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Todays nerfs prove that Anet DESPISES Solo Players


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Not going to lie - I enjoyed doing content solo on my 'sustain' high crit Daredevil Thief since HoT. This nerf from 20% to 6% lifestealing is an absolute wrecking ball however; I'm getting into downed state from damage I was previously able to recover from. 

The only reason this nerf even exists is... a new healer elite spec I have no interest in playing. GW2 really needs spec-unique balancing on top of mode-unique balancing, it seems.

This kind of takes a lot of the fun out of the new expansion.

Edit: "Get a healer friend!" - this isn't a realistic answer for a 10 year old game that previously never enforced the holy trinity. This is too much of a gameplay design shift to expect players to always carry a personal pocket healer with them.

Edited by Raap.9065
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7 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

It's a MMORPG.

The game is already utterly unsocial to begin with which is one of the main reasons why sophisticated PvE-content is but a home to the few.

Besides that, the nerfs aren't really substantial to solo open world gameplay.

Nerfing impact savant from 15% to 5% is beyond substantial.  The spec most likely will be unplayable in solo content. 

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For Thief and engineer, Celestial or condi builds will now be the only options for solo builds, unless doing easy core content that any build could do.


The nerfs to impact savant and invigorating precision basically kills Scrapper and power Thief.


Great job A-net!

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Their nerf to crit heal kills the skill. So my only option is increase dps to kill it before it kills me now?? Weren't they wanting variety and not just pure dps?


Torment runes nerf.. we all saw this coming with the no cd. But the issue with torment runes wasn't so much how op they were as how much certain builds required them to survive. Simply removing the rune kills those builds. I would have hoped they would increase the survivability in those builds at the same time as removing runes. But alas anet seems to hate any form of lifesteal survival.


I'm mostly just confused as it feels like all decent lifesteal was nerfed to death and now In solo content your only real option (with most casual builds) is bring a healer friend. Which ironically goes against the whole concept of not requiring healers and tanks. 

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Whyyyy mess with the druid????  My main is a support healing druid. I really like being support, healing others, and giving might.  I don't understand why they took some of the healing away from the druid. These changes ruined the excitement of the expansion.  I've had mostly positive experiences with GW2, but this really has soured it.

Edited by HeIIica.2945
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These nerfs were ill-thought-out and uncalled for. 

And what's more puzzling, they go against ANet's stated goals of "more varied builds, and less zerker scholar everything". Destroying traits and runes that allow you to sustain directly leads into more zerkscholar, *especially* in organized content.

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Until they fix these mistakes, i'm not coming back to GW2.. End of Dragons or not, i only play solo so if i'm dead 24/7 i will just get angry and frustrated.. I'll give it a miss and so will my wallet.


Come back in 3-6 months and see if these changes are reverted.. Don't mess with solo play in the future Anet.. your bleeding customers already and then you do these stupid ideas.

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12 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

These nerfs were ill-thought-out and uncalled for. 

And what's more puzzling, they go against ANet's stated goals of "more varied builds, and less zerker scholar everything". Destroying traits and runes that allow you to sustain directly leads into more zerkscholar, *especially* in organized content.

In what organized content were people using torment runes and healing traits that kill their damage output (except battle scars)?  And in what fantasy world would players who were utilizing these tools for sustain feel compelled to switch to the glassiest stat/rune combos instead?  What am I missing here?

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5 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

God forbid developers of an MMO want players to play with each other more often. lol

In open world? We already do anyway. If there are others attacking a champion I would not tell them to go away. And no one used these tools in instanced content to begin with. It seems mostly done to “normalize” open world sustain. However, why change something that uas been the same foe years?

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3 minutes ago, otto.5684 said:

In open world? We already do anyway. If there are others attacking a champion I would not tell them to go away. And no one used these tools in instanced content to begin with. It seems mostly done to “normalize” open world sustain. However, why change something that uas been the same foe years?

Why did they change it to what it was in the first place?  Who knows?  But it makes a lot more sense than the initial change that made it give vastly more free healing than any rune should ever grant.

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8 hours ago, dougalkeane.4601 said:

ANET, why does it seem like you hate solo players? If there is ANY build that can have decent sustain, you nerf it. If there is ANY build that can solo a champ or legendary boss (not easily, but with skill) you nerf it. I play at odd hours in this game, I dont have 400 people to rely on to do group content with, and sometimes I dont want to. I have social anxiety and dont always like interacting with a guild. Let me play this freaking game how I want to. Yes I know its an MMO and yes I do think group content is fun, but what I love even more is the challenge of learning mechanics of champs and legendary bosses and overcoming them while still having some decent sustain to get me through the fights because they wouldnt be possible without that sustain. This was posible in GW1 and I fell in love with the game and world which is why I play GW2. I dont have time to wait 20 min for a few players to join me so I can defeat this one boss, I dont have time to LFG just to finish an event to finish an achiev because I work 40 hours a week and have a family. Devs, please please please explain BS this to me. 

First of all, lets work on that social anxiety. You will thank me later.

Either GW2 lets all professions get a solo build or they completely should remove them. I hate having to swap a profession just because someone min-maxed another one to solo content.

