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20k DPS 1 button Rotation Mechanist


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Because people keep bringing up this Mukluk video. 

Doing 20k dps with auto attacks is nothing new in this game. 

This isn't a case of Mechanist being broken. This is simply a testament to how powerful maximum boons + buffs + modifiers are in this game. 

Mechanist does this damage by taking advantage of the trait: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Modified_Ammunition. In the video, Mukluk had 10 condis on the golem. More than the standard 8 which infates his dps. 

This isn't a new phenomenon. 

Mirage can do far more dps with clones. There's an immortal double energy sigil staff mirage build that can dwarf's mechanist in the dps department.

For people saying "but mech has a tank". Mirage clones draw aggro.  It also does more damage while being invulnerable for most of it's rotation AND PROVIDING PERMA ALAC AND 25 MIGHT.  Each application of mirage cloak also grants regeneration, giving this build amazing sustain. If that wasn't enough, this build is ranged, meaning it is able to consistently apply this dps, and unlike other classes, if forced to dodge during a mechanic, it isn't a dps loss.

This is a 2 button rotation that does more dps than mechanist, is just as if not more durable than mechanist, and provides boons on the side.

Bomb kit, meanwhile, loses dps if the the boss moves. Try doing that 20k bomb kit dps in the Sequana Peak Fractal. Tell me how that goes. 

Ok, I hear you saying. "Mirage is OP. It should get nerfed too, you can't justify a broken build by pointing to another broken build."

Staff Daredevil benches ~20k dps just staff autoing. It also has 3 dodges and extra evades on staff, and it can run invigorating precision for bonus sustain. This build may not have a personal tank, but it is incredibly survivable. 

Power Herald does similar damage just sword autoing, and it's able to passively apply might, fury, prot, and regen on the side. It can also give Assassin's presence, which adds  value that isn't directly shown on dps charts. 

This is  a spec that is considered "bad" by most of the PVE community. 

I have a Holosmith build where I literally just press 3 and 4 in forge off cooldown Auto attack until Forge drops. then spam bomb kit until i go back into forge. The most brain-dead of rotations. If I wanted to be lazy, I could just auto attack in forge, then spam bomb kit. I've dealt higher than 20k dps in real encounters doing this. Lazer's edge is one hell of a drug. 

20k dps using autos isn't some new thing that only Mechanist can do. The game has operated this way for years. All mechanist did is bring awareness to this fact because it's a shiny new AI spec that the player base has their eye on, and a youtuber made a video about it. 

That is all. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. 


Edited by Kuma.1503
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There're tons of builds which can provide way over 20k dps on stationary boss in perfect circumstances.

My little conspiracy theory is that most of mechanist haters are just guardian mains, salty since their beloved i-can-do-everythingbrand isn't without competition anymore.

Edited by Valisha.8650
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22 minutes ago, Valisha.8650 said:

There're tons of builds which can provide way over 20k dps on stationary boss in perfect circumstances.

My little conspiracy theory is that most of mechanist haters are just guardian mains, salty since their beloved i-can-do-everythingbrand isn't without competition anymore.

Well that's a possible theory, but Jesus you do hate guardians that much it's borderline unhealthy.

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21 minutes ago, MrForz.1953 said:

Well that's a possible theory, but Jesus you do hate guardians that much it's borderline unhealthy.

Having severely overpowered elite specs is quite borderline unhealthy for the game as well, if you ask me.

This thing been the only "meta" support on fractals for way too long.

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1 hour ago, Valisha.8650 said:

Having severely overpowered elite specs is quite borderline unhealthy for the game as well, if you ask me.

This thing been the only "meta" support on fractals for way too long.

Sure, but pointing it out is enough, to show your teeth at their players however is a bit much. You'd be doing what you don't want others to do towards Mechanist; and the spec is almost a match for Firebrand, which isn't necessarily a good thing considering the gap between those two and the remaining support specs.

