cry that it doesn't feel like the wannabe rambo stuff that u are used to.


so, would u really take this pill?


just learn any of the meta specs, isn't asked too much.



13 hours ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Superspeed. Literally the only thing that needs a hard nerf right now imo. 

no. how about we talk for nerfs of basic damage, shadowsteps, blinks, stealth, dazes, dodges, evades on thieves and rangers?

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
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