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what would get you to play more sPvP?


what would get you to play more sPvP?  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. what would get you to play more sPvP?

    • Better rewards
    • Better class balance
    • Stop with all the nerfs/ Reverse alot of the nerf patches.
    • Newer maps/ content
    • Different game modes ( something other then the capture the point)
    • Better method to deal grievers/trolls/bots/afks/etc
    • Not interested at all ( nothing will change my mind)
    • Other

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The only thing that would ever get me out of PvE is if Alliance Battles and Guild v. Guild come back to Tyria. I used to play those modes a ton in the original Guild Wars and I miss them. If the original game still had a healthy Alliance Battle population, I'd ditch GW2 in a snap.

Alternatively, I like more lul PvP game modes like Dragon Ball from Lunar New Year and the Snowball Fight from Wintersday. If something more that style were to be introduced in sPvP then I could be coaxed away from my PvE-only life. Maybe.

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Matchmaking will improve if more players did pvp. A couple things need to happen to not only get new people interested, but to keep veterans from quitting.

1. More frequent balance and an overhaul to traits and weapons. Peoole are tired of the lack of build variety.

2. Give some damage back to cc skills and add toughness back into pvp. Nerf some cc durations overall. I think thats the best way to deal with cc spam.

I know people will say the game has too much sustain which is true in some cases, but overall dps professions have far too easy a time bursting down targets when being focused properly.  Slowing down the pace of the game and allowing those side node fights to better dictate the outcome of a game is more fun to watch and more fun to play overall. Feel free to disagree.

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38 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Matchmaking will improve if more players did pvp. A couple things need to happen to not only get new people interested, but to keep veterans from quitting.

1. More frequent balance and an overhaul to traits and weapons. Peoole are tired of the lack of build variety.

2. Give some damage back to cc skills and add toughness back into pvp. Nerf some cc durations overall. I think thats the best way to deal with cc spam.

I know people will say the game has too much sustain which is true in some cases, but overall dps professions have far too easy a time bursting down targets when being focused properly.  Slowing down the pace of the game and allowing those side node fights to better dictate the outcome of a game is more fun to watch and more fun to play overall. Feel free to disagree.

I think getting new people interested is key. The game as a whole has a great community and large population. The PvE-land open world could do a much better job of introducing the player base to PvP by way of optional world events.

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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Arenanet starting to try to balance the mode instead of stomping Warrior into the ground for no rational reason and pushing Necromancer up into the skies would be a nice start.

This one and:

> more aggressive/visible repercussions for match manipulation/wintrading/throwing matches

> New maps/Game modes when the above two are in a healthy spot. 

If just joining a match as a zerker makes your team nervous, something's really wrong. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Interesting poll.  I checked almost all of the boxes except for “revert nerfs”.  The only reason I didn’t check that is that I wasn’t playing prior to the mega-balance patch, so I don’t know exactly what that would mean.  I don’t have personal experience with whether it was generally better or worse.  

I do think there are some ridiculous nerfs in PvP mode (e.g. 300s CDs on traits).  And it’s a bummer that build diversity is so low.  Probably some new maps / game modes would help with that.  While the current maps do have some secondary objectives, I don’t think any of those change what you build for, really.

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To have a healthier sPvP scene, we need players. To have players, we need to keep older players around and hook in new players. Older players, I think, tend to lean towards more refined class balance, game modes, and rewards, while new players just need a solid new player experience. The latter currently does not exist in any form and, imo, should be a top priority for whenever anet wants to do the steam release.


Where the two overlap should be the primary focus. Vet players don't like the balance and new players will have a terrible experience depending on how things are balanced - I'd start with UI functionality, animations and ensuring they're all clear/distinct/appropriate for the impact of the skill, then go from there. The base needs to be strong, otherwise even adding new content will be tainted by lingering issues. Doesn't matter how good the new modes are if the classes we're using to play in those modes still have a ton of issues.

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26 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

I think duo q removal would be a huge step in the right direction, if not it would still be fun to watch all  "i want to play with my friends" drama when we know the issue is "without duo q i cant exploit my way to whatever ranking i'm aiming for"

Good heavens, imagine wanting to play with friends in an MMO.

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Fix this kitten MMR so instead of targeting a win  rate of 50:50, it will at least attempt to place players of the same skill level together.

