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Is account creation down?

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I have a friend trying to create a new account but they keep receiving two different error messages:
1. You are not authorized to create an account

2. An unspecified error occurred


They are currently in the same home as me, so on the same IP - but we have tried different web browsers, incognito mode, off and on VPN, and using a phone not connected to Wifi. All return 1 of those two errors.

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Some IPs are banned or temporarily blocked (tried to register too many accounts) from creating accounts (or accessing account management), which causes the not authorized error. Unknown browsers, high security settings, script blockers, tracking prevention and ad-blockers can trigger their anti-bot script, causing a similar error.

If you can login to account.arena.net, but not register an account using the same browser, either your IP is blocked from creating accounts, or it's rejecting the information you're trying to register with (some email providers are not allowed).

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