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Please release EoD a 25th Friday

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Dear Arena Net,


We wait EoD from many years. Please release extension 25th friday. You have release HoT and PoF a friday.


  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022



We understand that need many work but please understand that complicate for many player for make a release a Monday.

Edited by Destroyer.7503
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1 hour ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

Dear Arena Net,


We wait EoD from many years. Please release extension 25th friday. You have release HoT and PoF a friday.


We understand that need many work but please understand that complicate for many player for make a release a Monday.

Dear Destroyer,


They work EoD for many years. Please relax anticipation until 28th monday. You have had things happen a monday before.


We understand that need many day off for play but please understand that complicate for many devs to make a release a Friday.

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It's the 28th and you can literally feel the crunch that is going into that date, with the developers certainly trying their best to stick to their promised February release date.


Releasing on the 25th, Friday, would mean that any and nearly all work related to day 1 fixes, issues, patches, bugs, crashes, you name it, would have to be done on the weekend of that Friday. Hardly a great sell.


Releasing on Monday allows for an entire workweek to fix any issues which might need fixing short term. Yes, this does mean many players will have to wait until the weekend after or play with very limited time during the week. What's the rush? The next expansion is probably years off anyway.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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All expension are release friday. Why change for this ?

  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022

All people play at different rythme. I respect you, but if I want during all week-end that ma choice.

Edited by Destroyer.7503
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Isn't the unofficial rule of MMOs that you never play on patch day anyway? And not just because most of them have to be taken offline for updates so it won't be available to play most of that day. If anything it's probably better to wait a few days for the inevitable follow up patches.

I understand being excited for EoD, but MMOs are designed to be played long-term, not rushed through in a weekend, so I don't think it makes a big difference which day of the week it releases.

(For me it certainly doesn't, I won't have much time to play until March anyway.)

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3 minutes ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

All expension are release friday. Why change for this ?

All people play at different rythme. I respect you, but if I want during all week-end that ma choice.

Yo can still choose to play GW2 all week-end, just before EoD is released.

And the week-end before.

And the week-end later, and you can play EoD then!

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If not that not important for you play day one. That not same for all player.


For many player that a good completion to participate at 1st Dragon Stand (exemple). You discovery a new country and you can find new item. You are 1st people in 1 think and that a good completion and have never equivalent of all gold in Guild Wars.

Edited by Destroyer.7503
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32 minutes ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

All expension are release friday. Why change for this ?

  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022

All people play at different rythme. I respect you, but if I want during all week-end that ma choice.

Funny how a single date swings the argument: 

  • GW2 core: Tuesday 28th August 2012
  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022

    (and core GW2 has still been the best release there was)
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45 minutes ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

All people play at different rythme. I respect you, but if I want during all week-end that ma choice.

One second, let me just call up ArenaNet so I can get the release date moved to accommodate your preferences. You want me to have them give you all 16 sets of the new gen 3 legendaries while I'm at it?

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Either the majority of players play on a weekday, so the 'new expansion smell' only last short while...or...the majority of the players can't play during the week so that the 'new expansion smell' is still there next weekend.  Which should ArenaNet cater to, and how will it make a difference to 'the new expansion smell'?

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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1 hour ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

Funny how a single date swings the argument: 

  • GW2 core: Tuesday 28th August 2012 Sunday 25th August 2012 for prebuy at 6am UTC Time = Friday in USA
  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022

    (and core GW2 has still been the best release there was)

Thank I have forget that always Friday

Edited by Destroyer.7503
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1 hour ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

"new leaf"-green or "mouldy bread"-green? 😉

Given most of the the visuals we know of, it's probably a toxic smell.

19 minutes ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

Thank I have forget that always Friday

August 25th was the pre-release, not the release.

This means, August 25th doesn't line up with the release date comparison.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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3 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

It's the 28th and you can literally feel the crunch that is going into that date, with the developers certainly trying their best to stick to their promised February release date.

If they're having to crunch to launch, then they should delay the kitten thing. Crunch is terrible for a company and any manager that promotes/approves of it should be fired.


4 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Perhaps, this time the Devs would rather not work overtime on the weekend.  🤷‍♂️

So starting off the week with 12-hr shifts when something inevitably breaks is better?

Edited by Bristingr.5034
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Bro. They have been killing themselves trying to get this out and you can’t wait 3 more days? So let me get this straight you want the devs to give up a weekend off so you can play?? I legit want to see what you respond. Who knows how many hours they put in they need a weekend to relax. It’s a dang game. 

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