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Untamed is the New Bunker?! PvP Build


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So when untamed came out, like many of us, I started experimenting with dmg builds and quickly found that the hammer was somewhat lacking in that department. This was disappointing as I found myself trying to do things that Soulbeast would probably do better. But then I shifted my mindset to more of a sustain build and it’s given me the most consistent performance so far in this wild west meta we’re in.


The build gets its sustain from a mix of Healing Spring, Restorative Strikes, and Nature’s Shield. Since conquest naturally forces people to gather on the point, Untamed (and the hammer) really get a chance to shine in the ensuing team fights. There is also a lot of combo synergy between the water and smoke fields you create, as you’ve got a blast finisher on the hammer, and leap & whirl finishers on the sword/axe.


Even as a sustain-centric build, there is some decent damage potential from Axe5, and the hammer dmg bonuses from disabled opponents. I usually combine Nature’s Binding with Exploding Spores for a more reliable knockdown, then pop Relentless Whirl or axe5 while they’re held in place. At that point they have to use CDs to escape, which lets you chase down more easily with Sword2 or Hammer5. The build can run into some trouble against more careful opponents that keep their distance, but ideally you’ve capped/decapped and are racking up points while they try to kite you.


Wilderness Survival is sort of required here for the protection healing. Skirmishing is a bit more flexible, as it’s taken for Quickdraw, in lieu of not having Fervent Force. But if you can go without the strike dmg heals, Skirmishing can probably be subbed for Marksmanship or Beastmastery.


Scrapper runes help further increase your dmg reduction (though there are probably some better choices here), while energy and stagnation sigils keep you stick to your targets and keep your dodges (which apply protection) topped off.


For pets, Smokescale does a really good job of sticking to targets between Venomous Outburst and Smoke Assault, and you can do a lot of shenanigans with its Smoke Cloud. Until the EoD pets are fixed, I would ‘t recommend Siege Turtle unless you like a challenge, but the utility of its protection dome will make it a great choice once they are fixed. In the meantime, I’m fiddling with the Blue Moa protection screech, but ultimately the second pet is pretty flexible. A more CC heavy pet like Blue Wyvern will help increase your hammer damage.


Overall there’s been a lot of dps going around since EoD launched, so I think it gives sustain builds like this some room to breathe; I’ve been seeing druid make somewhat of a comeback as well, so hopefully there’s a nice little niche for Untamed too!

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The idea is nice, I experimented every kind of build, bunker with pala demo or avatar amulet, condi as well, all kinds of weapons, but in the end the best builds areBoyce gs/longbow mark/beast or ROM one with wilderness survival instead of beastmastery, berserker amulet and any rune of choice, divinity, dolyak, fighter etc. A roamer playstyle similar to shiro herald with good 1vs1 matchups as well.


If you like dueling and sidenoding more than roaming you can play a valkyrie variant, basically a core valk 2.0 version, probably weaker than core, but decent.


Soulbeast has definitely an higher burst window when they pop all the modifiers, but untamed has a better sustained damage, also you can make some pretty big damage combo burst with the teleport that can hit unaware target for 20k if you time all perfectly. 

Untamed is a lot harder to play then the usual ranger/soulbeast, you need faster reactions and timing to really shine.


I have more success with the pet in avoid combat mode and having keybinded attack target and return to me as well. You have a better control especially for smokescale f2 stealth to save your a$$.


I reached platinum rank today, so I guess i know one thing or two and i am playing untamed since it was released so.


Just don't expect to have insta results on it like you may have with bunker mech or specter. 

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