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Black lion Voucher's are weird

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Hi, I don't know if this is a topic that matters or not... I just was wondering why the Black lion Vouchers don't update at all and makes me regret buying the 2k gem packs inorder to obtain them.

Like I saw the vouchers and I'm like, "that's cool, buy"... and now I have 5 of them in my bank that I cant use because I already bought the skins that are linked too them.     I don't know if this was the original poupous of the tickets or not but their value feels rather... worthless now... like I just wasted a ton of cash.  [2 Black Lion Weapons Vouchers][Black Lion Outfit Voucher][Black Lion Backpack and Glider Voucher][Black Lion Chair Voucher]  


So here is my question.
 - "Why do the black lion vouchers not updated with the new items that come out?"


Why does this matter?

- Well It gives these items some massive value for everyone, even if the new skin you drop is worth less then the Voucher it is still exciting to be like "I HAVE A THING FOR THAT!!" and my skrit brain goes "ooo obtained! boy am I glad I bought that Package deal."
I've bought 4 such deals before so about 8k gems... but now I don't feel any incentive to purchase them in the future so for me at least those have lost a customer in their current state.   Not sure if anyone else feels this way or if its just me...


Thanks for listening to my useless rambling, have a nice day!

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They are updated periodically.

I have to wonder;  did you purchase 4 such bundles at once?  Or did you purchase them, each, at a different time?  If so, why would you do so, knowing that the Vouchers are not something you can use?

Regardless, it is always best to check the Wiki to find out, exactly, what any item includes; especially higher-cost items.

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