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Todays nerfs prove that Anet DESPISES Solo Players


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Imagine trying to do that fight in Glint's Lair, or the Mind of Mordremoth at the end of HoT, as a part of the main story .

What about going up against the White Mantle just on the maps, or in the story mode, without sustain?

Are you on drugs, Arenanet?

Fractals are not the mainstay and you aren't a Raid game, despite raiders trying their best to bignote themselves and say they are relevant (they aren't)

SPVP can sit it its' boxed corner and stay there, separately balanced so as not to affect the rest of the game further. 

I won't be playing or buying gemstore items any further, though I will check in periodically to see if you've been hurt enough financially from players dropping you for better titles to see if you have reversed your Dumb AF decision. 

I hope you choke. 

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I really can't agree with these nerfs. the content in HoT / PoF is difficult enough, and removing the sustain by around 50% across the board in pve is probably the worst thing. VB/AB/TD are some of the most difficult maps you can play, and the mordant crescent / djinns in PoF maps are also right up there.


I can't see this making people want to play more, i'm not sure if you noticed but people don't really enjoy it when they're bodied by pve mobs. Removing sustain = Increasing the bodies.


i guess the good news is all the stuff that was previously sought after on the tp is going to be close to worthless here in a few weeks.

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Have to say I'm disappointed by ANet's decision. Sucked the sails out of my EoD enthusiasm quite quickly.

Hasn't helped matters I've been booted from the server twice just trying to start the EoD storyline.

Not an auspicious start to a new expansion.

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I don't really care how flamed I get for this comment, but I'm going to say it:

If you have issues playing with others or just a general personality of preferring to play on your own, you do not belong in an MMORPG. 

I am glad that social aspects and TEAMWORK are not just being encouraged...but enforced. 

This is the way.

The good news for those of you who prefer not to socialize with anyone is that there are PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of solo-RPG's or just solo games in general 🙂 It is not an MMORPG's game responsibility to cater to the solo crowed. 


Edited by Marikus.1875
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12 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

I don't really care how flamed I get for this comment, but I'm going to say it:

If you have issues playing with others or just a general personality of preferring to play on your own, you do not belong in an MMORPG. 

I am glad that social aspects and TEAMWORK are not just being encouraged...but enforced. 

This is the way.

The good news for those of you who prefer not to socialize with anyone is that there are PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of solo-RPG's or just solo games in general 🙂 It is not an MMORPG's game responsibility to cater to the solo crowed. 



Funny thing is I actually agree, after finishing my work this afternoon and reflecting on my posts here I did some shopping around and found something to fill the gap of that chill out guild wars after work unwind session.


This will be my last post on the topic, and I really  hope everything works out for everyone and it all smooths out.

If players like me are not wanted here, so be it. As I said its a free market, and new games are released everyday.





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I'm a filthy casual who plays all LI builds.  From beta to a little after PoF I used to main ele, and I was never a raider or a fractal god but I did decently for myself, used to duo dungeons with a friend waaaay back when that content was still relevant, occasionally solo things that weren't meant to be soloed.  Then I had multiple serious medical problems crop up, and I thought I was going to have to quit GW2 entirely for a good while because the amount of button pressing needed to stay alive was causing me serious pain and damaging my wrists and hands, even just playing for only like an hour and taking lots of breaks.  Switching my main class and using LI builds that involve immensely less keypresses enabled me to keep playing this game I still love, which is a blessing as my health continues to deteriorate and there aren't a lot of other fun things I'm able to do.

I just want LI builds to stay viable.  I don't need to be able to solo legendaries, I can wait for other players to show up to do that OW event with the champ at the end, I'll happily run away if I overpull or else take the L if I die because I wandered into the wrong mob-laden spot by myself on accident.  Those are all normal reasonable things to happen in OW exploration.  All I want is to be able to successfully complete the story content, explore the maps, scrounge up the gold and currency to do a little fashion wars, and RP a little (RP in an MMORPG!  Gasp!  Scandalous!), while using my LI builds.  Anet, please don't completely kill sustain.  Some of us have done all the git gudding that we're physically able to do.  I don't need the same rewards as elite raiders, I just want to see the pleb content that anybody should be able to complete while using a build that doesn't leave me unable to use my hands after an hour.

