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Why you should quit PvP (Or never start to play it).


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DISCLAIMER: This is a big wall of QQ which will probably provide me with an advertention and get deleted. Honestly, i don't generally complain about this kind of stuff and I don't enjoy making hate threads. But I am so very frustrated that i must urburden :) Pardon me. This thread was made in the heat of the moment of total frustration over the state of gw2 PVP.


Eveyrone complains that PvP is toxic. BUT WHY? Honestly, I don't think it is a community problem. To me, it is a far worse problem. In all honesty, what happens to PvP is a built up sense of frustration. PvP players are CONSTANTLY stressed out and frustrated because they do not feel safe that the game is "Fair" (It really isn't). You see, everyone, every single person, when they are raging at someone, deep inside, they know they shouldn't be doing that. They know somewhere that they might be wrong and that they are probably not in a spot where they have the right to make anyone feel bad about their gameplay because they also have room to improve. But what makes that thought perish before frustration? It is simple. Time. When that moment of anger happened, it was not the first time they experienced something like that. The first time was probably way back then, close to when they started PvPing in the first place. Back then they didn't rage, because they didn't have this built in sense of frustration inside of them. They didn't know the game wasn't fair, so they could only blame themselves, and they didn't have all those experiences of failure. Nobody rages on other people at their first day playing the game.With time, our brain will think that just because we are stressed over something, it means that we have put in productive work into it and that therefore we understand it and are good at it. That does not reflect reality and that clash leads to frustration. The fact that it keeps repeating itself over and over is what creates one of the culprits for a toxic enviroment: Built up frustration.


The silent threatment Arena Net has been, unjustifiably, providing is also a big culprit here. Why is it the job of the community member to drag more people to PvP? There is very little we can do. "Hey, come check out this very unbalanced game mode, that will make you feel like crap and give you virtually no ingame rewards!". Honestly, do you feel like a costumer of Arena Net when you PvP? Neither do I. They do not give us any explanation over why they make the changes they make and their releasing timing has been awfull when regarding to PvP. Why is there no PvP balance team? PvP is one of the places where balance is the most important ! Assuming that is ok, i bring another argument. Sure, bring us one balance patch every 3 months, i understand that you're understaffed, but at least bring them offseason, where i can actually experiement stuff and feedback and you can make tweaks based on that before the season starts. And explain to us the mentality behind each change. That is IMPORTANT! The lack of balancing professions around Conquest, since that is the only game mode we have, and the constant insecurity that what we think does not make a difference at all completely butchers any players desire to be "nice" to other players. It is a foundation of a toxic enviroment. Because after all, if we were on a fair and balanced scenario, where failures would happen and the only one you'd have to blame is yourself, how would you rage at someone?

In the end, you can look at it in two ways: The player should deal with what is offered to him by Arena Net, completely disregarding his feelings about it (at least it seems that way, considering the silent threatment we receive very oftenly), and try to enjoy the PvP content we have or the player should become bitter and start complaining on the forums just like i am doing right now in a vain hope that it will make a difference or at least get a Dev's response :)


In a way, the PvE rewards being brought to PvP are a good thing. It brings players that wouldn't PvP to PvP and that is essential on a declining community. Positive income of players. In my opinion, that was a step in the right direction. Now, what lacked was a reason for those players to stay. As I stated on the previous post, I find PvP a stressful and frustrating enviroment (and Matchmaking takes it's part on that, i'll get to that soon), which quickly makes players flee from it.I have been on a fair share of PvE guilds and their most common state of why they don't PvP usually revolves on "I'll simply get destroyed and people will curse me". The way PvP matchmaking is done currently is not friendly for both, the new player and the experienced player ( with the ladder probably being addressed next season).

For the Ranked Queue, two of the problems are match manipulation at high ranks and lack of rewards for personal skill. Considering the pool MMR is given to work with to create matches is much smaller at high ranks, people with contacts and multiple accounts can easily Queue Snipe, Triple Queue or Dodge Queue because of that. The leaderboards dont say The Duo (X+Y) is legendary. The leaderboards say X and Y players are legendary. That can become very troublesome as some people are equally skilled as others who have higher ranks simply because they have an also skilled partner to DuoQ with. I believe ArenaNet's perspective on the issue was something similar to this, viewing as they tried to maintain the DuoQ perspective on the lower ranks, since there isn't much prestige attached to them and it reflects most of the player pool. This issue has been tackled by blocking the DuoQ for Plat2+ at the next season. We'll see how that will turn out. It better work, afterall, it only took them 9 seasons to implement. Beyond that is that the PvP legendary armor has NO EFFECTS associated to it, differently from the WvW and PvE counterparts. NO PRESTIGE AT ALL ! The TAGS do not offer enough prestige as they are temporary and the titles are repetitive. Say if i get top 25 Relentless Legend in one season, if i know i cant get to top 10 the next one, there is no reason to try hard. Another issue associated with rankeds is how hard it is to start playing a new class, because you feel forced to play the class you know best. The way the current system is done is that it looks at the matches you do on your account as a whole, instead of just looking at what profession youre playing. That creates a problem, becasue what if i am a 1800 rating Guardian but I want to start playing Engineer, for example. I cannot do rankeds, until i farm enough unrankeds to be good at the class, which may take a while and will be very punishing, considering unrankeds have virtually no rewards (which i'll QQ about in a minute). And even then, if i am a 1800 rating player, i need to get ready to face 1800 rating players with that class, and those players are really hard to find on unrankeds.

