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what would get you to play more sPvP?


what would get you to play more sPvP?  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. what would get you to play more sPvP?

    • Better rewards
    • Better class balance
    • Stop with all the nerfs/ Reverse alot of the nerf patches.
    • Newer maps/ content
    • Different game modes ( something other then the capture the point)
    • Better method to deal grievers/trolls/bots/afks/etc
    • Not interested at all ( nothing will change my mind)
    • Other

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So Spvp has had a shrinking population for a long time now, and I was wondering what would need to happen to get people more interested in. Or is it a lost cost?

Edit: Wow this poll is coming along.

I could have added better/balance matchmaking to the poll,  but I'd figured that an increase population would help with that some what.

Edit2: Aww just realized this thread got moved, why? This needed to be in general, disappointing.

Edited by BobbyT.7192
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Well I voted for different game modes. I had maybe a 7v7 or 10v10 mode and some more work on the stronghold mode in mind. I really dont like the current Stronghold, if they wanted to go moba well they should just go full moba style. But maybe thats not really spvp anymore, just new modes.

What they really need to do is to actually just give some attention to the mode, in general a bit of everything; patches, moderation, events, new stuff here and there. Its quite good. The combat system is just that good, it saves it in the end no matter what. So just some attention in all departments so players dont feel like they are completely forgotten. 

Edited by Cuks.8241
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PvP already has rewards I'd like to get, and I don't know enough about it to comment on the balance or nerfs so that's irrelevant to me. It's just not something I really enjoy in any game and not something I'm ever likely to do often.

But I think new modes would help, because I did play Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood in GW1 every so often and enjoyed them more than it's other PvP modes. Fort Aspenwood is one side attacking a fort and the other side defending, which might be too similar to WvW. Jade Quarry starts off as kind-of a capture the points game, but once you've captured them you need to not only hold them but also defend NPC jade carriers which gather resouces from the quarry locations and bring them back to your base.

I couldn't say what exactly about them makes it more interesting to me, but I didn't mind doing that from time to time to get faction points, whereas GW2 PvP has never really drawn me in.

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I used to play spvp a ton, I have around 3k matches played. I don't really play it any more, I think I haven't even finished placements this season.

For me it is balance and more frequent balance patches that is important, and the reason why I stopped playing. Balance patches barely change anything and happen only 4 times a year. If something needs nerfing of buffing it can be in a bad state for way too long. For me also it isn't just about balance, but changing the meta. Shaking things up with different balance is content for pvp, when new builds emerge.

To be completely honest I don't even want the classes to be perfectly balanced. I want things to be shaken up every now and again. Like maybe have core ele, and spellbreaker being op for a season, and necro and herald not being as good?

Edited by ovenglove.9528
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So outside of griefers and trolls just better match balance is needed. Most matches are decided far before they start. And even about half the matches i play that are close feel like the winning team intentionally initially underperformed before absolutely rolfstomping the other team. Or at least the key players in the winning team. 


And yeah the mode is ridiculously stale in terms of content these days. 


And the balancing feels more like whackamole: they nerf meta specs but then top players figure out the next best combo of damage/sustain and it becomes the new kitten of the game mode.


Also condi damage is kitten. If a player is dealing condition damage, they shouldn't be able to fall out of combat. When i've played i've noticed a lot of condition players exploit out of combat regen as a method of sustain.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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Classical DM / TDM modes in combination with my favorite style of gameplay actually being usable in competitive. Also, the ability to make private rooms for matches against my friends without having to pay any fee whatsoever.

Edited by Tails.9372
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I enjoy the game mode but it could use MORE of everything, rewards and game types.... people

Game modes they could add:

King of the Hill: Team who holds middle the longest after 8 min wins

Deathmatch: First team to so many kills or most after 8 min wins

Push Capture Point: 5cps on the map Center CP only active one until captured. Then the next active cp will determan who won the middle point going closer to the spawn point towards the losing team. Winning team captures the last cp next tot their oppositions base or team furthest along after 8 min.

Double cross: PVE meets PvP have a mini dungeon with a boss at the end that the attackers need to kill while the other team fights along side monsters trying to stop that from happening

Payload: Attackers try to escort a dolyak full of bombs to a destination. If attackers blow up the target they win if they run out of time the defenders win.