Edited by cherrycola.3127
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59 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

I don't really care how flamed I get for this comment, but I'm going to say it:

If you have issues playing with others or just a general personality of preferring to play on your own, you do not belong in an MMORPG. 

I am glad that social aspects and TEAMWORK are not just being encouraged...but enforced. 

This is the way.

The good news for those of you who prefer not to socialize with anyone is that there are PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of solo-RPG's or just solo games in general 🙂 It is not an MMORPG's game responsibility to cater to the solo crowed. 


Yeah! lets let this game die and servers close so no one can ever play it again! Great idea to help others to quit right? its a good thing when people leave MMO's right? Cause they are better games when dead? /s 
I just will never understand the mentality of a dead game is a better game 

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7 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

Where to start..  Alchemy trait line isn't part of Scrapper, its a core trait line.  Also, if YOU knew anything about engineers, you would know dropping explosives or firearms for Alchemy is a massive damage loss, not as you describe it.. 'minimal'.

No, its exactly what I said. Now you will have to drop dmg for sustain. I said impact savant trait and similar were minimal or no investment. So yeah think about alchemy if scrapper base is not enough (which actually is just fine for pretty much anything in ow, but OK that depends on your goals and skill).

And it doesnt matter if its scrapper or not. You can use alchemy if you think you need more sustain. In the end you probably need to only change some utility skills because engie, especially scrapper has plenty sustain anyway.

180 vitality is nothing compared to 15% dmg conversion. Just think about it; 15% dmg conversion. Even in open world that is insane hps (or bps to be precise). You dont need vitality with such a broken trait, you dont need anything else. Even 5% is very good. Now add raid numbers to that. Oh and it gets better, its not healing, its barrier. You can preload it with initial burst. Scrapper hp usually dont even get touched with all that barrier.

Cant comment on thief, never really played it much in pve.

Edited by Cuks.8241
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6 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

I don't really care how flamed I get for this comment, but I'm going to say it:

If you have issues playing with others or just a general personality of preferring to play on your own, you do not belong in an MMORPG. 

I am glad that social aspects and TEAMWORK are not just being encouraged...but enforced. 

This is the way.

The good news for those of you who prefer not to socialize with anyone is that there are PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of solo-RPG's or just solo games in general 🙂 It is not an MMORPG's game responsibility to cater to the solo crowed. 



And you think it's a good idea? if every solo player move on to another gamer you know what will happen, right? 

There's a lot of other way to make people playing together, anyway without thoses players the game is dead.


Actually they have to something, the game is in a dangerous states and they can't do anymore thing like that without worrying 

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Here's the thing. What makes u say this? 

If Anet hated solo players and intentionally trying to lower sustain for this reason, why didn't they nerf Cele/trailblazer weaver, why wasn't trailblazer nerfed? Why wasn't staff mirage nerfed? 

The speccs were nerfed due to the negative affect caused in group / competitive content. Not to hit solo players. 

They've left many high sustain builds in the game. 

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3 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Here's the thing. What makes u say this? 

If Anet hated solo players and intentionally trying to lower sustain for this reason, why didn't they nerf Cele/trailblazer weaver, why wasn't trailblazer nerfed? Why wasn't staff mirage nerfed? 

The speccs were nerfed due to the negative affect caused in group / competitive content. Not to hit solo players. 

They've left many high sustain builds in the game. 

That's a weird take. i don't think it's safe to assume the items that were nerfed were due to how they primary impact group/competitive content. To be fair ... staff mirage was nerfed because Torment runes were a central part of what made that spec broken in OW PVE, similar to many of the other things that did get nerfed. 

