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Please release EoD a 25th Friday

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They should take as much time as they need to ensure nothing is rushed.

If I have to wait another month, 2 months, 6 months.. for the expansion to ensure it isn't a buggy mess then I will gladly accept such delays for quality.

Far FAR!! too many games these days are a total kittenshow on release and it is an awful look for a company when it happens constantly.

Delaying a game is always better than a bad game on launch day and any company that would rather hit a deadline than release a quality product is a company that doesn't value it's customers nor deserve their support.

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On 2/1/2022 at 11:23 AM, Destroyer.7503 said:

We wait EoD from many years. Please release extension 25th friday. You have release HoT and PoF a friday.


  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022



We understand that need many work but please understand that complicate for many player for make a release a Monday.

I'm quite happy that they will fix any game breaking bugs in their normal office hour. And I assume the few extra days will help them to smash more bugs.



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30 minutes ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

I understand i speak whit people whithout work 🙂

They didn't pick Monday by choice - they weren't sure if it they could finish it. If you wanted it to launch on a Friday, it would have to be the next Friday, which is in March. That would mean having to announce another delay, which may not even be an option. It's frankly odd how far behind they seem to be, as if half of ArenaNet is somewhere else.

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On 2/3/2022 at 12:13 PM, Rasimir.6239 said:

I wonder how many of the people interested in playing EoD on release are actually interested in any of the other new releases this month?

Honestly, i have absolutely no idea what else gets released around the same time. As such, 28th February date does not seem like a problem to me.


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1 hour ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

I understand i speak whit people whithout work 🙂

Weird, because, to me it seems that it's exactly people with work experience that understand what both a Friday release and rushing an already tight schedule by 3 days mean. It's only those with more laidback approach to work, or no work experience at all, that can think both can be a good idea with no negative consequences.

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I hope you realise the release date is probably set in stone due to contractual obligations / budgeting schedule / etc.? They are not your parents you cannot moan to get it. 

I also think Friday would be way more beneficial, because people don’t have time to play week time - so their release will be kind of low-key due to lower population. But well this is what it is nothing that can be done.

Edited by Mik.3401
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I do not think this is needed. I can understand that people want it released on a weekend - so they can play a lot directly at release day. But: You'll always have times when others might catch up (start to progress further ahead and faster than you - in story, achievements and maps).

This is just a matter of a few days. If it is released on the weekend and you have to work during week ... just a few days later the ones that can play during week - will catch up. This isn't really a big deal. More of a mental/attitude thing.

Actually I find it more annoying to have WvW and PvP and other stuff - where it is a lot of stuff to play if you want to do most. At least mini season PvP starts the next week and soon after EoD release the main season PvP (long/more weeks) is starting again. (So less pressure.

Also as others mentioned: There might be a lot of trouble at the patch day. + as for spoilers and stuff: Might help to turn off map chat if you want to explore the new stuff freely. (That is what I'll do. Though I have a lot of time to play ... there surely will be a ton of hardcore players that are even faster ... and talks and spoilering about hints and achievements in that probably.)

My first expansion where I play from the release on. (Only played GW2 at 2012 release - until end 2013. And returned 2019 when the expansions were already "old" with a lot to catch up - and I preferred reading the wiki for this and for infos.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Honestly, i have absolutely no idea what else gets released around the same time. As such, 28th February date does not seem like a problem to me.


I do (horizon, elden ring, GT7) but these are not MMO, so playing them at launch or later is the same. 

So I choose to play them later (1 year) when their launch price is halved.

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5 minutes ago, Raizel.1839 said:

I do (horizon, elden ring, GT7) but these are not MMO, so playing them at launch or later is the same. 

So I choose to play them later (1 year) when their launch price is halved.

Playing single players games later also has the advantage of developer fixes and mods the community comes up with.

Sometimes you end up getting the game much cheaper, but with better textures, lighting, and UI.

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