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Well, its over. "Insulting people builds character"

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It's always select few act toxic. They usually run in group of 3-4 and ruin experience for everyone. And, If you say anything, all their buddies jump on you. I have personally experienced this as well.

But, I just block them all and move on. Its just a game at the end. No point of arguing with certain people. It will only bring you down to their level.

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Huh.  Well its your life, your time, just doesn't seem worth quitting over nor do I think the large majority of the community deserves to be castigated because of the actions of a vocal minority.  Been playing this game almost ten years and the instances of  "online abuse" directed against myself has been incredibly rare and typically nothing super egregious, though conversely its never been something as tame as being insulted for low dps. 

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11 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:

Hey guys.


I quited once, because of insults. Took some time off the game and decided to get back with another class. All the same, insulted over my DPS on an OPEN WORLD boss. (Legendary Facet). Then had to read on map chat the sentence on the title.


"Insulting people builds character".


Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.


And that is it.

Judging by your post history see you for your next try in june then mate.

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Yo OP, judging from your posts, I'm gonna say few things from my experience, which might be a hard pill to swallow,

Dont goto raids, fractals,  strike missions, and such end game content expecting people to carry you.

Dont join an LFG group which are looking for specific players, like Heal, high dps, condi cleanse,etc. Unless you know what you're doing, those groups are for players who are familure with their character and the event.

Do join guilds if you want to get trained in end game content or just openly say you're a noob.



From my personal experience (as im noob),

I too got kicked from raid/stirke groups without any say. So i just ignore it. Spend a lot of time trying to find a group which can carry me for first time.

Some wont help on the run, so sometimes youre on your own.


So im guessing you joined in a wrong group. Especially when legendary facet is a bounty and maybe the group was looking for high dps player, idk. 

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30 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

How do I o rain this power to control a random stranger in a video game?

Making someone quit over a innocuous statement is something I want.

You just have to be a very stealthy toxic kitten as to not get banned by the developers.

Edited by Linken.6345
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17 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:

Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.

it's not how it works. after seeing that you:
1 - add him to your block list
2 - go to grind the golem until benching
3 - look at the guy location in your blacklist
4 - get in the same squad as him
5 - get double his dps because you now a godgamer
6 - insult his dps and such
7 - maybe you get insulted for too high dps, who knows

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17 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:

Hey guys.


I quited once, because of insults. Took some time off the game and decided to get back with another class. All the same, insulted over my DPS on an OPEN WORLD boss. (Legendary Facet). Then had to read on map chat the sentence on the title.


"Insulting people builds character".


Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.


And that is it.

@Marauder.4297 my best possible advice is really don't quit or let another player(s) be that deciding factor like ever: Period.


1) Surround yourself in game with positive people whether that's within game, friendliest, group or squad. 

2) If you join an open squad, group, PUG etc be prepared in advance most players maybe totally cool and chill, but there may always be one toxic player whom gains 'their fun' from putting others down to escalate their own egos. Such players I really don't give an f about and don't give them a second thought and that's how you should feel also - it's not an issue unless you make it an issue. 

3) Remember you can drop group or squad in a split second, block report if you choose then seriously forget about the incident, go do something else

4) Some w/e you want to cool it:Insult, abuse, trolling can be helpful like the 1st time I was instant kicked from my PUG T4 fractal. Other players gave me no warning, I whispered them and they told me my DPS sucked obs they all using arcdps and that time I didn't even know what arcdps was, also my build was all wrong for fractals.... Did I quit?  Hell no: I learnt from my mistake...leading to 5

5) Maximise / unleash your potential in any game mode is what I learnt to do after I was kicked from a PUG:  So what did I do? 

6) Use discretize.eu, snowcrows for optimal build, rotation, trait lines, gear, runes, sigils, food, util BUT adapt your build to any given encounter. 

7) Learn & practice your role/ profession inside and out, practice on Raid Golems with DPS meter if you wish to maximise your own game skill

😎 Exotic gear more than good enough for open world casual gameplay but helps to aim for full ascended again to make life easier for yourself. 