Put it this way, things that didn't get nerfed are not indicators of why Anet nerfed other things. The number of things that could have been nerfed are massive relative to the things that actually took a hit. 

I don't think Anet hates solo play (because the truth is that it's obvious most of OW PVE is for exactly that purpose) but I don't think anyone can conclude their motivation to nerf these things is to target things that are 'broken' in group/competitive play either. I don't think any specific game mode is considered when these global class changes are made, and they different impact on different modes. 

I also think that if you look at the type of things that were nerfed, it's not unreasonable to assume it's intended to make the game harder for solo players. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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12 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

I don't really care how flamed I get for this comment, but I'm going to say it:

If you have issues playing with others or just a general personality of preferring to play on your own, you do not belong in an MMORPG. 

I am glad that social aspects and TEAMWORK are not just being encouraged...but enforced. 

This is the way.

The good news for those of you who prefer not to socialize with anyone is that there are PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of solo-RPG's or just solo games in general 🙂 It is not an MMORPG's game responsibility to cater to the solo crowed. 


I think this is one of the most self absorbed, clueless, unfounded, and worthless comments I’ve seen on the internet in quite some time. Good job. I’m actually quite impressed at the sheer level of your ignorance AND arrogance.

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51 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

That's a weird take. i don't think it's safe to assume the items that were nerfed were due to how they primary impact group/competitive content. To be fair ... staff mirage was nerfed because Torment runes were a central part of what made that spec broken in OW PVE, similar to many of the other things that did get nerfed. 

Put it this way, things that didn't get nerfed are not indicators of why Anet nerfed other things. The number of things that could have been nerfed are massive relative to the things that actually took a hit. 

I don't think Anet hates solo play (because the truth is that it's obvious most of OW PVE is for exactly that purpose) but I don't think anyone can conclude their motivation to nerf these things is to target things that are 'broken' in group/competitive play either. I don't think any specific game mode is considered when these global class changes are made, and they different impact on different modes. 

I also think that if you look at the type of things that were nerfed, it's not unreasonable to assume it's intended to make the game harder for solo players. 

While I agree with you that these werent aimed to only a specific mode. What they hit was passive sustain outliers, the low trade offs. You can still build tanky, just need to invest a bit more and/or be a bit more active about it. 

But many of these were hidden op in group play. It was not a thing many complained because it is not something it affected group, only individual sustain. But some professions were much safer to play without any trade off. These goes especially for dps to hps conversion traits which are crazy with raid dps. Do 25k dps and you get 3750 barrier per sec. Passive. Heh. 

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3 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

While I agree with you that these werent aimed to only a specific mode. What they hit was passive sustain outliers, the low trade offs. You can still build tanky, just need to invest a bit more and/or be a bit more active about it. 

But many of these were hidden op in group play. It was not a thing many complained because it is not something it affected group, only individual sustain. But some professions were much safer to play without any trade off. These goes especially for dps to hps conversion traits which are crazy with raid dps. Do 25k dps and you get 3750 barrier per sec. Passive. Heh. 

That's an interesting take on the changes ... I had not made the relation between the changes and the fact they are a low trade off choice. 

Which makes me think that if people want to speculate on similar low-trade off choices on the OFFENSIVE side, they are probably going to find some probable candidates for nerfs. 

Anet already hinted at Juggernaut trait. 

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8 minutes ago, Rekhaa.2748 said:

We waiting yes.. i still don't know if i'll buying EoD or not

I'm a real casual at this game so if they want to keep the sustain nerf that's probably my last session.

They will keep it. The problem is the things they nerfed were dumb OP in group content. 

Runes of torment + battle scars made renegade immortal in raids for a 3% DPS loss same for scourge. 

Scourge and scrappers barrier applications were also making mechanics ignorable. 

These were well founded nerfs for raid / fractal play, however yes has hit world PvE too. But sadly that's something that had to happen. 

