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Bring legendaries to the gemstore just like china servers have it. COME ON ANET!

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On 4/25/2022 at 5:49 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Paying so you can skip playing the game always seemed completely pointless and misguided to me and so does this thread . I only agree with one word from your post: lataz 🙋‍♂️


On 4/25/2022 at 5:59 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

I am not necessarily in favor of the OP's suggestion, but very little of the legendary crafting process feels like, "playing the game," to me.

Yeah, it's mostly using wiki and farming gold when you realize that's far faster than trying to track down each massive stack of mats individually. So much of this game leads to gold because that makes Anet money from gem to gold exchange.

Also, is it skipping the game if someone buys a gemstore skin? Or does it only count as skipping if they put it behind content... 🤨

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2 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:


Yeah, it's mostly using wiki and farming gold when you realize that's far faster than trying to track down each massive stack of mats individually. So much of this game leads to gold because that makes Anet money from gem to gold exchange.

Also, is it skipping the game if someone buys a gemstore skin? Or does it only count as skipping if they put it behind content... 🤨

Solid points.


For me a huge part of the game is fiddling around with builds....testing on the golem, and then "in the field." The legendary creation process is an obstacle between me and one of my favorite parts of the game, not part of the game itself. It feels more like having to log out of game in the middle of doing something fun to go to work than anything else.

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3 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Solid points.


For me a huge part of the game is fiddling around with builds....testing on the golem, and then "in the field." The legendary creation process is an obstacle between me and one of my favorite parts of the game, not part of the game itself. It feels more like having to log out of game in the middle of doing something fun to go to work than anything else.

I feel that. I'm currently pursuing a legendary weapon myself and it often feels like I'm having to choose between doing something else in the interim and making solid progress on it. Like I could work on some mastery achievements for their part in legendary trinket, for example, but that would involve a lot of trial and error on story missions probably, and wouldn't be getting be much progress on the legendary weapon.

It's great that there are ways you can piddle around in this game and just enjoy yourself, but it's a shame that tends to hold you back on progress toward the coolest items.

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Legendaries are only visual fluff anyway and don't really add anything above ascended items, except a little bit of convenience.

If Anet made Gen 1 and 3 weapons available for Gems, I would not care less. If it adds funds into the coffers of Anet to help keep the game alive, then I would welcome it.

It is highly unlikely I would ever buy one for gems. I'm too poor. I would prefer to make them anyway. The journey making the weapon is more entertaining than the weapon itself, for me.

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3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

For me a huge part of the game is fiddling around with builds....testing on the golem, and then "in the field." The legendary creation process is an obstacle between me and one of my favorite parts of the game, not part of the game itself. It feels more like having to log out of game in the middle of doing something fun to go to work than anything else.

You know what would fix this problem and not tank the economy and make certain metas and farming maps desolate lands? Allow people to change their stats in Special Forces Training Area and add an option that also benches of healing and boon uptime. Sure, I'm down for people to theory craft with builds. Actually, that would be great! But...making legendries or legendary utility easily accessible would have catastrophic consequences in the economy, map populations, and player retention. 

But honestly, if you love that much about the game, then how about work on your legendaries? That's what most people did that want that. Why else would people attempt and train to do hard content? It is definitely not the gold per hour... Even if people like hard content, there generally has to be a carrot at the end of the stick to persevere through it. GW2 is one of the few MMOs that has capped gear that once you get it, you will NEVER EVER have to farm for new gear again. Obviously, if everyone got to this stage...that'd be a big problem.

Legendries and the QoL they provide are suppose to be difficult and not obtainable by every player. It is suppose to be the motivation to push players into the end game. Even casual players can make incremental progress towards many legendaries. It may take many months or even years if you don't have much time, but it isn't impossible. In the meantime, the community thanks you for your purchase of inscriptions, insignias, runes, sigils, materials, and joining metas (you know? playing the game) to supply your build craft habit.

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Hello and welcome back to another episode of people 

Doesn't understand why "long term goals" exist

Being lazy and make short-sighted suggestion without caring if that gonna hurt the game

Throw out the word "casual" as an excuse everytime

Stay tuned cause GW2 forum never fail to make you cringed and facepalmed

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9yrs in this game, every legendary except gen 3, and u wanna buy ur way to what I have accomplished over all this time? Mate what herb u been smoking. If buying it is to important for u, just buy gems, convert to gold, craft a gen 2 using thst gold or go buy a gen 1 or 2.  Ur idea for NA sense, is idiotic. All u would do is flood the game with legendaries, a new player will never need to progress, all crafting in the game is pointless, how do u not understand that what u are proposing is literally skipping to endgame, soon as u make a brand new account? U basically kill any development that went into this game. U kill the t6 mat market, map comp as much as its tedious, pointless now, gold generating through legendary flipping, pointless. Ur idea will literally kill a game. 