9) Use food/util often and everywhere it's dirt cheap and can make your DPS or heals better for such a low cost, ofc you don't need meta food/util for open world, but anything is better than nothing. 

10).... have fun?!? Enjoy the game. Nobody forces anyone to play any particular game mode or with people. You can play entirely alone if you wish, or in a helpful friendly guild and only do group content with guild members you know.

The choice is yours 😊👍

Edited by Gregg.3970
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11 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

We're talking about an event that can be done by a single player here.  If you (general "you", not you personally) think you're pro for carrying, all you need to do is hit up youtube to see that you're actually a scrub and that the reason you talk down to strangers in content that doesn't matter is to validate your own meager skills.  Don't justify it.  There is no way it is welcome or helpful to call other players out for performance in an open world event like this.

I hate to be the elitist to inform that the legendary facet is at group event (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_Legendary_bounty_(Legendary_Corrupted_Facet) ), and probably takes a squad of people to complete in the time limit. Also the only way his dps can been seen is he joined a squad, so he actively joined a organized group.

In solo content, you can be a fool all you want, you are only wasting your own time. But the issue is when your tomfoolery start interfering with others.  When you decide to do group events AND get involved with an organized group event, being called out is part of the package. It is like being called out for starting the burn too early at octovine, using emps at chak garent,  ranging matriach at VB, or pulling the champions out of the middle in DS. All of these can be done by 1 player, and can make an entire map more miserable. 

But you would probably defend the guy i meet in t3 cliffside who would constant pick up the hammer at 40 stacks spawning vindicators every chance he could. And when told what he was doing, called me an elitist and proceeded to attempt to kick me.  The mods here let there be a narrative that there is toxic elitism in the high end of the game, but in my experience, the toxicity is from those who willfully do not want to try to improve.

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30 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

I hate to be the elitist to inform that the legendary facet is at group event (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_Legendary_bounty_(Legendary_Corrupted_Facet) ), and probably takes a squad of people to complete in the time limit. Also the only way his dps can been seen is he joined a squad, so he actively joined a organized group.

In solo content, you can be a fool all you want, you are only wasting your own time. But the issue is when your tomfoolery start interfering with others.  When you decide to do group events AND get involved with an organized group event, being called out is part of the package. It is like being called out for starting the burn too early at octovine, using emps at chak garent,  ranging matriach at VB, or pulling the champions out of the middle in DS. All of these can be done by 1 player, and can make an entire map more miserable. 

But you would probably defend the guy i meet in t3 cliffside who would constant pick up the hammer at 40 stacks spawning vindicators every chance he could. And when told what he was doing, called me an elitist and proceeded to attempt to kick me.  The mods here let there be a narrative that there is toxic elitism in the high end of the game, but in my experience, the toxicity is from those who willfully do not want to try to improve.

You dont need a squad for it.


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5 hours ago, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

Yo OP, judging from your posts, I'm gonna say few things from my experience, which might be a hard pill to swallow,

Dont goto raids, fractals,  strike missions, and such end game content expecting people to carry you.

Dont join an LFG group which are looking for specific players, like Heal, high dps, condi cleanse,etc. Unless you know what you're doing, those groups are for players who are familure with their character and the event.

Do join guilds if you want to get trained in end game content or just openly say you're a noob.

So im guessing you joined in a wrong group. Especially when legendary facet is a bounty and maybe the group was looking for high dps player, idk. 


9 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I'm going to call shenanigans here.  Been playing this game since beta, and the only comments I've ever seen about overworld boss DPS was somebody announcing who was doing the most.  


8 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Huh.  Well its your life, your time, just doesn't seem worth quitting over nor do I think the large majority of the community deserves to be castigated because of the actions of a vocal minority.  Been playing this game almost ten years and the instances of  "online abuse" directed against myself has been incredibly rare and typically nothing super egregious, though conversely its never been something as tame as being insulted for low dps. 


