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Current state of mechanist class promotes degenerative gameplay


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17 hours ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

Raid and fractal is not everything this game offers. BTW, yes I am blocking you. I don't play with elite either. Carry me or not. Full legendary weapons, armor, trinket, sigil and rune here 🙂

True , there is strike missions too... . Just dont forget that "elite" people may be toxic (not all of them) but those elites are also the same people who made the guides , videos and allowed less elites and actual average players to make builds , follow mechanics of raids strikes and fractals , so spit on them if you want , but dont forget what they brought to the community , every society needs "elites" as games with redoable endcontent need.

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  • 1 year later...

This topic didnt age well, now Condi Mechanists got 0 utility while using 3 kits while having to deal with Golem's very dvmb AI and still having lower DPS than a quickness scrapper 😂

also very useless in WvW/sPvP.

Everytime any other spec is over performing, they nerf Ele or Mechanist

Edited by Tofu.1865
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On 3/23/2024 at 2:36 PM, Tofu.1865 said:

now Condi Mechanists got 0 utility while using 3 kits while having to deal with Golem's very dvmb AI and still having lower DPS than a quickness scrapper

Uhm... Condi mech does 40k with a single kit, and quick scrapper is at 32k according to snowcrows. Are you maybe talking about power mech? Because condi mech is pretty average in terms of performance for the effort needed to play it. It's rifle power mech that is a joke now, and with hammer you give up all of the advantages but none of the problems to still be the worst greed DPS spec in the game.

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:39 PM, rune.9572 said:

If it wasn't starting to become a trend, I wouldn't have made this topic.

Look, I get it, all the newfound engi enjoyers are in full force on the forums instantly jumping in to defend their faceroll cheese class. Come on, it's painfully obvious.

You mean this 💩post, yeah im sure

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On 3/28/2024 at 9:55 AM, Sindust.7059 said:

Uhm... Condi mech does 40k with a single kit, and quick scrapper is at 32k according to snowcrows. Are you maybe talking about power mech? Because condi mech is pretty average in terms of performance for the effort needed to play it. It's rifle power mech that is a joke now, and with hammer you give up all of the advantages but none of the problems to still be the worst greed DPS spec in the game.

Yeah they 💩 on pmech its no where near all the other dps class builds. Being 10 k lower that the lowest dps class build is pretty meh. They act like they want to fix outliers, i mean what was it a week after the thief got axe they brought the dps down because it was an outlier at 54k dps, not like everyone in beta didnt warn them. Well they put pmech as an outlier in the opposite direction, as a dps build it shouldnt be 10 to 12 k below the lowest dps

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On 3/28/2024 at 10:55 PM, Sindust.7059 said:

Uhm... Condi mech does 40k with a single kit, and quick scrapper is at 32k according to snowcrows. Are you maybe talking about power mech? Because condi mech is pretty average in terms of performance for the effort needed to play it. It's rifle power mech that is a joke now, and with hammer you give up all of the advantages but none of the problems to still be the worst greed DPS spec in the game.

Nope... i borrowed my full condi infusions from my WB (+90 condi dmg) and the 1 kit condi mech only does 37k dps max after they bug fixed Blowtorch, Power Hammer Mechs deals 35k with 0 kit (39k with Nade Kit) while the Sword/Pistol Power Mech does 60k opener and deals a very stable 37k DPS with 0 kit too it has the best utility and defiance bar breaking skill since u can basically spam rocket punch every 5 sec because of sword 3 reset while having boon rip... my Power Builds doesnt even have that +90 Power dmg from Infus.

My QDPS Scrapper deals 35k with ALOT of utility and defiance breaking skills (no +90 power from infusions too)

The ones u see on build sites are outdated.



2 hours ago, Artemis.8034 said:

Yeah they 💩 on pmech its no where near all the other dps class builds. Being 10 k lower that the lowest dps class build is pretty meh. They act like they want to fix outliers, i mean what was it a week after the thief got axe they brought the dps down because it was an outlier at 54k dps, not like everyone in beta didnt warn them. Well they put pmech as an outlier in the opposite direction, as a dps build it shouldnt be 10 to 12 k below the lowest dps

Power Mech is in a good place right now we got alot of defiance breaking skills, P.Mechs shouldnt be having 40k DPS since they are the easiest to play with.. my hammer pmech is always on top of the DPS charts in T4 Fracs and Open world events while im eating lol

Wanna have permanent Quickness and high burst in Open world? just switch to sword pistol
High DPS and lots of CC? Change to Hammer
Want Lazy ranged DPS in open world while u work?? Change to Rifle

Edited by Tofu.1865
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On 3/25/2022 at 5:39 PM, rune.9572 said:

If it wasn't starting to become a trend, I wouldn't have made this topic.