Edited by msquared.3452
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10 hours ago, MrGarlic.1834 said:

Legendaries are only visual fluff anyway and don't really add anything above ascended items, except a little bit of convenience


Never ever needing to farm for armor, rings, backpacks, runes, sigils or trinkets across all your characters on your entire account, that can also be freely transmuted with no TM charge cost ever, can be endlessly rerolled with absolutely no cost whatsoever, and can have upgrades removed from them without needing extractors is a 'little bit of convenience'?

Dude. xD

Adding my hard no to buying legendaries in the gemstore. Just gem up your wallet and buy them off the trading post if it's that big of an issue. Enjoy the conversion rates.

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The legendary armour gating stuff like multiple appearances and stat changes is stupid. I miss how in gw1 I could change my attributes any time we wanted in an outpost. I miss how in other games I can save multiple appearances. GW2 is so kittening awkward in its decision to gate these things with a grind that addicts just cannot fathom as being soulless.

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This would practically devalue them and the effort it takes to make them. Also it would make the game slightly pay to win since they have the same stat increase as ascended with the bonus to swap stats on the go. Full ascended is the least requirement in overall group content these days with full legendary being a bonus requirement. The stat swap and the legendary armory is very helpful for when you have to change your class/build/role for each boss to have the best composition of your squad. 
If you could just buy these pieces (especially armor) there's no actual proof of your skill or experience (yes, you could still ping LI but you can cheat at LI pinging just as well) and it would also grant an advantage to rich people. 

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On 4/26/2022 at 12:19 AM, Gorem.8104 said:

waitwaitwaitwait Chinese players can buy legendries for money directly from the store? That's so dumb. That kinda defeats the purpose of playing the game at all. Plus I mean you can always just buy gold and do it, it being direct feels like a cliff that no one should jump 

Sorry to break it to you but you can swipe your card for almost anything in this game. If you can't buy something with gold you can pay people to do the content for you, like buying raid clears.

ArenaNet does legal RMT (real money trading).

Edited by DirtyDan.4759
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On 4/26/2022 at 1:56 AM, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:


Plus if they actually did do this and put legendarys in the gem store it would be interesting to see what they price them as. Because 65 to 85 euros I think would be over priced for a legendary. 

Compare how many hours it ttakes to aquire a weapon ingame compared to how many hours it takes for you to work to earn 65 euro

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On 4/26/2022 at 2:51 PM, Aridon.8362 said:

Yikes! That could kill the game, the economy of the game relies on the destruction of materials, remove that, and you have a pay to win Guild Wars.

How would it kill the economy if it works fine in China, their game must have the same or similar economies.


Look at all these people who make money off legendaries getting upset lol

Edited by Dante.1508
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21 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

But honestly, if you love that much about the game, then how about work on your legendaries? 

Primarily because there is almost nothing enjoyable in the acquisition process. If I am going to not play the game then I might as well not play the game. So instead I play the game without legendary weapons and trinkets (almost done with the wvw armor though) and make a point to spend less money on the game than I otherwise would.

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On 4/26/2022 at 12:32 AM, DeanBB.4268 said:

I suppose Anet could give them the WvW legendary treatment, where instead of your gem store legendary being Twilight, it would be Iron Greatsword, for example. Still charge a bundle for them, though.

Or they could just, you know, not. 🤷‍♂️

But then it's timegated 15-20 hours of active WvW a week for 4 weeks (literal part time job) and not much gold is gained during it. 😮

Making the current legendary weapons is a lot faster than the WvW or Spvp treatment lol. When I had like 1k gold and a lot of laurels saved up it took me 2 days to make the Xiuquatl after they announced Specter. Most of the time was spent buying things and then doing math cuz the amount I ordered failed and standing around forever waiting for things to finish crafting and a few misc stuff like gift of battle.

If anything I'd wish the WvW legendary armor was buyable or a blank canvas version that is since I'm not even using the skins.

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12 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

The legendary armour gating stuff like multiple appearances and stat changes is stupid. I miss how in gw1 I could change my attributes any time we wanted in an outpost. I miss how in other games I can save multiple appearances. GW2 is so kittening awkward in its decision to gate these things with a grind that addicts just cannot fathom as being soulless.

GW1 and GW2's builds systems are substantially different from one another, my guy. Though if you like that system more, then by all means, play GW1. Still a decent population there at last check, no?

Legendary armor has those features baked in because it's legendary. You can get by fine without it. Ascended armor and weapons can be rerolled in the forge relatively painlessly. Once you have the LS3/4/5 mat farms you can buy sets of ascended trinkets easily. Certain ascended stuff can even be rerolled with the purchase of cheap items like mist capacitors, bloodstone capacitors, etc. If you really want multiple looks for your armor, craft multiple sets of ascended armor and reskin each to suit whatever look you want. That's a grind, but it's not, as you put it, 'soulless'. Or if that's still too soulless for you, buy exotics and reskin those.

