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Bladesworn is painful (PvE)


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When i did this post, bladesworn was much worse for pve, relying on DT way too much, no DT resets, no DT faster charge without the elite buff, etc

But i really miss the old auto, it wasn't as sloooooow as the current one.

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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It's weird when they introduce a band-aid to fix DPS (i.e. a 2H weapon that no other spec has which relies on 1 skill for ALL of it's DPS) that that would feel bad to play, where every Grandmaster does the same thing... Odd I know.


1. Put repeating slash on Immortal Dragon. (For fun / WvW)

2. Make Unyielding Dragon un-root you like Deadeye Kneel.

3. Make Daring Dragon be Judgment Cut from Devil May Cry. (It does 0 damage on-hit.) But puts an unstripable debuff' on the target that detonates and does a bunch of smaller slashes, I'm thinking like 20 just for fun, on the target when you press F2 again. Also chunk the alac duration down to compensate for this. -- That way we can still give alacrity when you're off-the-boss by just detonating the debuff.


Or you know. Do nothing for 5 years like you did with Berserker. And then finally "remove" it's 2 TRADEOFFS when someone finally gets in charge that knows how far this spec has fallen from it's original design. That works too. ❤️

Edited by FellFalls.3750
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Been playing bladesworn for awhile now. Kind of fell into the role of breaking bars and dealing with mobs. PvP is hard sometimes, trying to get charged to do some damage without getting stunned beforehand has been a learning curve lol

But yeah, I haven't had to much of a problem hitting bosses that move a lot, just lock on them early and use 3 if you cant hit with 1

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