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Origin of lab boss names

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People just gave them names, they don't have any particular origin. It's a bit like the Monty Python routine when everyone is named Bruce (why Bruce? why not Hank or Irving or Maryjane?) At some point, you just have to pick a name and see if it sticks.

I still think the Lab Horror should be named Colin (big grin, some people get angry at him for interrupting their loot trains, and he swings a sword. Then, swings it again.)

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Sometimes these things just happen and become popular at random.

The above link is a good example. Even before the internet, a simple doodle and a phrase just appeared one day and showed up everywhere. (There are tons of conspiracy theories about it, but people generally agree that it just kind of happened) Someone likely just called the horror Steve on a whim and it stuck. After that, I guess the community just decided everyone else gets a name too.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:People just gave them names, they don't have any particular origin. It's a bit like the Monty Python routine when everyone is named Bruce (why Bruce? why not Hank or Irving or Maryjane?) At some point, you just have to pick a name and see if it sticks.

I still think the Lab Horror should be named Colin (big grin, some people get angry at him for interrupting their loot trains, and he swings a sword. Then, swings it again.)

I can see him crawling in the maze tonight, oh lord.

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:I always assume Steve is related to Blues Clues.Running around looking for clues with his handy dandy chainsawd... but instead of clues, he find victims.

Jerry I don't know. Jerry Lich... Jerry Lewis? I can't think up anything. Candy/Andy might be right.

You know Steve killed himself right?

Fuck me... That's him. That a him in the afterlife. Holy shit.

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The only one I've heard before is Steve, and then only this year and on this forum. I've never heard anyone say it in game (I assume it's an NA thing).

Having said that we have minis of Charles the Hellfire Skeleton (mid-level manager of mayhem), Bradford the Skeleton Ghost and Gustav the Caramel Corn Elemental, so it's not totally out of the question for the Lab bosses to have surprisingly 'normal' names.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:People just gave them names, they don't have any particular origin. It's a bit like the Monty Python routine when everyone is named Bruce (why Bruce? why not Hank or Irving or Maryjane?) At some point, you just have to pick a name and see if it sticks.

Bruce because they're Australians and "Bruce" and "Sheila" are common Australian slang for men and women. Possibly not used much anymore (possibly never).

Disclaimer: I'm not Australian so it's entirely possible that I'm perpetuating a myth. I mean do Australians ever say "stone the flaming crows", call anyone a "drongo" or say "fair dinkum"? Is that all just purely in their soaps?

Anyway, I've never heard of Andy or Jerry and I've heard both Steve and Bob being used for the Horror.

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