7 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Judging by your post history see you for your next try in june then mate.


All of these things are what I was thinking of when I alluded to the possibility that OP is probably doing something to attract negative feedback. So many of us with so, so many hours of in-game time have easily done even hundreds of times more of the same content OP is complaining about, yet we've seen pretty much none of the toxicity OP alleges. This doesn't mean it can't happen, but it almost certainly means it's not a widespread community problem.

OP is likely not reading LFG descriptions, not understanding callouts in chat and whatnot, and not aware of just how much they are holding back a group. In both of OP's threads (including this one), people have asked for details about what OP was doing, but OP sees fit to either not respond (the first thread) or continue to just complain and make allegations about others (this thread). It is also likely, as others have mentioned in this thread, that they seek validation, and are extremely embittered to receive the opposite (thanks to poor gameplay).

There's just no helping some people. Whatever game you try next, OP, hope it turns out better for you.

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Once ARC is installed, it is running permanently. They cannot and will not shut it down for Open World activities. The consensus of the people who insist in having that tool is, it is for SELF OPTIMIZATION and not spying others. But we keep getting these reports over and over. On the other hand, we never see a single thread or report about anyone being happy for people using the meter for non self optimization, unrequested. My opinion about this is the same as last time, if the meter is used for hurting others, it should not be allowed. You have your golem, if you want to look at some fancy numbers. 

Big thanks for talking about your experiences. It requires a good portion of courage to talk about such a situation in public. Sorry that happened to you. 

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1 hour ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

I hate to be the elitist to inform that the legendary facet is at group event (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_Legendary_bounty_(Legendary_Corrupted_Facet) ), and probably takes a squad of people to complete in the time limit.


or 1 scourge 🙃 although it's often enough to use apple tag to get it down


1 hour ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

In solo content, you can be a fool all you want, you are only wasting your own time. But the issue is when your tomfoolery start interfering with others.  When you decide to do group events AND get involved with an organized group event, being called out is part of the package. It is like being called out for starting the burn too early at octovine, using emps at chak garent,  ranging matriach at VB, or pulling the champions out of the middle in DS. All of these can be done by 1 player, and can make an entire map more miserable.

it's openworld, there is only 1 rule there "come as you are", if it fail its ok better luck next time. you can't put that on 1 dude though if the team as a whole that wasn't good enough.
1 dude isn't enough to kill the 10% remaining on the octo, and even if it happen with enough player work you can make the other in time or go for the burt after it get healed, no big deal.
if you fail chak it means one or more of the group didn't had enough dps and it's never only 1 person fault, well lets put it that way if it was only one failing to dps you would have killed it ezpz
same for both other it can annoy but it's not the only reason for failing
just chill when you do it, you wouldn't have had the infusion anyway ☺️


1 hour ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

But you would probably defend the guy i meet in t3 cliffside who would constant pick up the hammer at 40 stacks spawning vindicators every chance he could. And when told what he was doing, called me an elitist and proceeded to attempt to kick me.  The mods here let there be a narrative that there is toxic elitism in the high end of the game, but in my experience, the toxicity is from those who willfully do not want to try to improve.

you can't have any gamemode without toxic people, as long as people take the game too seriously there will be toxic people. Doesn't mean you have to become toxic yourself though. Just get rid of the guy or change group and its all good

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20 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

Once ARC is installed, it is running permanently. They cannot and will not shut it down for Open World activities. The consensus of the people who insist in having that tool is, it is for SELF OPTIMIZATION and not spying others. But we keep getting these reports over and over. On the other hand, we never see a single thread or report about anyone being happy for people using the meter for non self optimization, unrequested. My opinion about this is the same as last time, if the meter is used for hurting others, it should not be allowed. You have your golem, if you want to look at some fancy numbers. 

Big thanks for talking about your experiences. It requires a good portion of courage to talk about such a situation in public. Sorry that happened to you. 

