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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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The harder it gets, the more prestiged it becomes.

Skyscale is a trophy, im happy to have it now, after working hard as much as everybody else.


I would hate and feel cheated if someone would get it easier than me.

Want what I have? Then do what i did. If not, there's other games where you can get a flying mount for free

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5 hours ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

The harder it gets, the more prestiged it becomes.

Skyscale is a trophy, im happy to have it now, after working hard as much as everybody else.


I would hate and feel cheated if someone would get it easier than me.

Want what I have? Then do what i did. If not, there's other games where you can get a flying mount for free

I think that's the way I would get. I remember in Overwatch, D-Va was one of my favourites. They released the Officer D-Va skin. Cattch was you needed to play 9 games of Heroes of the Storm, teamed with another player. So I gotta find someone to play, (Not being a HotS player that means find someone willing to team with a noob) and play 9 games of it.  We had a few weeks or something to do it. Anyway, a few weeks after that they made it a loot box or 1000 credit skin. As easy to get as B-Va or Junebug. And those of use who played HotS for it got nothing new. I'd have been all for opening the event again every few months, not make it permanently unobtainable after it. But not just making it a normal skin like they did.

So yeah, I agree with what you are saying, we put in the effort for the mount, why shouldn't the next person?

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I havent played in years, came back and have been loving the game, bough all the stuff i was missing, some living world seasons, end of dragons. Been about 2 months and im not even at end of dragons yet. But i got caught up doing the roller beetle, then went on to getting a skyscale .....well what i can i say Anet, you have completely sucked the fun out of the game for me and as im typing this im downloading a new game to play, so good job and creating the worst grind I have ever personally experienced in any mmo. I would swear at you right now but that would probably just get this deleted. 

After grinding my way for almost 2 weeks i get to the saddle making part and thats where i lost it, I dont have enough resources to get the parts. And then i start adding up the time to grind those resources either through achievements or grinding out harvesting nodes and im looking at weeks more. Im sure this all made sense when the skyscale was new and players were stuck grinding at the end of pof and had piles of accumulated resources  and nothing better to do. But any new player ( upcoming steam release ) or returning player like me is just trying to pass through content and doesnt have whats needed. 

I expect you will have a lot more people giving up like i have once they see how absolutely painfully terrible and funsucking that grind is. Its just unacceptable at this point.

I recommend you either put the unlock in the black lion merchant ,( preferred, i would literally pay anything to be done with this now) or seriously scale back the required resources and hell take out some of the grind , its pointless and just terrible, its punishing for no reason. 

Anyways just want to say I hate you for ruining the fun i was having up until then, swear word swear word swear word...peace out.

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If timegates aren't your thing this game probably isn't for you. Its not a fast paced heart racing game (Some of its harder content might be). The game is about taking your time after all there is 9 years+ worth of content to experience and its easy to get overwhelmed if you could do everything at once.

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It's is not very difficult to earn 250 of each required material via the 'Return to...' achievements.  Out of 7 needed in this example, 3 are just gathering 4 to 10 of the map's gathering materials: logs, minerals, crops.  Another is just complete the Renown Hearts, once.  Etc.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Return_to_Long_Live_the_Lich#achievement5947

There's one for each map and the map's materials needed.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Return

Good luck. 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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32 minutes ago, Warlander.1384 said:

I havent played in years, came back and have been loving the game, bough all the stuff i was missing, some living world seasons, end of dragons. Been about 2 months and im not even at end of dragons yet. But i got caught up doing the roller beetle, then went on to getting a skyscale .....well what i can i say Anet, you have completely sucked the fun out of the game for me and as im typing this im downloading a new game to play, so good job and creating the worst grind I have ever personally experienced in any mmo. I would swear at you right now but that would probably just get this deleted. 