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I have no interest in legendaries. I do not craft and I will not pay the trading post prices for much. But... I appreciate that GW2 is not pay to win, and I want it to stay that way.  The gem store is mostly useless skins, and some quality of life stuff (I am not the target demographic).  I have not seen actual armor or weapons in the gem store - and do not want to. 

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54 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If I am going to not play the game then I might as well not play the game.

I agree with you 100%.
So, no gemstore legendaries then, right?

But anyway, I'm glad to hear that it's not such a big deal for you and that you've found a way to engage with the game that you find acceptable and enjoyable. Most people don't skip happily along the road of legendary acquisition (which consists of legendary farms). Most of my friends find it grueling to a certain degree and do it because of the QoL it provides. If you don't deem that QoL valuable enough to persevere through hard content and long grinds, then well...simply put you don't care enough about legendaries--otherwise you'd do it.

Legendaries are (and hopefully never will be) a form of "instant gratification".

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7 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

I agree with you 100%.
So, no gemstore legendaries then, right?

But anyway, I'm glad to hear that it's not such a big deal for you and that you've found a way to engage with the game that you find acceptable and enjoyable. Most people don't skip happily along the road of legendary acquisition (which consists of legendary farms). Most of my friends find it grueling to a certain degree and do it because of the QoL it provides. If you don't deem that QoL valuable enough to persevere through hard content and long grinds, then well...simply put you don't care enough about legendaries--otherwise you'd do it.

Legendaries are (and hopefully never will be) a form of "instant gratification".

Buying a gemstore legendary would not prevent me from playing the game. Making a legendary weapon would.

However, I can already buy a legendary for real money via gems to gold conversion....actually Ive enough gold to buy a few gen 1 now for that matter. I just dont consider the gold cost to be acceptable. Perhaps if the writing for the game improves that extra layer of engagement will make it worth my while.

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5 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

I agree with you 100%.
So, no gemstore legendaries then, right?

But anyway, I'm glad to hear that it's not such a big deal for you and that you've found a way to engage with the game that you find acceptable and enjoyable. Most people don't skip happily along the road of legendary acquisition (which consists of legendary farms). Most of my friends find it grueling to a certain degree and do it because of the QoL it provides. If you don't deem that QoL valuable enough to persevere through hard content and long grinds, then well...simply put you don't care enough about legendaries--otherwise you'd do it.

Legendaries are (and hopefully never will be) a form of "instant gratification".

Making legendaries isn't really playing the game in my opinion.. more like standing around and going to the TP a lot for materials.

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1 hour ago, Dante.1508 said:

Making legendaries isn't really playing the game in my opinion.. more like standing around and going to the TP a lot for materials.

And where do you think those materials come from...?
Or where do you get the gold to "go to the TP"?

Sure you may swipe for it (and that's fine for you, I appreciate you buying my materials), but I think you have an awfully narrowminded view on how virtual worlds are interconnected with others, especially when it comes to virtual economies.

So then, I ask you, how is making a gemstore purchase, "playing the game"?  You may not enjoy buying a bunch of materials, but you can't argue that the alternative methods proposed in this thread can be classified as "playing the game"? A game presents a certain set of challenges given specific parameters that you have to overcome. These posts are all the same, they literally are begging Anet to "remove parameters" so people can get a "reward" for whatever they feel is "suitable". Rise to the challenge gamers!!

Anyway, I am done here... It's obvious that what all these kinds of posts really want is just "easy leggies please". I mean, even Ashen's post above makes that crystal clear. Even though he admits he could buy a Gen 1 or whatever, he thinks it's too "expensive". 

5 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

However, I can already buy a legendary for real money via gems to gold conversion....actually Ive enough gold to buy a few gen 1 now for that matter. I just dont consider the gold cost to be acceptable


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heres the funny thing, this literally already is in the game but with extra steps. i have 5 legendary weapons all bought from tp including my xiuqautl i already had all the mats to make that just from playing story mode HoT on multiple characters and doing all the maps while going through story didn't take long at all like a week or so due to laziness. legendary weapons being a prestige item is an illusion. when all i did to get mine was swipe a credit card with minimal gameplay using boosters for gift of battle in wvw took a few hours, complete joke easy mode. any materials i didn't have bought all on tp . if you think legendary weapons are prestige that's some real good copium. i been playing 7 years and buying legendary weapons this way has not made me quit because "there is nothing to do" this game has plenty to do and i love it. also i wont read any reply so have fun being ignored.

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