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im so conflicted


EoD is objectively a better, more polished, expansion than HoT or PoF

They clearly learned from their mistakes in a TON of areas, and the story and writing teams KNOCKED IT out of the park


But i cant get into the game. I just came back 2 weeks ago, dumped all my cold into 3 characters.


Condi Daredevil

Power Reaper

Core Rev I planned on maining and taking into the expansion.


I dropped 45 gold on torment runes 5 days ago for my off spec scourge


Bro. What? Why would yall blindside us like this? I played through the story, its amazing, so many good things, map design is great, 

im interested in easy mode strikes, and then just poop on EVERY class i play?


i spent 2 weeks prepping an assortment of characters knowing expansions are disruptive but nerfing off meta power reaper?


whatever, im too old for these arguments, motorcycle season is weeks away, the story was so good, the metas i landed in seemed great


but im not gonna spend time and/or money to catch back up after thinking I had my bases covered, i thought this was the

WoW alternate for more casual players, clearly I was mistaken. 

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9 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

I don't know how much Spellbreaker specifically will suffer for this. But if the heal is no longer sufficient, then using daggers at all will be a punishment.

im using Spellbreaker in new content OW, seems very good. 

but dont let anet know this.

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10 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

It's a MMORPG.

The game is already utterly unsocial to begin with which is one of the main reasons why sophisticated PvE-content is but a home to the few.

Besides that, the nerfs aren't really substantial to solo open world gameplay.

Not everyone play on NA prime time.

The developer can't guarentee maps full. So is mistake design game around it.

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Lets all be real: These nerfs are, at best, a month or two temperary. The new specs are going to appear in meta's or sustain builds, it'll force players to buy the content(blizzard style), then they'll drop another patch which will fix a few, if not most, of the broken classes at least to the point of "sustain is back and you can solo with nearly everyone again". At that point people who can't afford the new expansion, like me, will be so frustrated by how kitten their solo grind has been they'll simply say "OMG Anet is the best, they totally listen and fixed things" having forgotten these 'kittens' with a capital 'C' are the greedy 'kittens' with a capital 'F' who nerfed everyone to the ground to force the new, bland and boring, specs into meta positions.

Edited by Horus.8304
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I can understand the reactions ppl have about the changes. My reaper didn’t feel much different so I don’t feel hit by it really. Don’t really know about damage since arch dps needs an update (maybe it has by now I have to check) but I still have a lot of sustain and damage felt fine when soloing things. Give them some time to balance all this and I’m sure things will feel better after a while. 

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12 hours ago, dougalkeane.4601 said:

ANET, why does it seem like you hate solo players? If there is ANY build that can have decent sustain, you nerf it. If there is ANY build that can solo a champ or legendary boss (not easily, but with skill) you nerf it. I play at odd hours in this game, I dont have 400 people to rely on to do group content with, and sometimes I dont want to. I have social anxiety and dont always like interacting with a guild. Let me play this freaking game how I want to. Yes I know its an MMO and yes I do think group content is fun, but what I love even more is the challenge of learning mechanics of champs and legendary bosses and overcoming them while still having some decent sustain to get me through the fights because they wouldnt be possible without that sustain. This was posible in GW1 and I fell in love with the game and world which is why I play GW2. I dont have time to wait 20 min for a few players to join me so I can defeat this one boss, I dont have time to LFG just to finish an event to finish an achiev because I work 40 hours a week and have a family. Devs, please please please explain BS this to me. 

Wow the amount of likes this gets is disgusting.
This post is little more than someone's hissy fit with zero substance (which profession became "unplayable"? Which boss kicked your kitten? etc.)
And for a good reason. Because it would not stand the slightest scrutiny if it actually included any real details.

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26 minutes ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

I hate the firebrand renewed justice nerf.

just... why???

The whole selling point of the class was to throw fire around everywhere, and now I have to wait 30 seconds to do it...


Because it was op af. it doesnt have 30sec cd traited and it still gets refunds, just not 100%.

Tormenting runes are dps runes in the first place, they add a lot of dmg. the sustain was a bonus. the were completely op compared to other runes. Then traits like IP could've stayed. it should always be dps vs sustain which most of these traits fullfilled. all except battle scars (dod) which was also the top dps option. they couldnt really nerf the dmg without affecting healing becuse its lifeleech.

Edited by Nephalem.8921
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2 hours ago, Horus.8304 said:

Lets all be real: These nerfs are, at best, a month or two temperary. The new specs are going to appear in meta's or sustain builds, it'll force players to buy the content(blizzard style), then they'll drop another patch which will fix a few, if not most, of the broken classes at least to the point of "sustain is back and you can solo with nearly everyone again". At that point people who can't afford the new expansion, like me, will be so frustrated by how kitten their solo grind has been they'll simply say "OMG Anet is the best, they totally listen and fixed things" having forgotten these 'kittens' with a capital 'C' are the greedy 'kittens' with a capital 'F' who nerfed everyone to the ground to force the new, bland and boring, specs into meta positions.

I will have not problem with that "tatic", if newer class don't suck so much, my main is warrior and i hate the "gun something" concept a holosmith copy.

Also that new classes dont' synergize with anything, its seems designed with the forum vocal minority, the  nerds of pvp forums in mind.

They should remember that open world players like low intensity builds almost.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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