Look, I get it, all the newfound engi enjoyers are in full force on the forums instantly jumping in to defend their faceroll cheese class. Come on, it's painfully obvious.

You are actually addressing these facerolling idiots who think 1 button play is *GOOD* for the game. Sadly all you will get is spammed by "confused" tags.

Not only does this effect others in organized play, but people who join GW2 will play mechanist at the recommendation of others, assume that this "OP" class is all the game offers and quit when they realize a toddler could play the entire game without seeing any depth.

I appreciate the difficulty of having a low intensity class in the game for those who are mentally or physically incapable of using other builds - and trying to balance the LI builds to not appeal to the purely lazy, this is clearly an ongoing challenge that mechanical genius didn't address fully.

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12 hours ago, Noxin.9276 said:

You are actually addressing these facerolling idiots who think 1 button play is *GOOD* for the game. Sadly all you will get is spammed by "confused" tags.

Not only does this effect others in organized play, but people who join GW2 will play mechanist at the recommendation of others, assume that this "OP" class is all the game offers and quit when they realize a toddler could play the entire game without seeing any depth.

I appreciate the difficulty of having a low intensity class in the game for those who are mentally or physically incapable of using other builds - and trying to balance the LI builds to not appeal to the purely lazy, this is clearly an ongoing challenge that mechanical genius didn't address fully.

By saying facerolling idiots and 1 button play, were you reffering to the Power Mechs (cuz im pretty sure Condi Mechs arent 1 button play since they use 2 kits) or the entire Ranger/Guardian/Necro/Virt playerbase that has better utility, higher DPS and pretty much as easy as power mechs?

Degenerative gameplay doesnt only exist with Power Mechanists

Edited by Tofu.1865
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I don't think instadown mechanisms are particularly good game design. It is just matter of reflexes, not brains or strategy. Dodge an attack or die. Does this promote smart game-play or just mere reflex test and bind dodge key e.g. to your extra mouse button (what I have done) ?

Secondly the open world pve in this game is superbly easy if you have full ascended geared level 80-level character. I play a sub-optimal core engineer build, with zero block skills, invulnerability, no stealth, no evade frames. Full core build, including core consumables. I can solo a lot of the level 80 group events both in pve and WvWvW (e.g. take a keep).

It is not just Tyria which is easy, in fact the expansion open world pve maps are easy as well, especially the latest one. In fact I would argue that some of the Orr maps (Tyria) are slightly harder than Secrets of the Obscure, which has tons of large mobs, but the huge-sized enemies do next to no damage: If you have some sort of protection & condi cleanses and heals you will do fine. The difficulty of the expansion maps (HoT, PoF, EoD and SoO) is never combat, but sometimes it is travel. For example I never liked Tangled Depths or most of the other Heart of Thorns maps due excessive vertical design and difficulty in navigation, but the actual combat in those maps is not challenging. You can just AoE nuke all the mobs and ranged pewpew and strafe most of the champions.

And you really don't need mechanist for that. Pretty much anything will do. I was even showing my son how you can steam roll pve content in this game using core elementalist using only core weapons (staff!), core consumables, core everything. I mean you cannot choose anything worse than that?

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6 hours ago, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

I don't think instadown mechanisms are particularly good game design. It is just matter of reflexes, not brains or strategy. Dodge an attack or die. Does this promote smart game-play or just mere reflex test and bind dodge key e.g. to your extra mouse button (what I have done) ?

Secondly the open world pve in this game is superbly easy if you have full ascended geared level 80-level character. I play a sub-optimal core engineer build, with zero block skills, invulnerability, no stealth, no evade frames. Full core build, including core consumables. I can solo a lot of the level 80 group events both in pve and WvWvW (e.g. take a keep).

It is not just Tyria which is easy, in fact the expansion open world pve maps are easy as well, especially the latest one. In fact I would argue that some of the Orr maps (Tyria) are slightly harder than Secrets of the Obscure, which has tons of large mobs, but the huge-sized enemies do next to no damage: If you have some sort of protection & condi cleanses and heals you will do fine. The difficulty of the expansion maps (HoT, PoF, EoD and SoO) is never combat, but sometimes it is travel. For example I never liked Tangled Depths or most of the other Heart of Thorns maps due excessive vertical design and difficulty in navigation, but the actual combat in those maps is not challenging. You can just AoE nuke all the mobs and ranged pewpew and strafe most of the champions.

And you really don't need mechanist for that. Pretty much anything will do. I was even showing my son how you can steam roll pve content in this game using core elementalist using only core weapons (staff!), core consumables, core everything. I mean you cannot choose anything worse than that?

If I remember right, the Open world map difficulty was tone down after Heart of Thorns for expansions after since the maps was a nightmare for players to move through both due to maze like design and the toughness of enemies either by their high DPS or HP. Remember this was the time before Mounts and we had to use map exploration abilities to get around.

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