It's used for self improvement, wvw guilds and fixing groups in instanced content. openworld it doesn't matter you can kick low dps player from the squad but it won't change a thing as they are still on the same map and i guess that why its very rare to see people comment on others dps in openworld (add to that that boon are random which influence the dps anyway making any judgment on openworld DPS irrelevent)
why would people make threads "oh yesterday i was in an elite player group and got close to its dps yay" it would just be a waste of time 🤣 people only make thread when it hurts them that's it, when people have something cool they share with their friends 🤷‍♂️

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21 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:

Hey guys.


I quited once, because of insults. Took some time off the game and decided to get back with another class. All the same, insulted over my DPS on an OPEN WORLD boss. (Legendary Facet). Then had to read on map chat the sentence on the title.


"Insulting people builds character".


Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.


And that is it.

You shouldn't continue playing with them, and those dweebs who checks DPS meters on an open world boss deserves a kick in the nut.

Edited by eyelogix.1654
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2 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

I hate to be the elitist to inform that the legendary facet is at group event (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_Legendary_bounty_(Legendary_Corrupted_Facet) ), and probably takes a squad of people to complete in the time limit. Also the only way his dps can been seen is he joined a squad, so he actively joined a organized group.

In solo content, you can be a fool all you want, you are only wasting your own time. But the issue is when your tomfoolery start interfering with others.  When you decide to do group events AND get involved with an organized group event, being called out is part of the package. It is like being called out for starting the burn too early at octovine, using emps at chak garent,  ranging matriach at VB, or pulling the champions out of the middle in DS. All of these can be done by 1 player, and can make an entire map more miserable. 

But you would probably defend the guy i meet in t3 cliffside who would constant pick up the hammer at 40 stacks spawning vindicators every chance he could. And when told what he was doing, called me an elitist and proceeded to attempt to kick me.  The mods here let there be a narrative that there is toxic elitism in the high end of the game, but in my experience, the toxicity is from those who willfully do not want to try to improve.

Again, bounties including the legendary facet can be completed by a single player.  You don't have to take my word for it.  You can look on youtube any time you like...or stick your head in the sand and keep on believing that you're God's gift to this game as you continue to berate other players because you carried them through something a better player could have done solo.  You do you, booboo!

I'm not against providing friendly advice to players who are struggling, but that's not what you're doing.  As you say, you're doing it because they annoy you.  They're "wasting your time".  Which again is a ridiculous thing to say about an event that a single player can complete.  There's no excuse for going after people in this type of casual content where ALL players belong, regardless of skill level.


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Not saying insults are okay, because they aren't, but everyone is bound to be insulted as long as you are in the internet, hell..even in real life people will insult you. All you can do is just ignore, report and continue with your life. You'll honestly make yourself end up in a bad place IRL if you let every insult get to you.

Edited by StarPT.7431
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Well I suppose there is an issue if someone is doing very low DPS is that they will scale the boss up. But in most circumstances it's usually not an issue unless the players are lying dead and not respawning. If enough people do that, I just leave because it's a waste of time and people are just leeching.

However, you don't really need much of a dps against OW bosses. I think the greater problem is not understanding the mechanics of a boss, like certain attacks require you to react a certain way, or break the bar.

Of course saying people do crap dps whatever, is not a good form of criticism, since sometimes crap dps is the result of a fight gone poorly. (dead = no dps).

It's just that failure sometimes brings up the worst in people, and they will look for anything to blame, so it's not you if it happens now and then. People are also quick to quit at the first sign of trouble. However, if it does show up everywhere you go, then maybe it is really you and you have to reevaluate the way you are doing things.

Note a lot of people don't actually know how to interpret the damage meter, such as not realizing duration if combat resets, and confusing total damage for damage per second.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I mean it can. Bullying can cause PTSD, or force someone to change for the better, or self destruct, etc. Is a wildcard. 🙂

Just depends on how you handle deep resonating anguish and suffering.

As for this game some people will just enrage if you're not a metabattle build cuz balance is hard.

But blocking them is a choice you have to help ease the pain. 


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