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Mad King's Scam


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I know it's too late now, but if I didn't know better I would say Mad King's Chest is bugged.Every and I do mean EVERY single day I got 1 Ecto + 5 ToT's. What is up with that?I'm not expecting to get a precursor or anything, but worst result every time?Not even 10 ToT's once, this simply cannot be right. 5 I can get every time from Clocktower or ATM.I mean why would you add a once per day only reward chest that is temporary and you need to open it +100 times just to get an average reward?

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@ OP,I believe you misunderstand the Mad King event. It is a "little" event for the fun. The chest is that of a little event and certainly not the point of it. It is clear from the first. You can refer to Wiki (see extract below) at following link:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Your_Mad_King_says...

For more bags as reward, you should go to other activities like labyrinth farming. I do not know why you were expecting that much from this chest? Did someone tell you it would be the case? It was a fake info.

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OP, don't tell me you've been relying on Mad king says for ecto and ToT bags... :sweat_smile:

The whole event there were countless lab farms and if you did them you could have salvaged yellows and got ecto that way you know...

Mad king says is just an extra and the chest is there so you at least get something for 5 minutes of typing commands.

I mean what rewards are you expecting for 5 minutes of chat commands? :sweat:

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