Cele weaver, discharge Holo and staff/staff mirage are still both very strong solo builds

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Just now, Daddy.8125 said:

They will keep it. The problem is the things they nerfed were dumb OP in group content. 

Runes of torment + battle scars made renegade immortal in raids for a 3% DPS loss same for scourge. 

Scourge and scrappers barrier applications were also making mechanics ignorable. 

These were well founded nerfs for raid / fractal play, however yes has hit world PvE too. But sadly that's something that had to happen. 

Cele weaver, discharge Holo and staff/staff mirage are still both very strong solo builds


Ok and about solo player? they don't care? and for someone like me who considering starting fractal it's just a middle finger in my face.

And you really think they will keep it? it's so sad.. i suppose i must leave after they replied

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5 minutes ago, Rekhaa.2748 said:


Ok and about solo player? they don't care? and for someone like me who considering starting fractal it's just a middle finger in my face.

And you really think they will keep it? it's so sad.. i suppose i must leave after they replied

They do care. But the fact your trying to say "well it doesnt matter if it's overpowered in other gameplay.... We need it in open world content" proves you rly don't care about the other side of the coin. 

At the end of the day, they can't uphold overpowered things for the sake of one thing.. 

Also the games still very very much soloable, I've played several proffessions through these maps and it's still very much doable. It's just not faceroll anymore which is a major difference realistically. 

Maybe the correct approach would be asking for certain solo encounters to be nerfed if the challenges have become impossible for the proffessions to manage? Thus helping open world content without impacting negatively on other aspects of the game? 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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Just now, Daddy.8125 said:

They do care. But the fact your trying to say "well it doesnt matter if it's overpowered in other gameplay.... We need it in open world content" proves you rly don't care about the other side of the coin. 

At the end of the day, they can't uphold overpowered things for the sake of one thing.. 

Also the games still very very much soloable, I've played several proffessions through these maps and it's still very much doable. It's just not faceroll anymore which is a major difference realistically. 


So if the problem is for pve groupe content, why not apply change only when grouped? like in pvp.

And i become older every years, i stangely still can do an effort for game like souls,  but i love the chill aspect of this game and i just hate when they nerf hard the part i prefer in this game, soloing thing ( even if it's easy )


Anyway i can talk as i want if that change nothing, it's just without me.

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2 minutes ago, Rekhaa.2748 said:


So if the problem is for pve groupe content, why not apply change only when grouped? like in pvp.

And i become older every years, i stangely still can do an effort for game like souls,  but i love the chill aspect of this game and i just hate when they nerf hard the part i prefer in this game, soloing thing ( even if it's easy )


Anyway i can talk as i want if that change nothing, it's just without me.

Because you can't seperate PvE balancing like that in the games current coding, it's not achievable in anets capability right now. 

There are still easymode strong builds as I've mentioned before, cele / trailblazer weaver is surprisingly easy to play and extremely effective at soloing all content, same to might is right spellbreaker builds, discharge Holosmitg and staff mirage builds. 

They will find new good solo proffessions once theorycraftings been done, it's simply just not gonna be the ones that were in PoF 

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1 minute ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Because you can't seperate PvE balancing like that in the games current coding, it's not achievable in anets capability right now. 

There are still easymode strong builds as I've mentioned before, cele / trailblazer weaver is surprisingly easy to play and extremely effective at soloing all content, same to might is right spellbreaker builds, discharge Holosmitg and staff mirage builds. 

They will find new good solo proffessions once theorycraftings been done, it's simply just not gonna be the ones that were in PoF 


Indeed it's probably complicated to do

And i don't particulary looking for easy build, just classes i like.

For the set, indeed that could be an idea maybe they will add some new set with healing, condi, expertise... but i've tried scrouge with some healing power (not much) and my barrier remain lower than before without.. it's just sad, and i don't want to be like this.


Anyway, thanks for your advice, i'll surely make a pause and maybe give a try next year

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