And besides... anyone who cared about Firebrand strictly for performance has likely already joined the Mechanist bandwagon.

Edited by MrForz.1953
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50 minutes ago, MrForz.1953 said:

... and the spec is almost a match for Firebrand, which isn't necessarily a good thing considering the gap between those two and the remaining support specs.

Disagree. It's a great thing.

Now if only Anet would buff the other support specs too we'd be in a great spot of playing the flavor of support you actually enjoy or is better suited for the specific task.

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EoD revealed a lot of hidden-but-not-so-hidden things about the playerbase. A few days after EoD released, I saw someone complaining that Anet forces him to do a combo field in the story to advance and he was stuck because he couldnt do that and had to buy a weapon for that.  Something as "insignificant" as combo field turns out to be a major pain in the neck for some player, let alone player that has been in the game for 9 years. And guess what that player is most likely to react when he learn that X class can do Y damage by pressing one button when he himself isnt even able to solo a history champion ? Well the result is what we currently see. 


There are a lot of build that works just fine like condi/celestial Weaver, Berserker or Firebrand where you just spam burn on your target and wait for the game to play itself. I dont have the exact damage number and honestly I never bothered checking but it kills stuff easily without you dying in 1-2 hits so in my book it is worth running.  But I suppose your average vocal complainer would rather mix several pieces of information receive from different sources together and then claim this is how Mechanist work instead of actually trying out the spec. 

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14 hours ago, Valisha.8650 said:

There're tons of builds which can provide way over 20k dps on stationary boss in perfect circumstances.

My little conspiracy theory is that most of mechanist haters are just guardian mains, salty since their beloved i-can-do-everythingbrand isn't without competition anymore.

I run this in EoD strikes and it performs really well in actual strike boss scenarios. I'm usually only 1-2k behind top DPS in pug strikes just from autoattack lol.    You get pretty good movement from shift signet and passive movespeed increase, so the range isn't an issue in practice.   

The amount of time it gives me to pay attention to boss mechanics is really nice though - builds like these are probably the only way Anet can get people to even consider looking at harder content.  

Edited by Ruisen.9471
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I honestly can't see how is that (simple rotation with good enough DPS) a problem? You can deal damage for sure but you still have to learn the mechanics of each encounter and dozen of other things to be able to do end game content. And with easier rotation, that would drive more casual users to end game content, isn't that a good thing for a game in the long term? 

With easy rotation, you can pay more attention to the mechanics and learn them, then if you want to, you can push for even higher damage with harder rotation, and because you know the mechanics, it's one less thing to worry about, win-win here 😄

I am kinda bored when seeing everywhere Guardian this, Guardian that, and am glad that Mech can compete for the support slot now

Edited by laoshanlung.3675
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On 4/5/2022 at 11:26 AM, MrForz.1953 said:

Well that's a possible theory, but Jesus you do hate guardians that much it's borderline unhealthy.

I can empathise with anyone here that does. 

Scrapper was garbage PvE for years. Anet finally breathed life into it with quickness. 

But even though it was finally viable in endgame... Firebrand still did our job but better. 

You weren't taking QScrapper over QFB if given the choice. FB does mechanics for you with aegis cheese and has better dps and better utility. 

You weren't taking HScrapper over HFB because HScrapper does negative dps, cant pull mobs, cant aegis mechanics, has less stab, and no fury. 

Sure we had Holosmith, but its just generic selfish dps and you can replace it with anything... Like DH who outperforms it in fractals with its burst. Or even just another dps FB.

Mechanist is the first time that Engi is able REALLY to compete for a slot in endgame PvE.  and people (likely Guatdian mains considering its the most popular class) want to yank that away. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I can empathise with anyone here that does. 

Yeah no. Hate the class if you want but not its players.

1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I can empathise with anyone here that does. 

Scrapper was garbage PvE for years. Anet finally breathed life into it with quickness. 

But even though it was finally viable in endgame... Firebrand still did our job but better. 