After grinding my way for almost 2 weeks i get to the saddle making part and thats where i lost it, I dont have enough resources to get the parts. And then i start adding up the time to grind those resources either through achievements or grinding out harvesting nodes and im looking at weeks more. Im sure this all made sense when the skyscale was new and players were stuck grinding at the end of pof and had piles of accumulated resources  and nothing better to do. But any new player ( upcoming steam release ) or returning player like me is just trying to pass through content and doesnt have whats needed. 

I expect you will have a lot more people giving up like i have once they see how absolutely painfully terrible and funsucking that grind is. Its just unacceptable at this point.

I recommend you either put the unlock in the black lion merchant ,( preferred, i would literally pay anything to be done with this now) or seriously scale back the required resources and hell take out some of the grind , its pointless and just terrible, its punishing for no reason. 

Anyways just want to say I hate you for ruining the fun i was having up until then, swear word swear word swear word...peace out.

 I LOVE this kind of post lol. Its so much fun!


1. Im glad you returned to GW2. ITs the best game out there when you get all the pros and cons!

2. So you liked the easy Roller Bettle huh? I don't even remember how i got him, because it was so easy i didn't care

3. Skyscale is the ULTIMATE mount. And one of the reasons is because of how hard it is to get it. The issue here is you. The collection is about saving and creating a bond, then feeding and training your own skyscale. If you just saw it as: "Collect 50 items, then spend gold on foods, tricks and grind currencies" then you didn't get the point of the collection at all.

4. Players still grind for Skyscalle, even while having tons of content. Just go to Dragonfall and see for yourself. Heck ppl are even grinding for Griffin till this day 

5. The "oh, ppl will leave" argument is invalid. I only see more and more ppl getting the baby dragon. Im not saying that grinding is great, but im talking about Work and Reward. If your work is low, the Reward doesn't feel as much rewarding as it could be.

6. So you think its fair to put Skyscale unlock on a paywall? Why is your time so much more valuable than everybody else? Why do you have to get it easier when we did the whole proccess? Why don't you think about someone else for a second instead of getting inflated with your own EGO?

7. Skyscale is a LEGENDARY MOUNT. So it makes sense for it to be just as hard to get as a LEGENDARY item. At this rate i doubt you ever made one legendary which wasn't buyable on TP so you could open your wallet and get it on the go.


Have fun somewhere else, where you can get anything for minimum effort. Try Oldschool Runescape, you'll love how Grindless it is :D

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52 minutes ago, Warlander.1384 said:

I expect you will have a lot more people giving up like i have once they see how absolutely painfully terrible and funsucking that grind is. Its just unacceptable at this point.

If I had a penny for every time somebody said this, I'd have like 20 cents.

Loads of people have done this and gotten their Skyscales. I see them around all the time. Go to any world boss or popular meta and you'll see them hanging in the sky waiting for the event to start.

Is it grindy? Sure, a bit. Is it time-gated? Sure. Is it too much? Depends on who you ask, but those who completed it, invariably say it was worth it in the end. You only have to do it once and all your characters get this mount.

I mean, you have done most of it and then you decide to quit just before the end? See the post by Inculpatus cedo...the return chapters are key here. Honestly after you get the saddle you just have to talk to Gorrik and close a bunch of rifts with your skyscale around Tyria. You're so close. Giving up now would be insane.


Edited by Gehenna.3625
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if u did LS4 without skycale, theres no need to for rush it;. basically IBS are all almost  flat maps, and EOD is friendly to other mounts.


when skycale is really helpfull, is if u going make old scavenger hunt like achievments or cheese JP's, or DragonFall farming;

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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12 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

"Worst grind in any MMO" 

Tell me you never played an MMO before without telling me you never played an MMO before. 

Yeah I remember Aion Online (also an NcSoft game) and the grind in there was 10 times worse. You had to fight over nodes to begin with, unlike GW2 where everybody gets to farm the same nodes. And that's just one example of why grind was worse in that MMO.

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This thread is such an over-exaggeration.