Now for the Unranked Queue (Told you). For the new player, this is no friendly enviroment where they can LEARN to PvP and it is their only option (Please don't mention Hotjoins, that game mode is more dead than Twisted Treeline in League). It has been stated that Unranked Matches do not have an accurate match making, it does not take into account your Skill Rating (from ranked system). So it is basically a mix of really good players, average players (the vast majority) and new players who have no clue. Usually the really good player will not get upset for losing an unranked match, because he is secure of his personal skill, but that is not true for the average player. It is very common for those players to turn toxic because they need the win to assure themselves that they are capable. It just isn't fun for anyone. The good player will not find a challenge, the average player will get frustrated and the new player will just flee from PvP and never comeback. Another thing: There are no IMMEDIATE REWARDS. Sure, you can play unrankeds to improve skill and then get better rewards at ranked but that isn't enough to make a player want to queue unranked. I believe rewards from unranked should be increased or ,better, have the chest pip tracks associated to it (without the Ascended Shards or an entirely new pip track specifically made for unranked) to make the player WANT to pvp for the gold aswell.

BALANCE TEAM AND STATE OF THE GAMEI don't really want to get into that. There is no point. There are several threads on the PvP forum that reflect that the community isn't happy.


Remember this ?

Sounds like a joke, right? Every play feeling special, HAH.

Again, this is just my opinion on a few topics :) Feel free to disagree and happy life everyone. This is my "Hey i'm unninstalling, give me attention" thread.


Sorry if there is any bad grammar, English is NOT my first language.

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My reason in not getting into PvP is simply I'm not competitive in any way, shape, or form.

But from the talks I've heard of PvP, I can say I hate it more than usual PvP because if it's true that it's PvP that's holding back PvE and some of the actions and abilities we might be able to get... then I wish it never existed so PvE could've easily florished and be whatever the dev's brains had for the game if PvP never existed.

But that's my personal view. I know there's people that's opposite and wish PvE didn't exist (or as I've seen in some topics people want PvP stuff in PvE areas... because...), so eh...I think the best solution WOULD HAVE BEEN if they had just 2 games. Call it Guild Wars 2, but make one PvP/WvW oriented and leave the Vanilla "Guild Wars 2" PvE only.Too late for that now obviously.It could've worked too as seeing how they have that whole Link your GW1 account with GW2 thing... they could just link the GW2 account(s) together from the PvE and PvP/WvW one where your PvE char would still log into the PvP/WvW game, but then they just limit the actions and controls in that game you logged into so the special PvE attacks don't show up there.

Sounds like a perfect set up that never happened in my brain.My brain is messed up though so...

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Gawd i love your post so much. +11111

The thing is anet just doesn't care about pvp. We aren't buying gems to play pvp. The best pvp then and maybe still the best pvp out there is actually in guild wars 1 where pvp was done righ. If only they kept a working game mode and never introduced dancing around circles and zerging in them while a super runner goes and decaps. Yeah.. make game mode based around nothing more then speed and then make a toon that is required for every game of pvp when it's circle dancing because of that.

If they invested as much time into anything but conquest then pvp may have survived.

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:Gawd i love your post so much. +11111

The thing is anet just doesn't care about pvp. We aren't buying gems to play pvp. The best pvp then and maybe still the best pvp out there is actually in guild wars 1 where pvp was done righ. If only they kept a working game mode and never introduced dancing around circles and zerging in them while a super runner goes and decaps. Yeah.. make game mode based around nothing more then speed and then make a toon that is required for every game of pvp when it's circle dancing because of that.

If they invested as much time into anything but conquest then pvp may have survived.

Worry not, PvP like WvW will remain alive on life support for many years to come. Remember once all of the competitive minded PvPers are gone from GW2. The non competitive players and PvEers will be free to spam 1 to victory and beyond.

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@"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:My reason in not getting into PvP is simply I'm not competitive in any way, shape, or form.

But from the talks I've heard of PvP, I can say I hate it more than usual PvP because if it's true that it's PvP that's holding back PvE and some of the actions and abilities we might be able to get... then I wish it never existed so PvE could've easily florished and be whatever the dev's brains had for the game if PvP never existed.

But that's my personal view. I know there's people that's opposite and wish PvE didn't exist (or as I've seen in some topics people want PvP stuff in PvE areas... because...), so eh...I think the best solution WOULD HAVE BEEN if they had just 2 games. Call it Guild Wars 2, but make one PvP/WvW oriented and leave the Vanilla "Guild Wars 2" PvE only.Too late for that now obviously.It could've worked too as seeing how they have that whole Link your GW1 account with GW2 thing... they could just link the GW2 account(s) together from the PvE and PvP/WvW one where your PvE char would still log into the PvP/WvW game, but then they just limit the actions and controls in that game you logged into so the special PvE attacks don't show up there.

Sounds like a perfect set up that never happened in my brain.My brain is messed up though so...

"if it's true that it's PvP that's holding back PvE"not true in the slightestmore the contrary

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