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LFG: Is your guild not only helpful, but understanding? (Sea of Sorrows) Updated May 13

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I am looking for the right guild. Please allow me to explain.

I suffer from Psychotic Depression and Social Anxiety Disorder. To say it is extremely difficult for me to group for content would be an understatement.  I have been working on the first tier of The Predator. I cleared everything except the three fractal groups. So I need to find a group and let me walk you through that experience...


1.) Put word out to form group - Shakes, sweating, shortness of breath

2.) Group formed and entering the dungeon - Queue the vomiting

3.) Making mistakes and dying repeatedly - Tears, uncontrollable shaking and then starts the auditory hallucinations

4.) Group starts complaining about my performance - Rage!!! This is what causes me to have to buy new keyboards and start yelling at the voices to shut up

5.) Group decides I am not worth the trouble - F-Bombs in game and at desk. "Screw this game!" and yanks out the Ethernet cord, destruction and screaming follows for a while


Now I have gone through this before with the game which makes me leave for a few years. This is how it is with MANY MMO's I have played. So many games I play until I am forced to group up to complete content; you name it, most likely I've played it. Then people say "MMO's are a social game, if you don't like that then don't play them." Yeah, well other games don't constantly add new content and set loftier goals with each update.


Last time I played was about 3 years ago. My mental health was not as bad as it it now, but the guild I connected with insisted that all members participate in group activities. I tried a few but was always uncomfortable as hell and I rarely spoke. At that time I had a career as a Hotel General Manager and I was good at my job despite the fact I had to always force myself to interact with people. I was able to deal with it at that time. Then the pandemic hit and my bosses had me cut back staff. So not only did I have to do my job, I had to do the jobs of others (Front Desk, Housekeeping and Maintenance). This resulted in me working 16+ hour days, 7 days a week. Then our county got hit with a tornado and all the hotels are booked for weeks due to homelessness. The problem with this was most of the people that came to our hotel were all deadbeats and I had to fight with them every day to get them to pay. Finally I said enough was enough, pay on time or get out. Then this lead to screaming matches and repeated calls to the police to evict people. Why is this relevant? At some point during all of this, something snapped (broke? eroded?) in my brain and now I just can't deal with people at all.

I stepped down as the GM and took up the night audit. Despite seeing only 5 or 6 people during the 8 hour shift, I still could not function and kept getting worse. Even medication does not help. Now I am unable to work and my wife had to start working. I don't even talk on the phone if I can possibly avoid it. I stay home and only leave the house if I absolutely must (ie. doctor appointments, sick kid at school) and even then I am having to pull over to vomit. My therapist insists that I apply for disability but for someone that has worked since they were 12, it seems like giving up and taking the easy way out, like a government bail out. And that also means having to talk and deal with people!


So now that you understand my condition a bit, do you think your guild can accept someone as screwed up as I am. I really rather not quit again, but FFXIV has implemented systems for the solo player to enjoy group content with more to come (which I hope other MMO's will do the same). I did group for the content I had to group for in that game, and I was good at DPS (crappy at tanking and healing), I just never spoke to anyone. I really need help getting these fractals done for my legendary but I also just don't want to join a guild, get what I need and ditch. I would like a guild that is willing to work with me. Not just the leader, not just the officers.


I am on primarily during the days (all 7) and some evenings (when its not my turn to cook). If I can and am able, I try to help others. Please understand that just making this post was difficult for me so reaching out to others in game will also be a challenge!


Thank you for your patience with this wall of text.



Edit: Added more info.



1.) Main - Deadeye, Human: 80 (Artificer/Chef) - 100% World Completion - Commander Tag

2.) Ranger, Silvari: 80  (Leatherworker/Huntsman)

3.) Guardian, Norn: 80 (Weaponsmith/Armorsmith)

4.) Necromancer, Human: 80

5.) Elementalist, Human: 80 (Tailor/Jeweler) - 100% World Completion

6.) Engineer, Charr: 80 (Weaponsmith)

7.) Mesmer, Norn: 80

8.) Warrior, Asura: 70 (Weaponsmith/Armorer)

9.) Warrior, Human: 10 (My Key Gatherer)