In my Facebook group, we have posts of people getting their skyscale almost every day. I can safely say that I don't recall anyone ragequitting (or threatening to ragequit) in posts or comments. Most people know ahead of time that it's going to take some time, and that it's worth it. And so they endure the collections. In fact, several members have repeated the entire thing on alt accounts. I'm one of them. It really wasn't as horrible as you make it out to be.

There are way worse grinds in other MMOs, by the way. Skyscale was a cakewalk in comparison.

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These posts are hilarious, too grindy? Guess you never tried Path of Exile of Warframe talk about an endless grind. I am super casual and disabled, it took me literally years to get griffon and skyscale. But it was fun as well as frustrating and rewarding since I usually enjoy the story and open world.


Sometimes achievements are easy others are long and complicated by design because farming the materials takes you into the story, world and events. It keeps open world maps dynamic and populated.


As others stated the skyscale is an optional endgame mount that enhances game play but does not define it. If the optional perks are the only aspect of the game you enjoy then of course you are disappointed and rage quitting.

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1 hour ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

 I LOVE this kind of post lol. Its so much fun!


1. Im glad you returned to GW2. ITs the best game out there when you get all the pros and cons!

2. So you liked the easy Roller Bettle huh? I don't even remember how i got him, because it was so easy i didn't care

3. Skyscale is the ULTIMATE mount. And one of the reasons is because of how hard it is to get it. The issue here is you. The collection is about saving and creating a bond, then feeding and training your own skyscale. If you just saw it as: "Collect 50 items, then spend gold on foods, tricks and grind currencies" then you didn't get the point of the collection at all.

4. Players still grind for Skyscalle, even while having tons of content. Just go to Dragonfall and see for yourself. Heck ppl are even grinding for Griffin till this day 

5. The "oh, ppl will leave" argument is invalid. I only see more and more ppl getting the baby dragon. Im not saying that grinding is great, but im talking about Work and Reward. If your work is low, the Reward doesn't feel as much rewarding as it could be.

6. So you think its fair to put Skyscale unlock on a paywall? Why is your time so much more valuable than everybody else? Why do you have to get it easier when we did the whole proccess? Why don't you think about someone else for a second instead of getting inflated with your own EGO?

7. Skyscale is a LEGENDARY MOUNT. So it makes sense for it to be just as hard to get as a LEGENDARY item. At this rate i doubt you ever made one legendary which wasn't buyable on TP so you could open your wallet and get it on the go.


Have fun somewhere else, where you can get anything for minimum effort. Try Oldschool Runescape, you'll love how Grindless it is 😄

3) No, the point is to get players to go to previous maps to grind currencies. If it was about bonding (with a bunch of pixels?) tben it would be implemented as bonding exercises rather than as chores to go to old maps with limited current population to hit gathering nodes repeatedly.

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14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

3) No, the point is to get players to go to previous maps to grind currencies. If it was about bonding (with a bunch of pixels?) tben it would be implemented as bonding exercises rather than as chores to go to old maps with limited current population to hit gathering nodes repeatedly.

Even if so, whats the problem?

GW2 has so many maps. I love when I have to go back to a map and "rediscover" it somehow.

The Return to series for example has been such an amazing experience so far

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26 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

Even if so, whats the problem?

GW2 has so many maps. I love when I have to go back to a map and "rediscover" it somehow.

The Return to series for example has been such an amazing experience so far

If you really enjoy going back why do you need ANet to make it so you, "have to?"

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8 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

So you dont actually enjoy going back, you just want the reward offered for going back. Totally understood and a reason I respect.


I enjoy revisiting as i do often to help newcomers or do dailies. 

Just saying that the incentive makes something already fun into something even more worthwhile

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2 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Yeah I remember Aion Online (also an NcSoft game) and the grind in there was 10 times worse. You had to fight over nodes to begin with, unlike GW2 where everybody gets to farm the same nodes. And that's just one example of why grind was worse in that MMO.

I remember doing the first dungeon in aion for the weapon 189 times without the right one droping for mt class.

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