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Mad kings clock tower


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There's nothing more backwards than thinking a game's difficulty needs to be brought down to a level such that the portion of the playerbase that finds it too difficult can do it. Should we make every hard game easy because the arthritic senior citizens of the world can't play it? What about all the people that currently find it fun? screw them right? every jump is clear and choreographed, if you just can't do it then don't. The rewards you get from doing it are supposed to be a sign that you earned something with nothing more than raw skill.

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Year 1: 48 hours of frustration. I despised jumping puzzles because of it. Finally done just before Halloween ended.Year 1 after halloween: All jumping puzzles were 10x easier. What a hard jumping puzzle can do heh! The love started here jumping puzzles ftw.Year 2: 1-2 hours: then got it.Year 3: Third attempt got it.Year 4: First attempt got it, repeatadly farmed it. Perfected my runs (and look at how others did), so also included every bonus chest along the way.Year 5: Chillaxing in tower :D Repeated 180 times. I farmed it less then last year cause ToT bags no longer worth 8 silver, and cause of other pressing achievement matters but when i did: FUN. And chilled. Weird heh? So many ppl frustrated here, and the tower chills me now :D

A huge tip: perfect your path. If you fall (even when you already succeeded it) question: why? Your next run you purely experiment if you can fall again, if you jump same way. If so, change path. The start is crucial, the first 4 'small' jumps on those flying mini rocks (that you wait to appear), are hard. Do them with small jumps. After that spearclear to past 2nd chest (you can skip chest ofc). Then there is only one or two hard parts left. The first is the Cog (big one). Do NOT stand to much on left edge: you will slide off! Same for right side. The cogs tabs can 'block' you from walking forward, pushing you off. The best thing to do is, make a small jump on the flat survace (in mid) of a cog, then there's one that's almost fully flat (that's skipping 1 cog tab, by jumping over it), get to that one, then immediately jump to stairs. Other paths usually lead to falling off, in frustration. Then it's easy. The fall down, use full power between loot chest and the stone that has to appear on right side). You cannot fall off if you use full power and let go just before landing. After that, even easier, hug the tower (do not use outside stones), and run from wood to wood, and jump few times on stone. At the end, you can fall of jump before metal stairs. To preven this (100% safe path). Jump from stick, to the most open part of stone. Then walk backwards till you are on top of the stone (you land on lower part). Usually lower part you can connect to stairs, but if unlucky you will not make it and get pushed off. Hence walk to top (backward key, here you got ALL time of world, in good run 10 secs safety), go to stairs. Make sure to only jump at/further then top of stairs (not before). You think you will jump to late, but i never had that happen. What did happen often in early years is jumping to early not connecting to window.

Another thign, if you appear on time (no slow jumps)- the window has to pass once (will not break then). An easy way to know when it will come again is cout 7 empty clocktower surfaces, 8th = window.

Get a good mouse math! you have to precisely times your 'lift mouse up, to left, so i can drag is a lot of times right again for the clockwise turning you need to do. Mouse turning is crucial! At start there a few phases where you need a full swing from left to right, on a wooden stick or stair, us quickly lift up mouse to left land it, and then move again when needed. Once you get this 'instintive' the puzzle go much smoother. A good and precise mouse also helps. In fact i clean my mouse math every time i plan to do long runs, and i feel it helps quite a bit.Tl:DRGo to 'waiting platform'. Jump on the appearing circle (do not stand on left one that is higher, it's more complicated imo). When you see cog flying, and make the swirl animation, jump just before it finishes. Then there's irregular shape stone. jump two times on it (you could walk, but you can get stuck in middle of it), so two jumps ensure you go forward no matter what. Then there's a small stone, jump carefuly on it (no rushing). To jump off, make sure you jump off before you reach the edge (here you can jump from about middle to 3/4 of mini square stone. Then you land on a 'stone' stairs (3 steps). Go first step, second one with fast jump (now the part starts where you gotta be fast). Immediately hug right side (without sliding off) and jump to cog. Jump as high as you can to avoid being stuck by cog, if you jump high you can walk over cog (never a stuck effect). Jump off. Then you appear close to second loot chest stone. Skip the chest ofc (this one looses you the most time). Your most cannot be at ride side of it's 'end spectrum' (aka table or mousemath, or paper, wathever you use). Here you make a very quick and big turn to follow the stones so you jump of the furthest mini stone. This part is easy once you know it but frustrating when you keep failing. Then jump to the flying square rock. Here you might get a 'time' warning. If your bottom feed are in glue. You can survive. However, jump as fast as possible (but close to edge ofc). Don't make a stop to focus precise jumping. The next stone, the glue will still hit you if it hit on lower stone! HEre it's crucial to jump again (as high and forward as possible). If you do that, the glue will never eat you! Walking however it might. (rng). Then comes a part with a stair (easy, take the inner side, you can hit the triangle stone easy. Take metal stair. Then do precise jump on cog! this part is tricky (but easy once you know the satety nets. Never jump on either edge! Aim purely for middle. Make sure you land on flat surfaces (the extending parts, not between them!). Jump on the first intuitive one, then you will have an easy jump (dont need full power) to the most flat (water straight) surface of the cog. There is one after, but it's to risky (you can slide off!). Jump from that stone (edge) to stair. After that piece of cake, follow closest to tower ledges (you have some headroom). Here you can be slower by about 3-5 sec. Make precise jumps on the 'go to the outside of stairs to then jump on it' phase. Then jump full power (only let go forward key go just before land) on the 3rd loot chest stone. Don't stand! jump fast (here the glue kills very likely, even if only touch glue, the only way you get escape if you jump while the glue hits you (exactly then). Then there's a broken weel. Jump on flat surfaces! Skip the middle part, it's slides you. This requires no full power, and a bit precision, take it slow! after that super easy jumps and run phases on the sticks. Remember at top do not jump first time window comes. The stick behind you must be in glue, before you jump. Hit the edge of stair! There is more 'wont slide off' room then you think, then jump. Do not jump from to low on stairs. GG you just hit a challenging but fun puzzle.

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@Fipmip.7219 said:There's nothing more backwards than thinking a game's difficulty needs to be brought down to a level such that the portion of the playerbase that finds it too difficult can do it. Should we make every hard game easy because the arthritic senior citizens of the world can't play it? What about all the people that currently find it fun? screw them right? every jump is clear and choreographed, if you just can't do it then don't. The rewards you get from doing it are supposed to be a sign that you earned something with nothing more than raw skill.

So tell us, why are you here and not playing an actually challenging MMO, like BDO, Tera, or WoW? Do you go in the kiddi pool and fuss it's not deep enough for you?

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Fipmip.7219 said:There's nothing more backwards than thinking a game's difficulty needs to be brought down to a level such that the portion of the playerbase that finds it too difficult can do it. Should we make every hard game easy because the arthritic senior citizens of the world can't play it? What about all the people that currently find it fun? screw them right? every jump is clear and choreographed, if you just can't do it then don't. The rewards you get from doing it are supposed to be a sign that you earned something with nothing more than raw skill.

So tell us, why are you here and not playing an actually challenging MMO, like BDO, Tera, or WoW? Do you go in the kiddi pool and fuss it's not deep enough for you?

lmao dude why don't you go and ask all the people in this thread that can't do it to go and play club penguin.

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