10.) Revenant, Human: 11 (Leveling with a friend)

*** I also have 4 lvl 80's on another account, but those are just gathering characters.



Games I have played since I started online gaming (and I am sure I will miss a few):

Ultima Online, Diablo 2, Conquer Online, EverQuest, Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Final Fantasy 11, Phantasy Star Online 1,, Star Wars Galaxies, EVE Online, Kal Online, Knight Online, World of Warcraft (Beta & Live), Guild Wars 1, ROSE Online, Silkroad Online, Uncharted Waters Online, City of Villains, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Fantasy Earth Zero. RF Online, Lord of the Ring Online (Lifetime Sub), Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Age of Conan, Aion, AIKA Online, Star Trek Online (Lifetime Sub), DC Universe Online, Rift (Beta & Live), Star Wars: The Old Republic (Beta & Live), Guild Wars 2 (Beta & Live), Phantasy Star Online 2, The Secret World, Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn (Beta & Live), Neverwinter, Elder Scrolls Online, Black Desert Online, Skyforge - I know there is probably more.

Edited by lordozone.9167
Added my gaming History, Character Info
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Greetings Lordozone,


Thank you for persevering to make this post. I understand just how much effort that took.

I think my little home would be just the place you're looking for. We're called The Gryphons Aerie and we’re a very small, 18+, casual/semi-casual, social and close-knit, PvE family on Tarnished Coast.  As long as you're on a NA-based server, you'll be able to tag along with us in our adventures; we don't do any serious participation in WvsW. Our current peak time tends to be in the mid-late evening EST (UTC-5), starting around reset, but we would love to have others from a variety of other time zones as well to keep the adventures going. We try to have a mix of scheduled events and random things during the week according to what folks want to do. We also love helping both new and returning players get back on their feet.

We’re willing to help out with any and all questions as best as we can, whether it's dungeons/Fractals, builds, and other general game questions. All you need to do is ask.

We also don’t do the “speed runs”, exploits, etc, nor require anyone to bring a specific class or build for any dungeon run. Bring whatever you want and we'll have fun regardless. We gladly teach any content we're doing and take as much time as necessary so that everyone understands when we explain what's going on during the adventure.

We know that RL comes first and stress that fact.
We’ll still be there even if you can’t for a bit of time. Just leave a little note to let us know you'll be away, and all is well.

We do not demand 100% representation.
It’s not our business to tell you who you can and cannot associate with; that choice is yours alone.

We are focused on providing a place where people can feel comfortable and as though they are more than just a name on the roster. We want everyone to feel like family.
We are very LGBTQ+ affirmative and do not tolerate any sort of derogatory words, comments, bigotry etc. toward anyone regardless of nationality, race, religious beliefs, gender identity or sexuality. Anyone violating that policy is subject to immediate removal, no questions asked. We also do our best to accommodate everyone's varying needs whether they have a mental or physical disorder/illness going on.

Ok, you guys sound cool so far. What do I have to do to join?
For more information, and to take the next step in joining us, please visit our Recruitment Advert  and Guild Website

In order to maintain our "quality vs. quantity" aspect and help build the family-like atmosphere of the guild, we do require an application to be submitted on our forums. This application asks only for basic information to help us try to organize things to fit around everyone's schedules and needs and takes just a few minutes.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a note here or contact either myself, sonofall.6757, BoopSanders.6025, or Miggsy.9431 in game and we'll do our best to answer them.

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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to LFG: Is your guild not only helpful, but understanding? (Sea of Sorrows)
12 hours ago, lordozone.9167 said:

@ AriaSilverfyre.8702

I play primarily during the day when the kids are at school, hence a guild that is most active in the evening hours will not work for me. I typically log off to start supper around the time the dailies reset.


Thank you though.

No problem at all. I wish you the best of luck in finding the best place to suit your needs. Feel free to add me to your friend list anyway and whisper me with any questions you have. I'll always be happy to help out. 🙂

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  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to LFG: Is your guild not only helpful, but understanding? (Sea of Sorrows) Updated May 11
  • lordozone.9167 changed the title to LFG: Is your guild not only helpful, but understanding? (Sea of Sorrows) Updated May 13

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