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Switching characters results in infinite load screen [Merged]

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Tested this on GeForce Now and on my other machine and having the same issues as well.


Sometimes it loads fine initially and when you switch characters, the select screen hasn't loaded properly with missing models and textures. I then get a long loading time after choosing the character until it loads the map with missing models and a grid skybox

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2 hours ago, CuChulainn.5940 said:

Two years ago Anet took away our mass gathering tools glyph (for more than a couple weeks) because of some minor bug with the chef update; those were bought and paid for.

At this point I would be more than happy to see SAB removed temporarily and or postponed until they get this problem fixed. It is becoming nearly unplayable for some and totally unplayable for others.

as a mather of fakt Im now taking a break till they fix this ^^

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7 hours ago, AdromidA.2510 said:



I just logged a reddit post about the issue and someone was nice enough to point me to this thread where we all get to complain together.

I thought it was my new card that was busted so this is sort of a relieve (Still a pain)


Here is the link, it gives a lot more detail of the issue and how I get around it but essentially I can log in to my characters and play the game if I just want for the initial Log in screen to finish loading.

This is consistent with my findings. 
I decided to wait 10 seconds longer on character select to wait for the background to load.  
Then when I switch characters, I'm normally okay.  
In other words, I slow down my character swapping and now things are mostly okay.

Edited by reapex.8546
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1 minute ago, reapex.8546 said:

This is consistent with my findings.  I decided to wait 10 seconds longer on character select to wait for the background to load.  
Then when I switch characters, I'm normally okay.  
In otherwords, I slow down my character swapping and now things are mostly okay.

Slowing down is helping sometimes but not always. 🤷‍♀️

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9 hours ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

I play on highest graphics and it happens to me every time

It's not that it doesn't happen on higher graphics, it's that on low graphics it's even worse. Won't even get to load 1 character on startup most times.

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Just now, jesterchaos.5907 said:

Having the same loading issue its very frustrating, have to relog when i swap characters could someone from anet at least respond XD?

they have - on Thursday - unfortunately very little has happened. Because other stuff  - such as elongated Charr or implemeting SAB - seems to have a higher priority...or are easier to resolve. Take your pick

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Watch your back ground picture at login screen. When that is loaded, you can log in a character. If not, restart game. 

Problem gets worse as the number characters you have.. So issue is related to loading game.


Really hope they fix it soon. It's frustrating bug.. 

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On 3/31/2022 at 5:50 PM, Nasbit.3240 said:

To summarize:

  1. It happen most of the time when you try to switch your character. It wont happen on normal map-changes when still playing the "first" character you logged into.
  2. It is not related to any map or region. It happens in wvw, pvp, Hot, pof, eod, central tyria. 
  3. It is not related to your account-type, so it happens to both, accounts with EoD and accounts without.
  4. It is not related to either Dx9 or Dx11, it happens in both DirectX Versions
  5. It is not related to third-party stuff, it happens with arcdps installed or not, it also happens stuff like GeForce Experience installed or not.
  6. It is not GPU/CPU related, since its reporded from users from all manufactures. (Intel, AMD, Nvidia)
  7. Loading Times seems "infinite" - but are "just" about 10 Times as long as usually (so instead of ~20sec its now ~200sec) 
  8. Some Textures corrupt or don't get loaded at all when it happens.
  9. Some Models don't get loaded at all when it happens.
  10. UI Elements don't get loaded at all when it happens.
  11. There no "specific" Textures/Models/UI Elements - it vary on what gets loaded or not. Sometimes you still have Backgrounds on your Loadingscreen/Char Screen, sometimes its just black. Same goes for Map-Objects, Skyboxes etc.
  12. In most cases: were entire "Ground"/Map not loaded - Most Models were loaded - Own Player Character not loaded, UI not loaded, Map/Minimap is black, Skyboxes are chess-pattern textures (color vary) , Camera is "stuck" (because no player character loaded) but you see yourself moving on map
  13. It "seems" that the chance for this is increased the more characters an account has? (Even when I don't see any logical reason why the character amount should have any impact on this?)

edit: https://imgur.com/a/0ffrsng

The rather concise summary of the problem from Thursday.
Best check how many of the boxes "yours" ticks or if anything additional happened

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I believe I have found a TEMPORARY FIX! It doesn't eliminate the problem completely, however... (to get by in the interim)...

Basically, I tried to fiddle with every setting, sound, video, beta... etc

But of course none of that worked!

The problem isn't with your individual game settings, but rather when you're in the character selection screen itself.

All I did is left click once (not twice), upon the character you wish to play, (this next bit is extremely important), wait for the character icons down the bottom to appear, (you don't have to wait for your character to appear up above, just make sure the character icons down below show up 100% for the rest of your characters!

If the login character selection screen fails to show the character icons 100% down the bottom after about 5 seconds, it's a failed load! At that point you'll have to log off & re-log in again, then just repeat the same process once you're in the character selection screen again! This will usually work for 5-10 characters at a time which will get everyone by!

Just remember if you don't see the character icons loading 100% down the bottom of the screen in the character selection, it's a failed load!

I believe I've zero'd in on the source of the problem... hopefully that will help ANET to figure out exactly what is going on! Oh & just in case, I have my resolution on windowed mode! Not sure if that affects anything, but just in case! 

Hope that helps everyone as I'm now able to do my daily farm as per normal! Yes it takes a little longer because of the failed loads, but it's better then nothing! Cheers everyone!  :-)


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2 hours ago, Busty Bombsalot.4570 said:

Another issue related to this seems to be the connection to the login server. The game keeps giving the error about not being able to contact the login server at this time.


I would not be surprised. The login server has been manifesting dodgy behavior for years. It may be that the latest patch was the straw that broke the back of this critical piece of infrastructure.



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