The MMR should not be the most important factor in who wins and who loses. Neither should it be able to determine who is going to be the winner before the match starts.

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9 minutes ago, Xentera.4560 said:

Fix this kitten MMR so instead of targeting a win  rate of 50:50, it will at least attempt to place players of the same skill level together.

The MMR should not be the most important factor in who wins and who loses. Neither should it be able to determine who is going to be the winner before the match starts.

There are multiple issues at play. You always will need a system to approximate players skill level. MMR or otherwise. And match making will attempt to get players in even matches. The first issue is lack of population. You need hundreds, if not thousands of players, queing simultaneously for match making to works. I do not think more than hundred players play spvp in an entire day. Second, which builds on the first, you want all 10 players MMR to be very close to each other. Have G2 players and P1+ players in the game is a formula for disaster. And of course good diversity and class balance. Both are… mediocre. Long story short, it aint working. 

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And someone just killed this thread. The point of the poll was to survey broader audience not just pvp players. The results will greatly vary if you survey full game population in general forum or players that are already dedicated to the mode.

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Wow this poll is coming along.

I could have added better/balance matchmaking to the poll,  but I'd figured that an increase population would help with that some what.

My top picks were;

- A new game type (capture the point was never really that popular, even in the beta)

- Better balance and stop with the constant nerfs.

Imo fixing a class that is dominant doesn't have to mean nerf it to the ground, just improve the tool other classes have to deal with it. Like if a condi build is an issue, improve some of the cleanses available to the classes that are struggling.

Im also confused to why they decided to do a pass on most of the skills for damage when they could have adjusted the weapon damage or amulet stats them selves. If they made them rare instead of exotic level, then you wouldn't have needed so many splits between game modes.


Edit: Aww just realized this thread got moved, why? This needed to be in general, disappointing.

Edited by BobbyT.7192
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I begrudgingly agree that matchmaking is the biggest hurdle there. Nothing screams "that's enough PvP for today" moreso than 500-50 blowout games and they're about as common as sunshine and lumbago.

Especially bad for new players that haven't quite learned to enjoy the pain.


DuoQ and merged queues are a big part of this, but rather than just removing the option to queue together I think they should have a SoloQ only arena as well as a TeamQ/AnyQ style team arena with respective leaderboards.

I would also like to point out that options 2 and 3 on your poll appear to be the same option, just worded different.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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IMO the most healthy and sustainable way to increase the population of sPvP is to

1: Reexamine all class abilities/mechanics which are build gatekeepers (things like instat-cast skills, skill stacking, ports, stealth, etc. . . ) and redesign them to be very counter-playable without requiring a specific build. 


2: Reexamine the UI and related infrastructure that sPvP is built upon and update it to actually flow with the rest of the game including but not limited to: Allowing spectating for anyone on non-very high ranked matches, providing the ability to save previous participated matches for rewatch, providing an incentive to play in the generic custom arenas or unranked matches if you don't feel like being competitive.


3: Finally, launch new festival (few weeks long) that rewards all players VERY WELL for participating in sPvP. This event is then part of the normal festival rotation so new players will always have a reason to check out sPvP.

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9 hours ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

iT needs to be treated like PvP was treated in GW1

GW1 was built around pvp combat dynamics. GW2 its a poorly balanced and designed sidegame thats only ever been pushed by the marketing dpt. And yes the devs themselves have said that the old "Esports!" meme was all marketing.

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  • Re-design/re-balance the game's combat around giving the individual professions role-based access to mount-style movement and unique area denial abilities. 
  • Fold the e-spec system into a universal pool for each respective profession. 
  • Make traits less impactful; move their impact onto individual, active skills with clear telegraphs and scaling wind-up mechanics.
  • Less instant-cast abilities; balance combat around a more universal rhythm cycle.
  • If an attack deals damage to a selected target, it cannot allow you to teleport or negate damage at the same time.
  • Give players the tools to make and edit their own maps (even if it's just conquest mode).

This is all to say that GW2 is fundamentally busted, and there's basically no way that anet would ever make it into a truly unique and engaging PvP experience.  The game needs a roadmap.  The roadmap that anet published and marketed is not a meaningful roadmap; it's just a collection of banal platitudes.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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