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Guild Hall NPC Decorations

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Guild Halls feel empty, there is a real lack of ambient life. If we go by the lore, they are supposed to be guild strongholds, strategic bases in our fight against the current enemy.

One awesome way to show this would be soldier NPCs that we could place inside, from our various alliances we've made over the years, from Skritt and Vigil soldiers all the way to Kestrals and Ministry Guards. There could also be heroes like Rytlock and Braham, entertainment NPCs such as dancers and musicians, or even working class NPCs that keep the guild running such as cooks and repairmen. But of course the most important in my opinion would be guild guards, wearing guild armor, equiped with guild weapons and standing watch.


And they could be unlocked in a variety of different ways, from:

1. Story unlocks (i'm thinking for hero NPCs)

2. Achievement unlocks

3. Vendor unlocks (the vender could be called a "Guild Recruiter" and the currency you pay would be the "recruitment fees")

4. Crafting unlocks(such as crafting the guild armor for your guild guards.)


And of course, ANet could take a page out of SWToR's book and sell them on the gem store, which would give the game an additional source of revenue. 

Edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679
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Id also like to see Mount NPCs and Mount Nest, with eggs and juvenile NPCs. 

This would especially be amazing if there was an achievement where we had to collect uncorrupted baby saltspray eggs, and as a reward we got a saltspray nest for the guild hall. Since there is that whole thing about them being on the verge of extinction. 

Edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679
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Being able to add some moving creatures to it would be nice. Some saltspray dragon hatchlings might be fun...have a nest as a scribe crafting thing.  Have a little story about some abandoned eggs, small collection, and add some fun friends to your guild hall where they have a safe place to grow.  I did the mechanical orchestra, can't be any more complex lol.

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