You weren't taking QScrapper over QFB if given the choice. FB does mechanics for you with aegis cheese and has better dps and better utility. 

You weren't taking HScrapper over HFB because HScrapper does negative dps, cant pull mobs, cant aegis mechanics, has less stab, and no fury. 

Sure we had Holosmith, but its just generic selfish dps and you can replace it with anything... Like DH who outperforms it in fractals with its burst. Or even just another dps FB.

Mechanist is the first time that Engi is able REALLY to compete for a slot in endgame PvE.  and people (likely Guatdian mains considering its the most popular class) want to yank that away. 

Sigh, I don't get it, why is it somehow highly praised that Mechanist reaches Firebrand level, but unacceptable that the latter gets a nerf to get to the level of about everyone else instead?

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4 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

Yeah no. Hate the class if you want but not its players.

Sigh, I don't get it, why is it somehow highly praised that Mechanist reaches Firebrand level, but unacceptable that the latter gets a nerf to get to the level of about everyone else instead?

Edited because I realized I misunderstood your question. 

Theres a few reasons why it's praised. 

1. Another class is viable in the meta. We had Guard, Necro, Rev meta for so long in fractals. If we're talking raids, you could add Chrono and Druid onto the list. 

With Mech's arrival, we have yet another class that is able to compete with meta supports in end game content. That's praise-worthy. 

2. Mechanist doesn't overshadow other supports the same way that Firebrand does. Mech doesn't have a monopoly on any important boons or effects. Scourge provides more barrier and Alac RR does more damage, and is a swiss army knife of utility. It can bring unique buffs, lifesteal, mallyx pulls, boon rip, stab road, ventari bubble, ect. It's also much less cumbersome to play. 

Alac Mirage does a lot more damage, is easier to play, and provides some unique utility like feedback and portal, which is relevant on a lot of encounters. 

Mech isn't as dominant as firebrand because it doesn't invalidate options that already exist. It exists alongside them. It also doesn't cheese mechanics with stab and aegis like FB does. The only aeigis/stab skill you have, you're forced to press on CD.

3. And finally, as nice as a Firebrand nerf would be, every firebrand nerf comes packaged with a much harsher nerf to the supports that it competes with. So every time this has happened in recent history, it came with a sour aftertaste. You can't bring firebrand down to other support's levels if you nerf the other supports harder than you nerf FB. 

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14 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:


3. And finally, as nice as a Firebrand nerf would be, every firebrand nerf comes packaged with a much harsher nerf to the supports that it competes with. So every time this has happened in recent history, it came with a sour aftertaste. You can't bring firebrand down to other support's levels if you nerf the other supports harder than you nerf FB. 

I only play GW2 for a brief few months but I can see that Guardian gets all the love from Anet 😆 I have seen Guardian meta in pretty much all the content that I regularly play Fractals, Strikes, WvW (Zerg mostly), and I know it's highly valued in Raid as well


And now mechanist is slowly taking over some roles and people start to whine, that's weird to say the least, like diversity is bad or something



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21 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Mechanist is the first time that Engi is able REALLY to compete for a slot in endgame PvE.  and people (likely Guatdian mains considering its the most popular class) want to yank that away. 

I would rather think it's alacren, as mechanist provide alacrity. The one viable role of the revenant is yanked away.

FB still have their slot at providing quickness. And they provide the stability mechanist can't reliably provide.

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2 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

I would rather think it's alacren, as mechanist provide alacrity. The one viable role of the revenant is yanked away.

FB still have their slot at providing quickness. And they provide the stability mechanist can't reliably provide.

Alac ren is still very strong. It pairs too well wih FB. It has great breakbar, out damages mech, stab road, pulls with mallyx, AoE lifesteal, ventari bubble, assassin's presence, great dps uptime with shortbow. It just has competition now. There will be times mechanist is better and times alac ren is better. 

