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Explain like I am 5...


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Explaining something to someone like he/she is 5? Oh gosh... I do hope you're not like my nephew...

So, you see your toys that you throw everytime? Just do that with the sphere. You can throw it on everyone the one you don't like as much as the one you like. And then, you can do like in your favourite anime and shout: "It's time to fight!".

Yes, all the things that I usually tell you not to do, you do them in the game. But you can do them only in the game! And you don't throw anything at the computer!

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I'm not impressed with the design nor the traits.  It feels like a lot of finicky work for dubious achievements.

Having said that, if you have a scepter, you can dragon's tooth, then put your field under it to create a combo.  All combos gives you an aura based on whatever alignment the field is (you could always switch before tooth lands).   So if you are in fire, tooth, switch to earth, combo field, now you have a magnetic aura.  If you went 1-1-1, you have a little damage reduction, a little more damage, and stability.

I think this spec actually has real potential in competitive with main-hand dagger, as you could be leaping and blasting the field often.  I have no idea how to use hammer, and only dimly have some ideas for staff (my favorite).

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