I have yet to see a queuing system where rating was actually done fairly.  This game goes off your teams wins and losses and you have no control over the others on your team so that's ridiculous to me.

I believe this whole system needs to be rethought out. Give people ratings off their own personal stats. Where everything you do matters. Fighting, Healing, Bunkering, Capping, De-capping, ect.. Then compare your overall ratings against everyone for the season average wise real time. This would mean your rating would go up or down when you were not playing because while your away because others will be outperforming or under performing in their matches. If you do not play for to long your scores will decay somewhat like they do now.

My theory is that it would help, not fix, the afk problem on some games because even though your team is losing you may be doing well and keep pushing through the match. Also it has a chance for more even sided competitive matches because you would be matching skill for skill not wins and losses where players could have been carried by better players.

Then give pips based on how well people did individually plus one extra for the win. This would help overall morale knowing you directly impacted your own pip count and didn't effect others as much. This could help with people getting upset with their team and inspire people to play better.

Is it perfect no but in my opinion it would help. It would be a shot in the arm for a game mode that has lost its mojo.

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This is no sarcastic situation. But i want to be known as very powerful pvp player. 


What i want is give the best pvp players in top 10 rankers different version skin legendary armors and weapons. Make them shiny like infusion and make sounds when using them.

You can only gets these legendaries if you reach top 10 rank.

So the bad players will see who is the most powerful pvp player.

 I want these so people will see me is best pvp player and make them jealous. 😤

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1. A better queque-system. When you are not a super good Player, its rather farm or get farmed... the times, a pvp Match is really thrilling with a fair matchup i can count on one Hand.

2. Better reward-System. I do pvp only for the backpack, after this, im gone, because the rewards pvp has, i can get way easyer in wvw even when i get killed by way better people.

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My two main issues with PvP are the lack of alternative game modes and poor matchmaking.

I used to love WoW's PvP because while arena quickly became boring and repetitive, I could bounce around to different battlegrounds and experience PvP in different ways.  If I could do that here and if they could get the high number of blowout wins/losses that suck all the fun out of competitive play, I might play more.

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The vast majority of non-pvp players simply don't enjoy playing PvP. PvE monsters follow mechanics you can easily learn and deal with, but in PvP most enemies are different or can counter your favorite class, and that's their problem, the very core of PvP, the actual challenge and the frustation of losing a match.

So it is a lost battle, regardless of the changes. Some people just don't enjoy PvP.

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Nothing i already do at min 6 matches a day for dailies on my 6 accounts.


For those who bring up barrier of entry outside of the first 20 pvp ranks that require unranked matches, once in ranked you are matched by skill level (your ranked elo). The more players that play the better the matches will feel because there won't be as much spread between skill levels within a match.

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3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

My two main issues with PvP are the lack of alternative game modes and poor matchmaking.

I used to love WoW's PvP because while arena quickly became boring and repetitive, I could bounce around to different battlegrounds and experience PvP in different ways.  If I could do that here and if they could get the high number of blowout wins/losses that suck all the fun out of competitive play, I might play more.

This! I don't find it fun being stomped 50-500. I also don't find it fun stomping 500-50. The most fun games I have been in have been nail-biters to the end, which shows that both teams were very closely matched.


Also, in relation to that, is the loss/gain of rank points the same irrespective of how close the final score? 

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I played the living heck out of the old Mechwarrior games back in the glory days. That was my kinda PVP. I still have several worn out joysticks gathering dust on top of a bookshelf. The more recent iterations, meh.

As for PVP in MMOs, the ground-based PVP in STO was a lot of fun a few years ago, most fun MMO PVP I've ever played -- at least before you hit max level and everything went to Sto'Vo'Kor. Dunno about now, though. Haven't played STO in ages. I played the Alliance Battles thing in old Guild Wars on occasion. See also: Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood. But it was never a primary focus. Took a stab or two at the PVP in COH way back when, but maaan, those kitten stalkers. The sPvP here -- I played a little, a few years ago. Got old really quick, so...  /e shrug

Free pie (in Real Life tm)for a year might entice me to play more sPvP here. I'm also quite fond of cash. A trip through time to a 1973 or earlier Led Zeppelin concert. If time travel is a no go, a modern day Khruangbin concert, maybe. Those guys JAM. Check out that Pitchfork Live concert on the youtubes. Woo.

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