Personally, I dont want FB, Ren, Scourge meta back. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 4/6/2022 at 8:27 PM, MrForz.1953 said:

Yeah no. Hate the class if you want but not its players.

Sigh, I don't get it, why is it somehow highly praised that Mechanist reaches Firebrand level, but unacceptable that the latter gets a nerf to get to the level of about everyone else instead?

Because mechanist is not on firebrand level. 

Firebrand held the entire spot for stability and aegis. While pumping out quickness in a exposed design that severely favoured burst Condi damage. 

Mech isn't close to what firebrand is. 

Mechanist is strong. But it's no where near as bloated as firebrand is. 

People are just mad that it's a pet proffession getting the results it is. 

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On 4/6/2022 at 1:16 PM, Kuma.1503 said:

I can empathise with anyone here that does. 

Scrapper was garbage PvE for years. Anet finally breathed life into it with quickness. 

But even though it was finally viable in endgame... Firebrand still did our job but better. 

You weren't taking QScrapper over QFB if given the choice. FB does mechanics for you with aegis cheese and has better dps and better utility. 

You weren't taking HScrapper over HFB because HScrapper does negative dps, cant pull mobs, cant aegis mechanics, has less stab, and no fury. 

Sure we had Holosmith, but its just generic selfish dps and you can replace it with anything... Like DH who outperforms it in fractals with its burst. Or even just another dps FB.

Mechanist is the first time that Engi is able REALLY to compete for a slot in endgame PvE.  and people (likely Guatdian mains considering its the most popular class) want to yank that away. 


See that's so weird to me because as a Guardian kinda main I guess, I love Engies more.

Healmech and QB is everything I want in a comp and I trust myself as a QB a lot since I still have fantastic damage (which is great, as the fatal flaw of queuing as HB is having to rely upon PuG DPS.) and can patch up the few weaknesses Healmech have, mainly Stability, Reflects, CC, and grouping up adds. I literally queue for Healmechs for my fractals now since I consider the comp superior to the old one.


If anyone is out of a job it's Alacren, but at least now they're free to ditch RR, go full condi, and embrace being a Torment monster.

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3 hours ago, Sena.2761 said:


See that's so weird to me because as a Guardian kinda main I guess, I love Engies more.

Healmech and QB is everything I want in a comp and I trust myself as a QB a lot since I still have fantastic damage (which is great, as the fatal flaw of queuing as HB is having to rely upon PuG DPS.) and can patch up the few weaknesses Healmech have, mainly Stability, Reflects, CC, and grouping up adds. I literally queue for Healmechs for my fractals now since I consider the comp superior to the old one.


If anyone is out of a job it's Alacren, but at least now they're free to ditch RR, go full condi, and embrace being a Torment monster.

According to gw2 wingman statistics, mechanist is still growing and renegade is still shrinking. This give credit to your hypothesis.

It also means that MightyTeapot was mostly wrong about mechanist and renegade coexisting because the trend is not stabilizing. It'll just take some time for the transition to happen. (unless ANet does something in the next balance patch)

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59 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

According to gw2 wingman statistics, mechanist is still growing and renegade is still shrinking. This give credit to your hypothesis.

It also means that MightyTeapot was mostly wrong about mechanist and renegade coexisting because the trend is not stabilizing. It'll just take some time for the transition to happen. (unless ANet does something in the next balance patch)

Can't blame, those rens been playing the specc for 5 years 😂 they need the change 

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2 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

According to gw2 wingman statistics, mechanist is still growing and renegade is still shrinking. This give credit to your hypothesis.

It also means that MightyTeapot was mostly wrong about mechanist and renegade coexisting because the trend is not stabilizing. It'll just take some time for the transition to happen. (unless ANet does something in the next balance patch)

It's not just mechanist. Renegade's selling point was its high dps for an alacrity provider. Now you have alacrity mirage that outdpses pure dps builds. Specter is pretty high, too. Renegade still has its amazing CC, though.

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