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Thank You Anet for a Wonderful Mad King Festival.


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@Oglaf.1074 said:As someone living in a country where nobody cares about Halloween (i.e any country but America, lulz) this has been my Halloween celebration and has been for the past few years.

I am glad this gives you that festivity then. I personally love Halloween.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I had a blast, too! I confess I spent far, far too many hours in the Labyrinth, and subsequently felt the chill hand of the Lich, the bony imprint of the Labyrinth Horror, and the sickly-sweet infusion of the Viscount of Candy Corn a few too many times. On the other hand, gotta love those ToT bags and other drops. I always feel the camaraderie of the players is great during our festivals, and I I am really looking forward to Wintersday!

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